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Nine got the wrong answer? Does that include me? I mean, I know I'm trolling around but it should have been one mistake only

I thought about hard on what I might have missed. The game is called Impostor, meaning someone among us is sabotaging the game.

It's like the game called Among Us but in real life, minus the running and fixing the things. In this game, someone is definitely an Impostor. 

If there's one Impostor, then there should had been two incorrect answers including mine. Does this mean there's more than one Impostor among us?

The latest game of Among us can have three Impostors, so why is there nine answers wrong?

"Please vote on who you want to eliminate, you will have five minutes to decide. If you don't choose within the given time, those who have chosen the wrong answer will be eliminated." The robot said and I widened my eyes.

Knowing that I put the incorrect answer, I knew I might be eliminated when the time is up. I looked at Haru and remembered what he said about not wanting me to die or he won't get his three weeks visa.

If that was correct, if the system wouldn't detect that I put the wrong answer, then I don't need to worry about dying right?

Would I?

"Who did it! Who is the impostor!" A random guy yelled.

"It's not me, I put twenty three!"

"Same here!"

"I also put the answer 23!"

"Who the fuck put the wrong answer!"

Four minutes remaining

"Let's just point at a random person, I don't wanna die!"

"Why don't you vote yourself!"

"Maybe you're the Impostor!"

"Anyone could be the Impostor!"

And so it began, the accusations just like how the game on mobile would turn out. If you can't catch the killer then you will be killed.

One minute remaining

I looked at Haru and mouthed 'What answer did you put' and he used his finger to tell me that it was '24' 

"Everyone point at her! She's clearly the Impostor!"

"No, vote him!"

"Vote yourself!"

30 seconds remaining

Despite all the noise, Chishiya seemed to be calm and knows what he was doing. His eyes slowly travelled to mine and he smirked at me as if he was amused by my reaction. Basically in this room there are at least six calm people including me, Haru and Chishiya.

People started pointing at each other, those who are accusing others would accuse each other and those who haven't said anything will also get accused. Then they started voting on their device, pressing random names to save themselves.

"Time is up, calculating votes." The robot interrupted everyone and room became silent. "Votes confirmed, eliminating nine players with the most votes."

Lasers started appearing on the head of those players who were voted, killing them in an instant. Some screamed at what they're witnessing, others were shock and the rest remained silent.

I looked at the screen and saw two people voted on me, one vote on Haru and no votes on Chishiya.

Who the heck voted me?

Looking around the room and counting how many players left, I noticed that each cubicles has our name at the bottom left. If you weren't very observant, then you would missed a lot of important clues in the room.

The game is called Impostor and there's only one killer among us. If the players don't notice this, then mostly everyone will be the killer. I looked at the robot and saw the most important clue. I looked at my screen and mentally slapped my face on how I missed that part.

This game was ace of Hearts, the most easiest level but of course the game type changes everything. Hearts is the most dangerous game out of all the types but you could easily beat the game if you use your brain more than your feelings.

Now I see, this isn't about the game Among Us but As God's Will reference

"Onto the next question." The robot said and I sigh to those people whom just died. "The Game Dealer is in this room."

Me and Haru immediately exchanged glances as we both know what will happen if this robot revealed our true identity.

Everyone who participated to create this game will die

Such a shame to lose those Game Dealers but we have Golden Rules for a reason.

"Who do you think is the Game Dealer in the room? If you get the right answer, no one has to be eliminated in this round." The robot said and I figured out what it was planning

Now I see, things should get interesting from here

Aside from Chishiya, Haru, everyone started looking at each other suspiciously before putting in their answer.

I pressed a ramdom name on the screen, knowing what the outcome will become.

"Collecting the results, one of you got the answer wrong." The robot announced and I secretly praised myself.

The people inside the room aside from Chishiya, Haru and two other people began suspecting each other with this turn of events.

"So you're the Game Dealer, I put your name and the robot said one of us is lying! Which means it's you!"

"What do you mean its me, I put her name!"

"It is the only explanation!"

"Please vote on who you want to eliminate, you will have five minutes to decide. If you don't choose within the given time, those who have chosen the wrong answer will be eliminated."

The Game Master (Chishiya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now