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The Next Morning...

Rachel's P. O. V.
It's a new day, joined the cheerios and Glee Club but it's a good day for me because I have some friend's. I've been hanging out with the cheerios and the football team, they're so cool and I thought being a jock pr cheerleader can turn you into a bitch or a huge dick but I didn't which I'm glad. So I put on my cheerios uniform and put my hair in my high ponytail then grab all my stuff. My mom and dad got me a car for congratulations for making the squad as head cheerleader and being president of the Celibacy Club, how trashy is that not that I'm complaining because my dad got me a Range Rover those cars are so amazing. I pulled in the parking lot and I noticed people are staring at me and my new car, which I don't care I just love everything about this school. I head to my locker and puts all my stuff in my locker then head to first period which I have with bitchy blonde girl's boyfriend Finn Hudson.
Last couple of weeks she's been giving me problems and she sent me to a non-active crack house but, Tina and Mike figured it out then told the rest of the group, they were furious and they end up forgiving Quinn. So, we act like everything is okay but really Santana wants to attack Quinn Fabray still.

Later In Glee Club
"Okay the assignments this week are duets." Mr. Shue says and writes duets on the board.

"What happens if you don't have a partner." I hear an girl dressed in goth clothes.

"Y'all need partners so find someone to work with." Mr. Shue says as the bell rings.

With Quinn and Finn
"So Sam Evan's hasn't joined Glee Club." Quinn says and looks at Finn.

"No he doesn't want to be like we are losers." Finn says and walks to his locker.

"Just talk to Sam, I heard he's gonna sing a duet with Kurt." Quinn says and walks off.

With Finn and Sam
'"Dude you can't sing with Kurt." Finn says and sits down on the benches in the locker rooms.

"Kurt asked me and I said yes, I don't see the problem." Sam says and puts on his shirt.

"He's a guy but don't you want to sing with someone at least is a girl." Finn says and looks at Sam.

"Look I decided to sing with Kurt, end of discussion." Sam says and walks out the locker room ends up getting slushiee

"Welcome to Glee Club, Lady lips." Dave says and hand-fives his football friends

Rachel's P. O. V.
I was walking down the hallway from cheerios practice, Sue may be an evil witch but her pratices shouldn't be that exhausting. I was walking past the boy's locker until I saw this blonde kid from Glee Club get slushiee. Then I do a nice thing since he's in the New Directions and it's a nice gesture, so I helped him get cleaned off.
"I heard the blue slushiee are hard to get out especially for the girl's." I say and help him get cleaned up.

"Thanks for helping me." Sam says and cleans off his face.

"Well your in Glee Club, we do anything to help a friend to get cleaned up." I say and cleaned off his face.

"You seem like a good person." Sam says and looks at her.

"Well it's my second day here, I'm the New girl." I say and finished cleaning the slushiee off

"Oh your Rachel Berry." Sam says and looks at her.

"Yes that's me, looks like your cleaned up by now but I should go see you around Sam." I say and walks out of the bathroom to my next classes.

𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑩𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 • 𝑹. 𝑩𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 ★Where stories live. Discover now