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The last but not the least, Chishiya. A very clever player who stood in one spot and observed the game for most of the time and survived the other Tagger because of Arisu.

"So that's what happened inside the room, that casette tape is a well made taser. The most impressive I have ever seen."

The reason why everyone survived was because of Arisu, Usagi and Chishiya. Aguni and Karube contributed a lot as well by taking the other Tagger out while Tatta...

"Well I have to give credit to him. If it weren't for him, they wouldn't have figured out where the safezone was." I convinced myself that Tatta also contributed on the game.

I turned off my laptop then had a stretch before deciding to check with the Game Dealers.

As usual, they were doing their own things like place their bets on the players whether they will win or not.

They all acknowledged me when they saw me and I continued to look around until I saw Haru coming back.

"How's the two new recruits?" I asked him.

"They're good, they immediately get the message and understood everything." He replied and I nodded as I watch the screens where the players dies.

"I wonder..." I trailed off and Haru waited for me to continue. "If I didn't know what's going to happen in the game, would I survive?"

"That's a 50/50." Haru answered and I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"50/50? How so?"

"Well you would most likely to survive the Hearts and Diamonds because of your intelligence but when it comes to Clubs and Spades, you're not actually... just a tiny bit... a physical type of person." He used his finger to show how little I was not fit.

"As for me I would survive Clubs and Spade but not Hearts and Diamonds so if we're both in the game, then we can survive." He quickly added and I sigh. "But hopefully we don't join any Heart's games."

It was boring to join a game that you already know how to solve or survive it but participating in a game that you don't know anything about might be actually fun.

"I got it!" I clicked my hands then raised my voice to get everyone's attention. "Everyone! I would like you to create a game which I won't have to review! Please make a game so that it will be more fun for me when I join the game!"

"A-are you sure master?" One of them asked and I nodded.

"I've never been more sure! So please, amaze me with the games you will create. If I enjoyed the game, I will give all of you a bonus of three weeks visa!" I offered and all of them became excited.

"We'll start right away master!" As they began to create a game, I decided to take a stroll outside.

"I will join a game tonight, don't disappoint me. I don't mind if it's Hearts, Diamonds etcetera! Just make sure it will be enough to entertain me." I said before leaving the building.

"Master!" I saw Haru running after me and I let him catch up. "A-are you sure about your decision? I mean, you won't be able to avoid the danger in the game if you wanted to."

"That's the point!" I exclaimed while raising my pointy finger. "Isn't it boring to play the game when you already know the outcome?"

"Not really because you'll know when the danger will come or how to avoid it." He answered and I gave him a straight face.

"That's the point, if you know when or where the danger is, then what's the point of joining the game when all you do is run away just because you know where the danger are? Where's the fun in that?" I tried showing him my point but he couldn't get it.

"I just think that you'll have less chance to survive when you don't know what's going to happen in the game."

"I get your point but it's more dangerous."

"Come on, where's your sense of adventure?" Even though I can't see him in the dark, I still smirked at him.

"Whatever you want Master, just don't go complaining to me when you get injured or lose a limb."

"Watch me."

As we were walking, I saw Project 8 getting activated at a Botanic garden. I then saw four players walking towards that game.

It was the 7 of Hearts game, a very simple yet tricky game of Hide n Seek. If the players focuses on the Wolf, then it's more likely only one of them will survives.

Hearts of games consist betrayal, that's what the players sees them as but what they didn't know was everyone can survive the Heart difficulty if they think of it as a Diamond game.

I looked at the players joining the Hide n Seek and saw two new people with Arisu and Karube.

Ah, Shibuki. The one who sacrificed everyone so that she can survives

And Chota... the horny guy. Too bad only one of them is going to survive this game if they let their feelings get to them

There's a way where all players can survives the Heart's game, it only depends on who they're playing with and the trust they've built with each other.

With this 7 of Heart's game, all of them could survive if they used a mirror. They need to get the right angle where the Wolf can see all of them at the same time.

The tools are there to help them achieved that, it only matters whether or not they would use their brains first before the hearts.

The Game Master (Chishiya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now