Junior Year

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Rachel's P. O. V.
Today is supposed to be my first day of my junior year, I'm kinda scared because Lima looks a scary town and kinda crappy. But, my mom and dad wanted to move out to a new city and of course I had to leave my old life in New York City, I loved being in New York City but it's not the same anymore. I just hope after everything I'll be back in New York where I belong, no distractions I want to get it right.

At William McKinley High School

Still Rachel's P. O. V.
It's good here but the principal is kinda of freaky but, it seems cool here except the jocks and the cheerleaders along with the loser's. I see one guy looking at me so, I speed up more to my locker and put in my combination then put all my stuff in there until I see 2 cheerleaders walked up to me.

"Hello, I heard your new around here, I'm Santana Lopez." She says and holds her hand out.

"Rachel Berry." I say and shakes her hand.

"I'm Brittany Spears." The blonde one says and I looked at her focused.

"Don't mind her but, were on the cheerios and were looking for more recruits maybe you considered joining the cheerios." Santana says and smiles politely.

"Yeah I'll sign up or probably join." I say nervously.

"Cool follow us, just be careful our coach is kinda mean." The blonde one says.

"Alright so I'm kinda new here, but y'all already know that so I'm looking for the Spanish room because that's my first period." I say nervously

"Oh you have Mr. Shue, but don't worry we'll help you so meet us at your locker for cheerios try out, see you later." Santana says and walks away with the blonde girl.

𝑰𝒏 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉
Rachel takes deep breaths and walks in the classroom and everyone stops what their doing in the classroom.

"You must be Rachel Berry, I'm Mr. Shue." He says politely.

"Yes I'm Rachel Berry." I say nervously.

"Why don't you sit down next to Finn Hudson." Mr. Shue says and points to the tall jock.

Rachel sits down next to Finn and pays attention to the teacher's instructions.

"Rachel why don't you introduce us in Spanish." Mr. Shue says nicely.

"hola, mi nombre es Rachel Berry. Tengo 17 años y crecí en la ciudad de Nueva York." I say nervously and sits back down

"Excellent Rachel and great speaking Spanish." Mr. Shue says and the bell rings.

She packs her stuff up and heads to her second class.

Rachel's P. O. V.
First day of high school can be so boring but, at least no one is a bitch. I handled alot of girl's in New York and it wasn't easy always getting into fights, but everyone knew not to mess with me. Joining the cheerios might be good for me because I've been doing gymnastics since I was three years old, my past wasn't good I'm kinda that girl. Prom Queen is what I always looked up to I won everytime but, I used to be called names in my middle school year juicy berry and my nose was big. So I changed before I went to high school, my dad let me get a nose job and I started using eye contact so no more wearing glasses also asked to dye my hair burnette and started using proactive to clear my pimples. But this is my year to get it right and me being in clubs is what I'm good at, so joining the cheerios don't seem like a bad idea for me.

At Cheerios Practice

Still Rachel's P. O. V.
So I finished my tryout and she promoted me to head cheerleader, I guess I was that good. Santana and Brittany mentioned Glee Club then they asked me to audition, glee club seems nice but I don't want to be a loser for the rest of my high school life. But, I agreed to join because I want to be noticed and actually have friend's or at least have a normal life without being forced to be who I am.

Glee Club Rehearsal
"Mr. Shue, me and Brittany found a new member to join glee club since regionals." I hear Santana say.

"So we met her today and she's the head cheerleader of McKinley, so be nice to her because it's her first say. But meet Rachel Berry." I hear Brittany say and I walk in nervously.

"Hi, mostly you know me I guess." I say when I see shocked faces.

"Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel I heard your from New York." I looked up and see him put his hand out.

"Yes I'm orginally from New York City." I say nervously and shakes his hand.

"So we have another theater nerd, great." I hear a mean blonde girl say leaning against Finn Hudson.

"Actually tubbers Rachel never was into musical theater, she was head cheerleader in her old school." Santana says crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't like musicals my mom likes them but, I can't stand Broadway no offense." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Alright let's see what you got Rachel." Mr. Shue says and sits down in a empty red chair.

"I wrote this song when I was in New York." I say and hands the piano dude my notes.

A/N; using Lea Michele music, please no hate

Love Is Alive

It wakes me up at night
It needs to share its light
It doesn't get how dark it is outside

It warms the rising sun
It kisses everyone
It doesn't remember the hate of yesterday

Oh, can't you hear it in my voice?
Oh, can't you see it in my eyes?
Love, love is alive in me

And when my golden crown
Becomes a cup of doubt
I try to remember all I need is all around

Oh, can't you hear it in my voice?
Oh, can't you see it in my eyes?
Love, love is alive in me

Oh, can't you hear it in my voice?
Oh, can't you see it in my eyes?
Love, love is alive

Oh, can't you feel it in my touch?
Know that I'll always have enough
Love, love is alive in me

{End of Song}

I finished my last verses and I see everyone standing up clapping except for the boy in the wheelchair and the blonde girl next to Finn Hudson. But, I'm glad I finally in a club where I belong and I guess where I actually have friend's.

End of Chapter 1

𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑩𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 • 𝑹. 𝑩𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 ★Where stories live. Discover now