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Or another way to cheat the game is if they cut the wire and immediately look at the sheep to transfer the wolf then repeat the process.

"Oh it's you!" Arisu called out as soon as he saw me.

I walked towards them and gave them a smile, Haru following behind me as I felt his gaze of curiosity.

"Isn't it too early for you to join a game?" I questioned, knowing that his visa had just been renewed yesterday.

"I have to join them to make sure that everyone comes out alive." Arisu answered and I almost felt sorry for them.

Such a twisted fate...

"Well, good luck on this one." I told them and Arisu nodded.

"We will win no matter what and defeat the Game Masters." Arisu said with confident and I smirked.

Defeat the Game Masters, good luck with that

"Yeah yeah you do that." I told him and began to walk away, only to stop and looked at them behind my shoulder. "Arisu, cut the wires."

Without saying another word, me and Haru turned at the corner. I felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket and I took it out.

Master, the game you've asked for is 100 meters away straight ahead from where you are

I looked at the message at my phone and put it away.

"Well, let's enjoy this game shall we?" I gave Haru a smirked and he just shook his head.

"I swear that adventurous side of yours will get you killed one day." He commented and I rolled my eyes.

"That 'No sense of adventure' of yours will also get you killed one day." I fired back and he shook his head once more.

We arrived at the place and it was a circus tent. The place lit up and I saw Haru swallowed before we entered the place.

I looked around to see the players and saw that there's a total of 23. The registration will close in a minute so I leaned against the wall, excited of what's going to happen inside the game.

This is the first time I'm having adrenaline rush because I have no idea what's going to happen in this game.

If the worst is to come, me and Haru could just leave the game. Although that wouldn't be fair to the others so I decided to stay until the game finishes.

Not that I need to help anyone though, I just need to make sure that me and Haru survives till the very end.

As we were waiting for the game to start, I saw a familiar blonde hair crossing the borderline. He gave me a smirk when he made eye contact I walked towards him.

Knowing that he's here, I don't really need to act anymore that I'm new to the game.

"You must be really bored to join another game after you've just cleared one yesterday." I muttered and he gave me his usual smirk.

"I could say the same thing to you." He retorted and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah, I guess I am bored." I repeated as I took a phone from the table and the fake recognition did it's job.

I then went to Haru and also handed him a phone. He just rolled his eyes and did his facial recognition.

Registration is now closed, game will now commence

Game difficulty: Ace of Heart

I flashed Haru a bored look and he just shrugged.

Ace of Hearts? Seriously! Do they think little of me!

"I mean if I were setting up the game, I would have thought of giving you this level as well." Haru whispered in my ears as if he was reading my mind and I glared at him.

"Oh yeah cause you think I'm dumb!" The words came out of my mouth were louder than I thought and it caught everyone's attention.

Haru cleared his throat and leaned against my ear once again.

"No, it's cause I won't be able to get my three weeks visa if you die." He stated and my breath hitched, realizing that he had a point.

"Whatever." Was all I said and I can hear Haru snickering. "Shut up."

He does have a point...

My thoughts were interrupted when the A.I started speaking again.

All players please proceed inside

There were twenty-three cubicles in total and inside the cubicles was a stand with an ipad surrounding the stage. In the middle of the stage was a female robot with no hair.

"Hello, my name is Abi. Please choose your cubicle so we can start the game." The robot said and one by one, we all went inside the cubicle.

"The game will now commence. This game is called IMPOSTER. I will ask you a question and you must put the correct answer on the ipad in front of you. All of you must get the correct answer, if one of you gets it wrong, you get to choose who dies. You must vote on the one who gets the wrong answer. Your votes will be anonymous. Your goal is to get rid of the Imposter." The robot explained and she walked towards an ipad that was in the middle of the stage.

Game will now begin

Question number one, please type in how many players are in this room

I looked at the ipad in front of me and sigh. I expected something way more challenging than this but I guess Game Dealers will be Game Dealers.

This is so dumb...

I boredly inserted the answer 24 to see what would happen if someone gets the wrong answer.

"All players have now inserted the answers. Calculating result." I was almost yawning but stopped when the whole room flashed red.

Nine of you got the wrong answer. Please point on who you want to eliminate

The Game Master (Chishiya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now