The First Battle as a Team

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Since I woke up early I decided to take a quick shower and once I got out I realized I heard no footsteps. I peek out the door to see everyone is still asleep I went back in and put on my casual clothes and walked out and began to wake them all up. "Why were you all sleeping so late"I ask

"We all stayed up late helping each other with some studying"Weiss said

"Oh ok I thought something might have been wrong"I said with small relief

"No were fine"Blake reassured me

I smiled and waited as they all got their shower. When all of them were done we heard a knock on the door. As Yang opened it we seen Glynda standing in the doorway

"I'm going to get straight to the point I know that it is early but you 5 have yet to work as a team and Professor Ozpin and I feel it would be best if today you train to fight as a group now that (Y/N) has joined you"she explained

Yang and Ruby had yawned and stretched their arms. "Um may we have some time to get ready and get our stuff together"Ruby asked

"Of course"Glynda said nodding

She then walked away from the door and left down the hall. I looked around at the others to see them still slightly tired. I got up to go get my stuff but despite them being tired they followed right behind me


By the time we all had our gear and weapons everyone had woken up fully. Ruby and Yang were visibly excited Blake looked calm like normal and Weiss could be seen thinking probably of some plan

We all walked out to the cliff by the woods and stood as Glynda and Ozpin stood on a small elevated platform.

"Today as I'm sure Glynda has explained you 5 will be working together in an attempt to find a way to fight effectively with your new teammate"Ozpin explained. "You will be going into the forest and will stay until you are confident that you can fight effectively with (Y/N) but until then you will stay in the forest trying to find ways to work together"

The 5 of us had looked at each other nodded and then jumped off the cliff making sure to stay near each other. After we all landed we began to come up with a plan swiftly killing any Grimm who attacked

"So I think in a situation where we are being attacked by a group (Y/N) and I will clear out the smaller Grimm since we can both move very fast and then Yang, Blake, and Weiss move into the gap we created to kill any larger Grimm while we continue to kill smaller ones then come to assist once it's only the large ones"Ruby explained

We all nodded then Yang began to talk about her plan

"So in a situation where its us 5 against something very large I think (Y/N) rushes towards it in an attempt to create an opening once she creates that opening Ruby and Blake will then try to tire out the Grimm once its tired Weiss and I will then charge towards it in an attempt to finish it off"she explained

Weiss then said her plan

"In a situation where we are overwhelmed and surrounded by groups of Grimm first we should spot where weaker ones are once that has been done (Y/N) can use her semblance to create an open area for us to run and once that is done we begin to kill the rest of the weak ones and when they are all taken care of we can then try and separate any of the large ones and take them out one at a time"she explained

I look to Blake waiting for her to explain

"In a situation where we are separated and someone is alone I say Ruby tries to avoid combat and look for anyone she can find if she finds someone she should tell them to meet at an easy to find and identify location after every one has been found we should then figure out what the best plan of action is based on the situation"she said

I nodded in agreement with everyone as we put everyone's plan into action. After killing multiple ursa and beowolf we came across a deathstalker. I look to everyone and nod I concentrate and in an instant I cut off the end of its stinger and once I moved I seen Blake and Ruby running towards the Grimm. Ruby takes a few shots at it but they do little to it she then runs in hitting away one of its pimcers before jumping onto it's back and attempts to cut off its pincers. Blake then wraps her weapon around one of the pincers then pulls allowing Ruby to sever it they both then quickly move to allow Yang to kill it. When yang rushes in her eyes are red and her hair looks like it's on fire she then jumps over the deathstalker shooting it's back multiple times. Weiss then charges in with a swift stab to the face of the Grimm she kills it

I then see everyone panting after all the fights we have had to go through. "That plan worked amazingly Yang"I said

"Thanks I wasn't sure if it would work as well as it did"she said smiling

After that we went back to the top of the cliff where Ozpin and Glynda were waiting for us to return

"That was quite amazing you 5"Ozpin said. "I wasn't sure you would get it to work since it's so late"

"Thank you Professor"I said quietly panting

"I can see that you all are exhausted so how about you go back to your dorm you earned it for that amazing display"he said

After that we went back to our dorm to get some rest and eventually fell asleep


Oh gawd 5 days since my last post I'm very sorry I've just been really busy I'll try to post according to my schedule but I cant make promises hope you enjoyed

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