New Bonds

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After last night we all woke up still exhausted and somewhat sore. I could hear.... popping sounds I look at Ruby to see her moving her head left to right wit her neck popping as she reaches the furthest left or right her neck can move.

I look at her wide eyed "Are you ok?!?"I ask confusedly

She looks down to me from her bed giggling "Yes I'm ok can you not pop your neck like that"she asked with a smile

"No is that a normal thing to do"I ask calmer

"Well mostly yeah"she says

"Oh ok sounded like you broke your neck"I say with a phew look on my face

After some small talk between all five of us I left to go and get something to eat. After making it to the cafeteria I see a vending machine and decide to get a small snack. Once I order my snack I turn around to see that Pyrrah was right behind me causing me to jump

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you (Y/N)"she said with a small laugh

"No it's fine dont worry about it"I reply

"I was just getting something as well"she said with a small amount of money in her hand

"Oh ok sorry"I say moving aside so she can get what she wanted

After she got her snack we both decided to talk to each other because it's actually been around a week since we last spoke with each other.

"So what have you and the rest of RWBY been doing since we last spoke"she asks

"Oh well not very much but we did go into the forest so we could get better at working together since there are 5 of us now"I answered

"Oh that was a good idea"she replied

"Yeah and thankfully it went well and now we can work as a team"I say smiling. "So what have you and the rest of JNPR since then"

"Oh well I have been training with Jaune trying to help him, but Ren and Nora I dont really know"she answered

"Oh well it's good your helping Jaune"I said

"Yeah I'm glad I'm able to help him"she said with a soft smile

After about a hour of talking Pyrrah decides to take me to her dorm so I can become better friends with the rest of JNPR. When we walk in I see Nora next to Ren constantly asking him questions. Behind them was Jaune who seemed to be thinking about something. I decided to go over to Jaune so I can avoid Nora's constant questions

"Hey Jaune"I say waving to him

"Oh hey (Y/N) uh why are you here"he asks confused

"I just wanted to talk with you guys"I say

"Oh well is there something in particular you wanted to talk about"He asks

"Not really just wanted to know how you've been feeling and what you've been doing recently"I say smiling

"Oh well I've been feeling pretty good and recently I've just been training with Pyrrah"he says

"Oh well I'm glad your getting help and getting better"I say

"Yeah she really is a great fighter so I'm glad to be trained by one of the best"he says

After about another hour of talking to Jaune I decide to go to Ren and Nora. Nora has stopped asking questions but keeps trying to imitate a sloth

"Uh Nora you do know that sloths dont really make much noise if any"I say confused

"Finally some one with common sense"Ren says

"Well that's the thing, if its our signal no one will expect that we are working together we would be the best spies"Nora says making my head hurt

"But the signal wouldn't work since it won't get his attention because he cant hear it"I explain still confused

"If he really tried I'm certain he could hear the quietest sound even a sloth call"Nora argued

I look at her dumbfounded I then look over to Ren

"Yes she is always like this. This is very normal for her"Ren said

Man the rest of JNPR must have some serious patience to deal with Nora

After a few more hours of talking with JNPR I decide to go back to RWBY's dorm. I waved goodbye before I left the door. On my way back to the dorm I see a large pillar of smoke through a window. I couldn't tell what was happening so I decided to go outside to get a better look at it and I see a few buildings burning with members of the white fang creating a perimeter around the buildings. I look at the buildings with terror in my eyes as I remember my house and fall to my knees. I feel my scroll buzz but I ignored it as I was frozen in shock. After about 30 minutes I hear footsteps behind me then they suddenly stop I turn to see the rest of team RWBY stare at the buildings in shock. They look down at me with tears in my eyes and they lift me up so I'm standing again

"Are you ok?!!"Ruby asks me but she gets no response

"Someone needs to tell a teacher"Weiss tells the other

After that Blake runs to go and tell others. The other girls decided to stay there and comfort me trying to keep me from looking at the burning buildings. A few minutes pass as Blake runs out with Professor Glynda and all of RWBY's gear at this time other buildings can be seen burning as they keep up their perimeter killing military forces once they see them

"The military seems to have been able to keep them stuck in this spot but they won't be able to do anything else and will soon be taken out they need our help"Ruby says

"I understand the situation Ms.Rose and we shall take care of it but I must unfortunatelyask for your assistance all of you"Glynda says staying calm

I look up at her and nod and the rest of team Ruby, Yang, and Weiss follow and nod.


Hey my first cliffhanger sorry just this was taking a very long time and was running out of ideas

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