My everything

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                                                                                Part - I

Continuation of 'Was it a mistake? part - I'

Win's pov:

I was still sitting there not moving a muscle for more than 15 minutes now after Team had left.

Meanwhile my mind wandered back to the past reminding those miserable memories that had been embracing me for ages. How do I call it sweet without you in them Team?


                     After breaking up with Team, I was absolutely doomed. I had never expected it to happen; break up was the last thought that could have ever crossed in my mind. Even my fate didn't wish to spare me sometime; I was fired from my job for my conduct as my projects got delayed than the scheduled timing bringing a great loss for the company. Having no job, I spent more time in the night clubs boozing up often, perhaps I would have become an alcoholic by now if my sister didn't step in. She came to knew how much the break-up had affected me from my friends.

                     When it comes to my sister no one can deny her rules and regulations, if I had not mistaken I overheard her nickname was ferocious lion from people in her office, ok I agree maybe she was not violent but surely she was an authoritative one. Ultimately I was forced to oblige her when she ordered me to come back home from my dorm. I needed some time away from that surrounding and she knew it. She might act tough but at heart, she was someone who would always keep an eye on you without your knowledge, even if you didn't ask her help, she would be there for you when you need. She was the blessing everyone needs, but at times she could be more annoying and intrude in your personal life too.

                     Basically whenever I used to go home during the summer breaks, seeing my sister there would be surreal though she still lived with my parents. By that what I try to emphasize was, she was still single and of course I didn't mind it, it's her life, but comparing to me she barely had any romantic relationship, all she knew was how to be successful in business and... yeah dealing with her business nothing more. So I highly doubted if she could ever understand my pain and the mental breakdown I had after the break up.

                    Had it been any other time, I would've turned deaf ear and tried to escape from her nagging once again proving the renowned unwritten testimony that, I was the only rebellious kid in our family among the three siblings. But this time was different, eventually for once I listened to her and returned back home as per her request. After that, one night I came home too drunk, maybe the mix I had with those tequila shots was not a quite good choice I guess and it might had stirred up my depressed self to the level that I was in the verge of losing my mind from the exploding frustration. Unable to bottle up my emotions anymore, and tired of being in the disguise 'I'm doing great, can never be better', I started thrashing things around in my room shouting and yelling like a mad man.

                       When I woke up on the next day, I was too exhausted and could barely open my eyes with a terrible hangover. Adding to it my throat was burning dry, I wanted to do nothing but to fall asleep again. Yet I knew this blaring headache wouldn't let me doze off peacefully anytime soon, stirring on my bed, merely opening my eyes I rose up finally massaging my temples as to soothe the ache. Immediately my attention was entirely drawn towards my surroundings, blinking I tried to get aware of the situation as I silently observed it, I could say two things for sure now: one - my room was a complete chaos and two - I remembered mostly nothing from the previous night.

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