Come Back

846 28 206

Keith's POV

It appeared that the last person who wanted to go was MY DAD.

My mother was sitting in front of him, I froze. I felt sick. What was I even supposed to do in this situation? I tapped on Pico's arm rapidly, and was about to break down right there. "Pico- PICO-" I whispered. Pico looked at me and saw how worried I was. "What's wrong?"


Pico's eyes shot open, and looked behind him. He watched as my dad started singing, and turned back to me. "We have to go." Pico said. We both quickly got up, and tried to rush out, but right when we reached the door, I could hear my mom shout my name, "KEITH, COME BACK!" a hard shiver bolted down my spine, but me and Pico continued running out the door. He had ahold of my wrist, and we started heading over to the park. Which was kind of a bad idea since the park was an open space, and you could see anyone there. I don't know what I'd do if they caught up to us, but they'd most likely kill me.. Quite literally, if you think about it.

Me and Pico ended up hiding behind a tree to calm down for a second, we needed to make sure my parents didn't gain up onto us. I was in tears, I'd never knew that running away as an ADULT could be so scary. I felt sick. After we were thinking for a bit, Pico started running over to his house, holding onto my wrist gently, which caught me by surprise. He was a fast running, and I wanted to tell him to slow down, but I don't there would be any time to do that.

Pico quickly swung open his door, and I shoved myself inside. He turned the lock clockwise, and began to close all of the curtains inside, so they wouldn't just happen to stumble by his house and spot me right there. I didn't know what to do, I was the reason why he was doing all of this, so I decided to sit on the couch, in a ball. I just overthought the consequences of my parents finding me, or catching me again. I know that they were furious.

Questions swarmed around in my head. Questions that were like, " Would I hide or fight my own parents? " or things like, " Would I give up, and be the kid my parents tried to raise me as? " I didn't want to do that though. I didn't want to become a song writer, like my dad wanted. Or a book writer, like my mom wanted. I could feel a hard lump in my throat, I was trying not to cry, but it was hard.

Pico came from downstairs, and sat down next to me, to comfort me. He knew that this was a hard time for me. He knew how strict my parents were. But I don't think he ever knew about what my parents did to me, mentally or physically. Most of the physical side however. I don't ever want to get into a conversation with him on that though. I could only imagine how awkward that'd be. While I was still thinking, I was hugged tightly from Pico. I looked up at him in shock. I felt safer in this hug than in my own " house ". But home doesn't feel like home. It never did.

The hug did however make me lose it. I started tearing up because of the fact that I'm the reason why he is hiding with me like this. Because of me, he might get hurt, or maybe even killed by my parents because that's how they are. Especially my dad.

The room filled with silence, and my small whimpers and sobs. It's disappointing to know that I'm even in this situation. I'm over the age of eight-teen. I'm twenty years old. I don't deserve this. I should be able to live however I'd like. I have EVERY right to live how I want to live. But, that is blocked off by my gatekeeping parents.

I could feel as Pico brushed my hair back with his hand, and wipe my tears away with his thumb. " Hey, it's going to be okay, B. Those monsters won't get to you, " he reassured me, " Just trust me. My parents are also coming either today or tomorrow, they'll protect you as well. "

" ..Your parents are coming over? " I repeated. " Yeah, they're REALLY good with guns. I don't think your parents would even have a chance getting in your proximity either. " Pico said. I looked down at my lap like a sad puppy, and sighed. " I don't think I've ever met your parents before, have I? "

" Nope! It's going to be exciting. They're going to love you, Keith. There is nothing to be afraid of, " Pico thrilled, " However, they get really energetic at time, and will probably treat you like a nine year old. It's probably going to drive you crazy. " he warned me, giggling. Despite what was happening, he was able to lift a mood, quickly. It didn't mean we weren't in high alert though.

" How do you know if they're going to like me? What if they hate me? What if they- " I got cut off by Pico talking over me. " Hey, hey, hey-They won't hate you. Like I said, they're going to love you, Keith. "

" But how so? I'm quiet--You don't usually hear me talk when around groups, or crowds. " I argued. " Keith, what you did at the bar was simple yet amazing. I'm sure you're going to get along perfectly. " Pico told me. " But how will we get along? What part of me is likable? " I questioned, looking into Pico's bright eyes.

" You're very caring, and you might not realize that. You're filled with smarts, talents, things you might not even realize. You're not intimidating, I know you wouldn't try to hurt anyone just to see pain in someone else. You're also very trustworthy, and a fun person to be around. You light up a room with your personality. " He explained to me, his voice was calming and comforting to listen to. " Really? Wow.. " I replied, I was honestly speechless. " Yeah. Do you want me to keep going? " Pico asked. I shook my head as a response to " no ", and smiled.

We continued to sit quietly for a few minutes.. Until there was a small knock. We both lifted up our heads at the door, and looked back at each other, with a nauseous look on our faces. " Should we get the door? " I whispered. I didn't think it would be my parents, since I know what their knocks sound like. " Are you sure? It could be your mom. " Pico asked me, in worry. " Yeah. My mom knocks faster than that, and my dad would knock a lot harder, with a rhythmic beat. " I told Pico. He looked down at his lap, and slid his hand onto his Uzi that was resting on the table. Pico rested his finger on the trigger, and walked up to the door, aware of who possibly could be at the door.

Pico cracked the door open, with his gun pointing directly through the tiny space between the door. " Who's there. " He mumbled. " Oh Pico, glad to know you're home! It's your old man! " Someone said at the other side of the door. Pico took his gun away from the door, and opened the door wide enough that I could see who was there on the couch. There was two men wearing big, black, armor. Were these his parents? " Woah--You made it quite early. "

" Yeahhh.. We just wanted to get away from there. It got boring, y'know? " One of the men said. " Ohhh.. Alright, well, I got someone you should meet. Come inside. " Pico stepped away from the door, and watched as the two walked in. They stared right at me, holding onto their helmets. " Woah. Who's your friend? " he asked. " Dads, meet Keith. Keith, meet my parents. "

My eyes widened. He had two dads? To me, that was actually cool. " Hel- " I got cut off to one of them quickly grabbing my hand, and shaking it vigorously. " Hey, son! I'm John, and that's Steve. Nice to meet you! "

Is He Really Worth It? ( *Pico x Keith* )Where stories live. Discover now