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Things have been quite crazy lately after Sue lost the competition and after Rachel recovered from her mono with Finn Hudson.

With Sam and Rachel

"Hey." Sam says

"Hi!." Rachel says

He kisses her cheek.

"So I wanted to confront on our first date at color me mine." Sam says

"Wait. You were serious about that." Rachel says

"It's painting coasters time. So are you free Friday night." Sam asks

"Y-yeah I think so I mean I don't think I have anything else to do." Rachel says

"Cool." Sam says and kisses her cheek.

Sam's P.O.V

Things have been weird since Rachel had mono a couple weeks ago everyone keeps telling me she must of kissed Finn but I believe when she told me what really happened.


"Sam I didn't kiss Finn I saved his life." Rachel says

Finn was putting a gumball in his mouth and chocked on it and fell down passed out without breathing until a girl screamer.

"He's not breathing." Figgins says

"I got this." Rachel says

She kisses him and grabs the gumball from his mouth and his eyes wide opened. Figgins was shocked that she did that only kissing him.

"I totally almost chocked on a gumball too." Sam says

She looks at him and giggles.

In The Hallway

Still Sam's P.O.V

I know she's into me I have a feeling I'm losing her.

Rachel walked into the school smiled when she saw Sam until Finn turned the corner and smiled at her which she smiled back at Finn.

Finn walks up to her and smiles at him and Sam frowned but had an idea to get Rachel Berry to love him again.

She walked by Finn smiling away and headed to class.

Rachel's the best thing that happened to me ever since I came to this school but how, of course my dad said there is always 2 ways to get a woman to love you. Take her honey and Rock and Roll. I knew what I had to do who's more rocking than Justin Bieber no one that's who. Step 1 is the hair, Step 2 was booking a couple misfits gigs to test out my new man band will blow over, heads up Rachel Berry your about to be head on with the full blonde Bieber.

With Quinn and Brittany

"Hey Brittany can we talk why are my leg warmers on your arms?" Quinn asks

"I got cold." Brittany says

"Nope we had a deal okay as I expect I'm in the mids of a career Bridget and I'm contrasting on my career right now the only way to complete a comeback is to dominate the popular discussion maybe launch a trend or 2 I gave you half of my allowance so you can take a signature to make it popular." Quinn says

"We decided leg warmers were most likely to catch more than reindeer." Brittany says

"Precisely but it won't work if your wearing them incorrectly." Quinn says

"I didn't realize there were rules." Brittany says

"Of course they're are rules they are leg warmers." Quinn says

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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