It's Been a While

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( Pico's POV )

Something wasn't right...

I just left the bar I was in, and I see that my cousin was calling me 13 times. This was strange. She never calls me. I was honestly shocked. I picked up the phone, as my stupid ringer finally shut off. I put the phone up to my ear, and my cousin was practically screaming at the phone. She sounded like she was full of adrenaline. Oddly, her and MY YOUNGER cousin was on the phone, both were trying to explain how " they were about to get murdered by a tall lemon monster ".

I assumed that they were pranking me, but something caught me off guard. Ana mentioned how Vicky could potentially opened a portal to my location, it could be anywhere, and I would have to be careful. The two were talking so fast, and I was only able to translate a few parts of their " story ". I started laughing, and scoffed. They weren't about to fool ME again, that has happened too much, and too often. I can't trust them. They heard me laughing at the phone, and continued talking about this " lemon ". They were I guess TRYING to sound serious about whatever the hell happened to them tonight, but I don't see it until I believe it. I'm not that naive.

" Yeah yeah, sure. I getting off the phone now. " I chuckled. I thought that their story was stupid. " WAIT BUT PICO— " I hung up. I started laughing, they were TRYING to get me to believe that stupid story. It was hilarious, they aren't good at being serious. While laughing, and wheezing my lungs out, I hear footsteps approach me. Stones being kicked, and a small grunt with some sniffles.

I looked over in front of me, and it was this short young adult walking along, dragging his feet. He had messy cyan hair, a red cap, a wrinkled white shirt with a huge red " prohibited " symbol on it, his outfit looked messed up, he looked exhausted, he was.. crying? That was odd. The boy was holding onto his shoulders tightly. Wiping his tears away every few seconds. He looked...Scared? Maybe he was a runaway kid, or got beaten up by some gang who is always picking on some kids. He looked incredibly young. He looked about 15, the guy was short..VERY SHORT. He looked like the height of the average 8th grader. Maybe 5'4. He did though, look like someone I knew back then.

He walked through, tripping every now and then. I spoke up, " Yo, kid, " and he immediately looked up at me in fear. He actually flinched. The stranger quickly pulled his cap down in front of his face, and paced over to the abandoned subway next to me. He didn't even respond back. My cousins told me I shouldn't go anywhere, and I should get into the closest building near me, but I'm not believing it. He didn't answer me, I was going to ask him what's wrong. So, I just decided to go follow him, since he was going in the direction that this " lemon-head " is located. He quickly goes down the steps of the subway, and takes a left. The boy sat down on a bench at the end of where we came.

I was peeking around the corner, when all of a sudden...

I saw a tall person wearing a black suit, and this.. very.. high detailed.. lemon-monster-thing mask..

I had a feeling that this was Vicky, but..

Something was definitely wrong. There was something about this ' lemon-head ' that immediately let me know it wasn't Vicky. It was making these very odd face gestures, I don't think a mask could do that, shoot I don't think any sort of human could do that.

The mysterious lemon-guy came up closer to that kid I was trying to talk to earlier, he picked his head back up, and looked at the lemon-thing in confusion. All of this was strange. You could see as when this lemon-guy took a breath out of his mouth, you could see the condensation from his breaths. It was quiet.

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