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"The lazy one, is that even a role?" Chishiya questioned and you slightly chuckled.

"It exists to me, I'm too lazy to do anything these days. All I get is complains and the only time I get to rest is when I join the games. Which is why I join more often to escape those people who are trying to pull your hair out." You explained and there was a moment of silence between the two of you.

Chishiya was in a deep thought, trying to figure out what you meant with your sentence while you observed Arisu saving the hat guy.

Not long after, Arisu warned everyone that the Tagger has a limitless sight and to update each other with their location.

"Ah finally, the teamwork begins." You stood up as you start to find things interesting.

"It's a good idea but no one will reply." Chishiya stated and you raised an eyebrow.

"Wanna bet on that?" You challenged and he smirked.

"Sure, the one who lose will owe the winner a favour." It is not like for Chishiya to make bets with stranger but he thinks that it will be interesting if you owe him a favour just in case you two crossed path again in the future.

After all, you were the perfect candidate for his plan.

"Deal." You smirked as you knew you were going to win.

"The Tagger is at the 4th floor, anyone nearby run!" You heard Usagi shouting and you flashed Chishiya a victory smirk.

"Well well well, you owe me a favour blondie." You said and Chishiya just smirked.

"As long as you don't ask for my hoodie it will be fine." Chishiya stated and you rolled your eyes.

"Why would I want your hoodie?"

You continued observering the people before you decided to leave the place.

Time remaining: 6 minutes and 32 seconds

"Well, should we start?" Chishiya suddenly asked you while lowering his hoodie.

"Start what?" You asked him and he looked at you as if you were stupid.

"I'm pretty sure you already know where the safezone is." He said and you felt uneasy as you thought that he found something he shouldn't.

"What do you mean? All I did was observe the players!" You exclaimed and he raised an eyebrow.

"Stop acting dumb, the moment the tagger shoot from a distant, that's when the safezone got revealed. I already know you know this so cut the act." He flicked your forehead and you flinched at the sudden contact.

No one, as in no one had ever touched you or dared to hit you before. You were going to make sure Chishiya will pay for what he did to you but for now, you followed him.

He lead you to the safezone and at the same time, Arisu was heading there.

"So you figured it out as well." Chishiya smirked and you gave Arisu some credits.

"Yeah, the safezone is behind this door." Arisu reached for the door but then hesitated. "Why would the tagger chase us? He could have just waited here."

You smiled secretly at what you heard, knowing that Arisu will be able to survive every game with that brain of his.

"Maybe there's still things we don't know." You spoke up and the two of them looked at you.

"And if you don't open it..." Chishiya took out his phone and showed the timer.

Arisu opened the door while Chishiya widened it enough for you and him to enter. You leaned on the wall while crossing your arms and gave him a lazy look.

"I'm too lazy to go in, you guys go." You stated and Chishiya shook his head before continuing to go inside.

You already know that there's another Tagger waiting inside and you're not going to risk your life to stop the bomb.

You may be a Game Master but the Game Master and the Game Dealers will also need to take precautions when joining the game.

The advantage that you all have is you know how to avoid the danger. Sooner or later, gunshot was heard and it stop for a while before it continued.

You watch as the door opened and Chishiya closed it immediately. He then looked at you and you smirked at him.

"Yo! Back so soon?" You asked and he returned the smirk.

"How about try and help us take the Tagger down?" Chishiya fires back and you faked yawn.

"I would love to but..." You put all the pressure on your back as you slowly slide down until you're on the ground. "I'm feeling lazy."

"Someone, please come! It's impossible to clear the game alone!" Chishiya was interrupted as Arisu shouted at the other side of the door.

"Seriously?" Chishiya questioned then looked at you.

"My my, I feel really sleepy." You laid on the ground and gave Chishiya another smirk.

If smirking was a competition, you don't know who will win between you and Chishiya.

Chishiya ignored you as he entered the room once again. He took a peek through the other door, only to hide again as the bullet was shot on his way.

"You called?" He heard the climber asked and more gunshots was heard.

"Oi!" Chishiya called while showing the taser and Usagi knew what it was.

After she tased the Tagger, her and Arisu both jumped at the button, clearing the game one second before the time rans out.

The Game Master (Chishiya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now