Was it a mistake?

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                                                                               Part II


          This part is exactly the same as the previous one but in Team's pov. So if you guys feel it's repetitive and boring I'm sorry for my poor writing skills. 😢🤧

Teams' pov:

   I didn't know why I was feeling unusually excited and happy today, just at the thought of going to the café, I was over the moon, like those days. Recently I was busy with my new project so I hardly had free time for the past few weeks and I couldn't go to the café. Maybe that's why I was too chirpy early in the morning; I really missed the café and the coffee.

      Today the weather was too perfect not too warm or too cold, just the quiet comforting morning breeze. I chose to walk to my favourite café which would take 10 minutes, instead of riding my bike. After stressful weeks of working on the projects, finally walking alone in this weather would help me better in relaxing. And ... after that incident happened, I still do go to this café our favourite like just now and then. The peaceful ambiance in there along with the coffee gave a kind of serenity that would calm me down and let me regain myself if I was feeling low; sometimes sitting there I would get absorbed in my own thoughts, but in the end when I leave the café, it would wear off everything in my mind leaving me with the contentment, that nothing could bring me these days. No matter what my mood was sad or happy this coffee was all in need, it really had some magic.

       Walking down the streets, I could say there were good numbers of pedestrians on the way like any other day. Soon the café came into my view making me smile brighter, just two buildings across me now, but man why does it look different for me.

Things can change just in few weeks; possibly they might have thought of remodeling the café.

    It looks like they had done a lot of alteration with the appearance from outside, though there were only some small changes added to the decoration with little renovation inside the café. It's not odd and viewing through the glass door, still I could clearly point out it's the same café with new staffs and of course, some new customers who definitely were new faces for me. It was always nice to see new people here. Perhaps this renovation might have been done to attract more customers and besides its Christmas time.

   As I entered in, my eyes wandered automatically to our  table, I saw a group of teenagers in that table reminding me of my lo-... my friends, we used to hang out like them it was either just me and him together or my gang. When we used to come here, we would spend our time like that table was only reserved for us, the crazy things we do and as we were regulars, the staffs didn't mind that. I smiled thinking of those golden moments. People had said it correctly 'old is gold' it's damn true, slowly shaking my head at the thought I moved in from the doorway where I had been standing for few minutes as more people came in and went out. It had been a long time, since I had hanged out with my friends like those days so I thought of asking them out. I took out my mobile from my pocket and quickly unlocked it, the group chat opened as soon as my fingers touched it. I started texting in the group that now had me and my only two best friends - Pharm and Manow. This group chat used to have two more people but after that incident it changed to just me and my two best friends.


Team: hey guys, I came to the café

Team: miss you guys

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