Our First Mission

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I woke up in the morning to see I was the last one awake. I look out of the window to see it's about 11:00. I rub my eyes then sit up and stretch my arms.

"Someones finally awake"Ruby says

I yawn "sorry I dont know why I slept in so late"

"Its fine but if that persists we will have to call you sleeping beauty since apparently I'm the ice princess"Weiss says

Yang chuckles "yeah bunty not only because your the ice princess I think we all know why else she would be called sleeping beauty"

After a few seconds of thinking about what she said my face turns red "why are you like this

She chuckles again "you know you love this"

I cover my face and after a minute or two of her teasing me she finally stops and I uncover my face which is still red

"You really like messing with people dont you Yang"Ruby says

"Out of all people your asking me this, I used to tease you all the time when we were younger"she says

"Yeah I guess so"Ruby says

Suddenly Ruby's scroll buzzed and she answers the call we cant hear but we assume its important since shes listening seriously.

She hangs up the scroll amd looks to us "We have a mission to go and check out a place in the emerald forest that have an unusual number of grimm, we need to see if it just happened by chance or if foul play is involved"

We all nod and go to get our gear


I finish attaching Oni to a hook on my armour mad to hold him. I look to see everyone else also finishing putting on all their gear.

"Ready"Ruby asks

I put on a small smile "Ready"


We enter the emerald forest to see its unusually devoid of grimm

"They must have gathered in the are Ozpin mentioned"Blake says

After a few more minutes of looking we find a massive group of grimm surrounding something

"I think we are a little out of our league here if we try and fight them. This is not a fight we can win"I say

All of RWBY looks over at me somewhat suprised by my sudden hopelessness

"I mean look at them theres to many"I say

After a minute Ruby speaks up "sadly I think (Y/N) is right"she says

All of RWBY nods at what she said

"We should call Ozpin"I say

"Oh good idea"Yang says

I call Ozpin and he answers quickly

"Ah (Y/N) have you found the grimm"he asks

"Yes and they appear to be surrounding something and its probably something they see as food since some of them are circling"I say

"But I'm assuming theres something worse since you called me"he asks

"Exactly if we take on that group we will most assuredly die it's a massive number"I say

He sighs "ok we will send some professional hunters to come and take them out after that you amd team RWBY will go and see what they were surrounding and figure out why"

"Ok thank you Ozpin"I say and hang up. "Alright Ozpin is going to send some hunters and they will take care of the grimm and once they have we will investigate what they were surrounding"I say

"Alright I just hope it doesn't take long"Ruby says


Sounds of conflict suddenly ring out from inside the group of grimm. Me and RWBY quickly look over to the grimm scared about what's happening. Our worries are suddenly lessened as we see the hunters Ozpin sent sneak attack the grimm

"Finally there here"Yang says

"The sounds must've caused them to worry and start their attack"Blake says

"I'm just happy that this will be taken care of soon but I'm still curious what that sound was"I say

"It may have been what the grimm were surrounding. They may have decided to start their attack"Weiss says

"Why wait so long though"Ruby wonders

"Maybe they knew they couldn't win that fight and was waiting for a time to escape but h somehow noticed the hunters there and decided that he could win the battle with them"I say

"Maybe but what I'm confused about is how did so many grimm know he was here"Weiss says

"He may have been feeling some negative emotion and the grimm sensed it and came here"Blake says

"That makes the more sense then anything else I can think of"Yang says


The hunters and the mystery person finish the grimm and this mystery person actually turns out to be mystery people since it's two people. We walk over to them to talk to them and ask them questions, but when I get a closer look at them I slow to a stop and tears fill my eyes


Hey the second cliffhanger sorry about that but I couldn't think of much else for this but I have big plans for the next chapter

So I hope you enjoy when I post that anyway goodbye

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