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Special thanks to alicedrarry for giving me this idea ^-^

She checked the system one more time, making sure that everything is in place while taking a sip from her favourite juice.

"Inserting two tagger... timebomb and... done!" She smiled as she finished creating a game for the players.

She then leaned on her chair and watched as the Game Dealers celebrated their victory.

Her eyes landed on a screen where a group of people were arguing what door to choose between 'Live' or 'Die'.

Her lips formed a smirk as the youngest of the group, a student chose the wrong door and was killed immediately by the lasers.

She then closed her computer and grabbed her f/c jacket as she headed to the canteen.

"Yo Y/n!" One of her colleague called her as she placed her tray down the table. "How did the game go?"

"It's finished." She replied while placing a spoonful in her mouth. "Now it's upto the Game Dealers to choose where they want to set the game."

"Must be fun to be a Game Master right?" He took the bread on her plate and started eating it.

She stared at him in boredom as she spin the fork in your hand.

"Not really..."She trailed off as she watched her colleague happily ate the bread. "Being a Game Master requires more work."

"Haha, being a Game Master saves all the work! You even receive the best food in the house! You should recommend me to the Boss." He smirked as he took another food from her plate.

She sigh while pushing her food tray towards him and his eyes sparkled as he started gobbling up the food.

Out of nowhere, she plunged the fork at his hand and he screamed in pain as she held that position.

"There's a reason why there's a Game Master and Game dealers..." She leaned towards his ears as she made sure that he got the message. "Make sure to know your place."

Her colleague nodded and she pulled the fork while throwing it on the table.

Everyone who witnessed the incident either pretended nothing happened or laughed.

"Disgusting pervert." She muttered as she walked out of the room and everyone giving way to her.

Her name was Y/n L/n and she's one of the Game Master. She is well-respected by everyone and she was the leader.

Out of all the Game Masters, they only know Y/n so they will do their best to satisfy her.

She was the only one who knew the boss of the Game and the only one who made her identity known towards the Game Dealers.

"Where are you going Master?" One of the Game Dealer asked and she stopped at the exit while glancing at the person.

"I'm going to join the game, it's getting boring in here." She answered before continuing to walk.

"Be careful Master!" She scoff as she heard the same person worrying about her.

"As if I would need it."


Being a Game Master requires lots of works, which is why you join the game to take a break or to observe the players.

The other reason was you wanted to confuse the players and play as one of the victim that got teleported in the Borderland.

Pretending to be innocent always amuses you as you toy with the player's feelings like a Heart's game.

You haven't really seen a player who deserves to leave the Borderland as everyone will do anything to survive, even if it means killing their friends for their own benefit.

That thought disgusted you as you think of killing your own friend just so you can survive. Although it made sense after you experienced it in the past before.

Everyone will die, that's what on your mind. Well, except for one person that is.

A certain blonde had caught your attention as you watch him succeed every game without getting scratch or relying on someone.

Out of all the players in Borderland, you were sure that he'll make it back to the real world.

"So this is where they set it up, not bad." You commented as you stared at the building in front of you.

You walked past the line and smirked because you know that if you go back, the laser will not kill you.

Only the Game Masters can walk in and out on the lines without getting killed as the system recognizes their identity.

When you were inside, you put on a confuse face as you pretended that it was your first time.

"E-excuse me, what is this place?" You asked but everyone just stared at you.

You scanned around the room and you narrowed your eyes as you saw the blonde guy you've been observing.

'He's here.' You thought as you continued with your act.

You observed as he bounce slightly when he listens to his own music and a small device was charging beside his feet.

"Excuse me, what is this?" You asked him as you showed the phone you were holding.

It seemed that he didn't noticed you so you took one of his headset and started listening to it.

"*Insert favourite song* that's my favourite song!" You commented and this time, he looked at you. "I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n."

He looked down at your hand without removing his hands in his pocket.

"Chishiya, Chishiya Shuntaro."

The Game Master (Chishiya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now