The Invitation

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(Y/N)'s pov

The night when the grimm attacked my home I had to go to the city and rest in a warm alley way with some passersby insulting me because I'm a faunus and some being so nice as to offer me a place to say but I had to decline. I woke up in the morning to be greeted by a woman with a..... riding crop. My eyes widen as she stands there looking at me.

"Hello my name is Glynda Goodwitch I have come on request of Professor Ozpin to invite you to Beacon" she said.

My eyes widen as she said beacon "M-my name is (Y-Y/N)" I say as I stand up.

"Its a pleasure to meet you. Now would you please follow me" she says as she begins walking away.

"O-of course" I say nodding and following her. Why is she bringing me there I've done nothing, unless did she see me last night. No way I was in the middle of the woods how could she have.

(Tikeskip to beacon and meeting Ozpin)

The door opens and I jump as it started me.

A man in a green suit and glasses walks in with a cup of coffee and a plate of cookies. "Hello I am Professer Ozpin the headmaster of beacon. I'm very glad to meet a skilled youth such as yourself" He says as he sits across from me.

I nod bashfully at the sudden compliment. "Th-thank you sir" I say quietly.

"Now as I'm assuming you know I'm here to invite you to beacon because I can see great potential in you"he says as he plays the footage of me killing the grimm at my house.

My eyes widen and begin to tear up as the footage begins to show the burning building. He then looks at me with sympathy.

"I know that it must feel horrible to lose your house but here at beacon I'm hoping you will forget that and try to prevent that from happening to others"he said and then whispered "you can have a cookie if it might help"

I then look up and giggle grabbing a cookie as I wipe the tears from my eye. "These are good"I whisper to myself. I then smile and say "I will gladly accept your invitation".

He smiles "I'm honored to be able to welcome you to beacon, and I should say now that you will be put on a team of 4 other girls know as team RWBY it's their second year here so if you have any questions they will be able to help" he said

"Ok thank you very much"I say as he stands up signifying we can leave. I then leave to go and find my new teammates. "I'm glad he described them to me"I say as I see the girl he sai was called Ruby Rose and I run to her. "U-uh hello"I say shyly "Professor Ozpin said I would be joining your team"I say as she begins to smile.
"Ah you must be (Y/N) Ozpin told us about you"she said. Your so cute she thought to herself. "I was waiting here for you follow me if you want to see the dorm room"she said. "Um hey I'm very sorry to mention this but we only have for beds"she says with sudden realization.

I then blush I just slept on the ground last night I dont want to do it again I thought "U-uh I'm sorry to ask but m-may I sleep with one of you? I slept on the ground last night and I would like a bed tonight"I ask my face as red as a cherry.

"O-oh no I'm so sorry of course"she said before realizing and blushing "Of course you may you can pick who ever you want to sleep with"
We then both enter the dorm room blushing and everyone looks at us and the blonde one Ozpin called Yang said while smirking "hey did my baby sister finally get a girlfriend". I then cover my face as she begins laughing
"NO I JUST MET HER"Ruby shouted right next to me causing me to put my hands to my head and my (H/C) ears and tail pop out everyone's eyes including my own widen

I begin looking around in fear as the one Ozpin called Blake looked at me with a reassuring smile and moved her bow revealing cat ears as well. I then ran over and hugged her since I was scared

Her eyes widen and she blushes but mine only filled with tears. "Its ok they won't tease you"she said calmly as the tears began to slowly flow down my cheek


I finally calmed down and let go of Blake. She then smiled and I returned the smile. She is adorable she thought.
Ruby then suddenly said "sorry to end the sweet *cough* cute *cough* moment but um she is going to have to share beds with someone" everyone's eyes widened and Blake and I blushed at being called cute
"U-um" I spoke up "m-may I sleep with Blake I feel most comfortable around her"Blake's face then turned cherry red and so did mine

"That's fine" said Ruby and Blake

"Fine with me"said the girl Ozpin called Weiss

"Dang I was hoping to get her"Yang said making me blush more

(Timeskip to night)

I had gotten a lot more acquainted with the girls and I had cuddled up to Blake making both of us blush "your warm"i whispered making her turn even redder

I really hope she likes me the way I like her she though as we drifted off to sleep

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