A Very Glee Christmas

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With Emma and Will, Artie and Brittany including New Directions

With Finn and Rachel

"So I was thinking since no one is in there holiday cheer maybe you can help me." Finn says "With Christmas I don't think I'm Christmas spirit but why aren't you?" Rachel asks "Quinn and I broke up after she kissed Puck and I really want some help." Finn says "Hey I'm here for you Okay and we'll go Christmas caroling around the school how's that?" Rachel asks "That's great Rach your a good friend and girlfriend to Sam and us." Finn says "I know I'll see you in Glee Club." Rachel says and walks away.

With New Directions Caroling and In The Choir Room

With Santana and Rachel

"So you and tubbers friends." Santana says "Yeah Finn wanted help with Christmas because y'all weren't Christmas Spirit." Rachel says "Oh and I think he likes you." Santana says "Look I don't like him like that I'm happy with Sam." Rachel says "Yeah you are but didn't you have feelings for him." Santana says "Yeah but when I joined the cheerios and begin a relationship with Sam that's what I was focused on just stopped having those feelings for Finn a long time ago." Rachel says "Yeah but your glad you have Sam still." Santana says "Yeah your a great friend Santana better than being friends with the rest of the members except for you and Finn." Rachel says "Yeah but sometimes a bitch to Quinn." Santana says "Yeah I enjoy when you tease her." Rachel says "Yeah me too." Santana says and they walk to class.

With Santa Claus Workshop and Finn and Quinn

(pretend quinn is rachel and rachel is quinn)

With Sam and Rachel

"So Christmas is better this year." Sam says+ "Yeah but we're losers and no one likes us." Rachel says "Yeah true but we can't let that stop us from performing okay." Sam says "I know your a great boyfriend that I could ask for." Rachel says He smiles and kisses her. She smiled at him and they walked to Glee Club.

With Blaine and Kurt

With Finn and Rachel

"Do you think Quinn's persuading to get back together with me." Finn says "Yes but you shouldn't she kissed your best friend when she found out about you and Santana." Rachel says "Yeah I figure but you know about relationships because your in one now." Finn says "Yeah it was difficult at her first because he tried to kiss me but sooner or later I'd grown to like him and don't think I know you and her set me up so my boyfriend can win the competition." Rachel says "Yeah I guess I don't want to forgive her, she broke my heart." Finn says "I know but if you don't want to forgive her just end it for real." Rachel says and walks away.

With Finn and Quinn

- 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐧 -

"Im sorry Quinn but I cant forgive you Im officially breaking up with you." Finn says and walks away He leaves Quinn alone in tears.

With Glee Club

With Finn and Rachel

"So heard you officially broke up with Quinn." Rachel says "Yeah she thought after her kissing Puck was gonna be okay then she tries to kiss me." Finn says "Listen Finn I know you want us in Christmas spirit but don't you think Sue is already taking that away." Rachel says "Yeah but I have an idea tell everyone to meet me in the teacher lounge." Finn says and walks away

In The Teacher's Lounge

With Sam and Rachel

"I think Christmas is a good holiday." Rachel says "Me too." Sam says He kisses her and she smiled in the kiss. "Can you stop making out with my girl." Santana says "Fine I'll see you later." Sam says "So how are feeling about Sam." Santana says "Happy I knew I found the perfect guy because I knew no one can make me feel like this." Rachel says "Yeah true come on Sue wants us to meet her so we can suprise Mr. Shue." Santana says Rachel smiled and grabbed Santana hand.

At Will House Hold

𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 5

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