The Morning After

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I wake up in the morning with Yangs arms still wrapped around me. I turn over to see her face and see shes still asleep. I carefully move out of her grasp to avoid waking her. I hang off the side of her bed and drop down to make little noise. I turn to see Weiss is awake. "Suprised you were able to get up without waking Yang"she says

"What does she wake up easily"I ask

"Very"she says

I try to walk over to her but I can only limp. She looks at me and grins. "Dont look at me like that. The four of you are at fault for this"I say

She chuckles "yes we know we are to blame for that"she says as I sit next to her

"Do you think I should tell my family today"I ask

"You tell them when your ready to"she says

I sigh "I guess there never really is a good time to tell them I'm dating four people"I say

Weiss chuckles "They seem caring I think they won't care as long as your happy"she says

"Yeah I guess your right"I say with a small smile

"When am I not"she says jokingly as I lay my head on her shoulder

I playfully punch her on the arm. "I love you"I say

"I love you to"she says. "We all do"


After everyone woke up and Yang kept teasing me about my limp I decided to go see mom and Evelyn. I knock on their door and mom opens it after a moment.

"Oh this is a pleasant surprise"she says

"Yeah there are some things I wanted to talk about"I say

"Oh well then please come in"she says as she steps to the side

I walk in and she closes the door behind me. I sit down at a chair next to their beds.

"So what did you want to talk about"Evelyn asks

"Well a few things but mainly one"I say

"Ok and that is"she continues

"Those four girls that I'm teamed up with Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. I happen to feel a special about them"I say

"Called it which one is it"Evelyn asks

"All of them"I say

This shocks both of them. "All four of them"mom asks

"Yes all four of them"I say

Mother looks down and sighs then looks back to me. "I do not mind at all as long as your happy"she says

"Yeah it's a little shocking but if your happy we are happy"Evelyn says

I smile "I love you two"

"We love you to"they both say

"Now what we should really take note of is how she came in with a limp"Evelyn says

"What do you mean"mom asks as my face turns red

"I think team RWBY had a fun time last night"Evelyn says

"N-no I just accidentally fell and twisted my ankle on the way back to Beacon"I say

"Yeah yeah sure you did"she says

"Evelyn you should leave her alone about that it's her business"mom scolds

"Fine but I'll probably tease her about it every now and then"Evelyn says

"I hate you so much"I say

"Awww love you to"she says

After we talk for a few more minutes we hear I knock on the door. "I'll get it"I say. I walk over and open the door to see Blake.

"Oh hi sorry to bother you three I just wanted to know if I could join you in conversation"she says

I look back to mom and Evelyn and they both nod. "Sure come in"I say as I move to the side. She walks in and turns to close the door before I did

"No need to be so polite"she says

"Oh ok"I say as I walk back and sit next to Evelyn so Blake can sit where I was

She sits down but keeps taking glances at the cat ears mom and I have. "So I guess Evelyn is a human like your father"she asks

"Yeah I was born without any animal traits"Evelyn says

"I have a feeling that you are a faunus as well Blake"mom says

"H-how did you know"she asks suprised

"So much of your attention is drawn to our traits and your bow is moving"I say

"Oh I forget you are perceptive"Blake says

"She gets it from me"mom says proudly

Blake takes off the bow revealing black cat ears. "You should uncover them more they're beautiful"I tell her

"Fine then why do you keep yours hidden"she asks

My face turns red. "Touché"I say as I uncover my ears. "But I still want to keep my tail hidden"

"Alright I can deal with that"she says

"If you ever want her to show her ears but she disagrees just spook her really bad"Evelyn says

"I would never make her show them involuntarily"Blake says

"You know you got really good girlfriends (Y/N)"Evelyn says

"Yes I know I do I finally beat my older sister to something"I say proudly

"I'll find someone eventually"shs says

"Yeah I'm sure you will"I say

"Are they always making everything a competition"Blake asks

"Yep always"mom says

"Hey its healthy competition though"I say


To be continued

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