The White Fang

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As I stand up Blake hands me my gear. Once I put it all on I try and take a minute to calm down. After I'm calm everyone else is ready. We all look at each other then look at the criminals who Glynda said call themselves the white fang a terrorist group consisting only of faunus

"So do we have any plan going into this"I ask

"Sadly we did not have enough time to think of one so we will just have to try and make one on the way there"Glynda said

"Ok"I say looking to everyone. "Ruby, Yang you go to assist the military in closing in on the white fang. Weiss, Blake you go and try to take out the members on the perimeter to also assist in everyone closing in on them. Glynda and I are going into the center taking out any members amd seeing if any civilians have been left in the buildings."

Everyone looked at me suprised at the sudden plan I made but then looked at the other person I paired them with and nodded. Everyone had made their way to the places I wanted them with Ruby and Yang at a group of soliders coming up with a plan. Blake and Weiss incapacitating the white fang one by one. Glynda and I have taken out multiple groups of terrorists and saved a few families telling them to leave where Weiss and Blake have cleared out the white fang.

"You know you really suprised me with coming up with a plan like that on the spot the way you did. If you would've taken the normal Initiation you would've made a great leader"Glynda said as we were sneaking around the buildings

I let a small smile cover my face "thank you I was always told to take the lead when no one else would"I said

"Your parents taught you well"She replies

I smile but say nothing back as we approached a group of white fang I then count them to see there are 5. "5 so I say i use my semblance and take out all I can and you take the ones I don't get"I say

She nods then I concentrate and 3 off them fall to the ground unconscious and Glynda quickly hits the other 2 in the back of the neck as they fall unconscious. I look at her and smile as she shows a small grin.

"HELP"someone shouts

Me and Glynda run to the sound of the voice and as we get there we see a younger adult male maybe 21 and who we can only assume I focus then in a second I rush them out of the burning room and I guide them out of the building as Glynda looks for anyone else in the building

"Ok so now the east side of this block has been cleared out by some other huntress' and is safe please go there and go with the military they will tell you where to go afterwards"I told them

"Thank you so much"he said holding his daughter closely

I shoot him a smile and he runs off to the east with his daughter in his arms.

Glynda runs out of the building "It seems there was no one else in that building"she says

I nod "That's every building then so now...."my speech begins getting slower as I become exhausted ".. we need to help Blake and Weiss"

"Now you should try and get out of here you cant fight in that condition your body has stopped pumping adrenaline so you will begin getting exhausted"she says in a demanding tone

I feel a sudden and sharp pain in my leg as I yelp in pain. We earlier had a fight with a large group of white fang and it didn't end well at least for me I had ended up getting shot in the leg but due to adrenaline it didn't hurt at the time but it's now begun to hurt like hell

"But I cant leave you and the others behind"I say trying to ignore the pain but failing in doing so

"The others and I would much prefer that you get out and rest I'm sure the military is about to come in with Ruby and Yang"she says

As she said that we heard lots of gunfire break out signaling that the military took notice of the white fangs decreased numbers and capitalized on their opportunity

"See it's as I said the military is here"she said

"B-but..."I stuttered as I passed out

Glynda then grabbed me and Oni as he fell from my hand and decided to run to the east to get me out of any possible danger when she made sure I was safe she went back to help

When I woke up I was in what appeared to be an infirmary but it was in a large green tent I looked around but couldn't see much as my vision was very blurry since I only woke moments ago after a few minutes I attempt to sit up but feel a sharp pain in my leg and let out a loud yelp of pain when that happened I seen the door open and a nurse layed me back down

"Please you shouldn't move as it might open the wound"she explained slightly worried

I looked up at her "w-here are the others are they ok"I say slowly

She looks back down to me "yes they are fine they were able to get out with only a few scrapes or bruises but other then that they are completely fine"

I let out a small sigh of relief as all feelings of worry left my body

(Timeskip to a few hours after waking up)

I walk out of the tent with a large bandage wrapped around my leg where I was shot to pass multiple soliders the ones awake smile at me or thank me for the help and I tell them all thank you with a smile. After a few minutes I arrive at beacon where RWBY and Glynda were waiting for me as I approached all of RWBY ran to me and wrapped me into a hug with the side of my head against Yangs breast due to my height and my face turned bright red

"You had us so worried"said all of RWBY

Glynda stood back watching with a smile

"I-I uhhh"I couldn't speak due to a certain pair of boobs

The other girls looked down at me and their faces turn red and back away but Yang backs away laughing

My blush slowly goes away but not fully "I'm sorry for worrying you guys I shouldn't have made the mistake I made"

Glynda speaks out of no where saying "you made one mistake its fine everything else you did amazingly that may have ended very badly if you didn't make that plan"

My face turns red again "w-what"I say suprised

"Yeah if you didn't do what you did innocents could've gotten hurt or worse"Yang says

"I will admit I didn't expect you to come up with such a good plan"Weiss said

"You could've been a team leader if you came here normally"Ruby said

"There right that was a really good you seem like a natural leader"Blake said

My face was completely red and small tears were rolling down my face and we all had went to our dorm after that

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