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Jaemin offered his help, to take the giant back to the house, but Ten refused to accept it. He blamed himself for not paying attention to his bleeding friend, so he wanted to do it himself. "Jaemin was weak and exhausted after spending his days in that maze anyways"-Ten thought as he tried to carry Johnny back. He knew that if a clown would notice them, he wouldn't be able to run, in fact they were moving very slowly. But he didn't care. He didn't want to lose another friend. As they got back to the house, Ten laid Johnny down on his bed and started to barricade all of the doors with the closets. For safety's sake, they didn't turn on any of the lights. He made Jaemin a sandwich and then he turned back to his friend.

"Do you think that sewing the wound will be enough?" Ten looked up to Jaemin, when the younger one finished eating. Jaemin was a medical student before he ended up here.
"I don't know man... I need to see the wound." he started to take the sweater off Johnny's arm. The bleeding stopped already.
"As you can see, fortunately the knife didn't penetrate so deep, but still, we need to sew it." Jaemin pursed his lips and analyzed Johnny's arm.
"Can you do it?" Ten asked anxiously.
"If we have the equipment to do so, of course." Jaemin shrugged, then he realized. "Can you go to my room, and get my backpack? If you haven't thrown it out yet." Ten didn't ask a thing, just hurried into Jaemin's room and got his backpack. Taeyong didn't let them throw out his stuff, he always told them that he is still alive. "And he was right, as always" Ten smiled at the thought as he gave Jaemin his backpack. In the bag, there was a lot of medical stuff, some were not even known to Ten.
"Why did you bring it here? You didn't know in advance that you'll need it here." Ten frowned.
"I knew. I think you've already noticed that Jisung is pretty clumsy, he always gets hurt somehow. This is why I brought it here, you know if he end up falling from one of the attractions... But I didn't know what we were getting into." he sighed and then sterilized everything. He washed his hands and put on gloves.
"No one knew..." Ten said sadly.
"It's kinda good that he is unconscious, this would hurt like hell." he began to suture the wound. Ten stood beside him the whole time, he was so worried. He just hoped that Johnny would recover. The minutes seemed to be hours, but Ten didn't want him to hurry. The most important thing is to not bother Jaemin, and for him to do his best to do a good job.

"I'm done." Jaemin said proudly as he looked at the stitched wound. He did a good job actually, his teacher would appreciate it. He put a bandage on it, and stood up.
"He will wake up soon, and will fully recover." Jaemin smiled at him, and Ten finally calmed down. Ten sat on the edge of Johnny's bed and he stared at him. He was so grateful to Jaemin.
"Thank you so much... I can't even express my gratitude enough." Ten looked up to the younger one.
"I should be thankful, you saved me from the damn maze." he laughed and sat next to Ten. "If you hadn't come in, I would have starved to death there." He thought that he'd get scolded by the older one like "I've told you that you shouldn't go into the labyrinth", but Ten just hugged him.
"Taeyong will be so happy that you're still alive." he ruffled Jaemin's hair.

Taeyong and Jaehyun's night wasn't incident-free. As Taeyong started calming down in Jaehyun's arms, the next problem came. The carts moved. Taeyong panicked again, but Jaehyun just pressed his hand against Taeyong's mouth and they bent down so the clowns could not see them. We already know how effective this method is, but in this case they really didn't fail... At least for a while. They only went for one lap, but for Jaehyun that was enough. He hated roller coasters and was afraid of them. Unless he wanted both of them to die, he couldn't vomit or scream. He tried to think about the boy next to them. Even tho Jaehyun was scared to death, he could only think about how much worse it was for Taeyong. He hugged him tightly. This track was dangerous, especially since nothing kept them safe. As they reached one of the hoops, where the carts were upside down, they almost fell off. Jaehyun clung to the car with one hand, holding Taeyong with the other. They just hung there at least 5 feet high. The carts stopped, the clowns of course noticed people hanging down from there. They were under Taeyong and as the smaller one looked down, he just panicked even more.

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