Silly Love Songs

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With Puck and Lauren

Puck] We all know I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but there are two lessons I learned the hard way. One, never punch a cop. The other one, you can't choose love. Love chooses you. I mean, I could have any girl I wanted, but here I am in the middle of Geometry or English or something, and the only girl I've got my eye on is a whole lot of woman. I owe it all to sectionals. We needed a twelfth member. I told her if she joined the Glee Club, I'd give her seven minutes in heaven. But what went down in the janitor's closet was epic. Maybe it's because she's constantly insulting me, like Mom. Maybe I just dig a chick with curves. But it's almost Valentine's Day, and it's official.

"Stare at me again, and I'll break your nuts. Also, these candies you gave me, they sucked." Lauren tells Puck dropping the box of empty box of heart chocolate candies.

"But you ate all of them." Puck tells Lauren looking up at her.

"I had to make sure they all sucked." Lauren tells Puck walking out of the classroom.

"I'm in love with Lauren Zizes." Puck says out loud.

With Finn

[Finn] It's amazing what actually accomplishing something does to a person. I know what you're thinking, that they're all only into me because I won the first conference championship in school history, but I've changed. I'm walking taller, carrying a bigger stick and using it to fight off the ladies.

"I love you, Finnie-bear." Becky says handing him a heart candy.

"Thanks, Becky." Finn says taking the heart candy.

Yeah, I've been collecting a lot of hearts lately. Only question is which one to choose. Bingo. I just need to go for this. Maybe it never worked out with Quinn because I never met the right woman like Rachel. I know I can pry her away from Sam if I can get her to kiss me again. The ridiculous thing is that  I could get every girl in this school to kiss me but her. Game on.

With Kurt and Blaine

In The Choir Room

"All right, guys. I have one word for you. Brittany?" Will asked Brittany.

"Is it "love"? I'm totally gonna graduate now. Brittany says as cheers to herself.

"Valentine's Day is coming up, so for this week's lesson, I want you guys to pick a partner, because you're gonna sing to them what you think is the world's greatest love song. Yeah, find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you. Now partner up." Will says to the kid's.

"Mr. Schue? Can I say something? I just wanted to point out that, for the first time, an entire week has gone by without any one of us getting Slusheed. The fact that I led the football team to a championship might have something to do with it. Fact is that I'm the closest thing that this Glee Club has to a celebrity now, and just like a famous athlete, I wanna give to a charity. You guys. So I'm setting up a kissing booth for a dollar a smooch and donating the proceeds to Glee Club to help us--

"Don't even act like you're trying to help this club, you just want to kiss a bunch of girls." Mercedes says to Finn.

"I've kissed Finn and can I just say, "Not worth a buck." I would, however, pay $100 to jiggle one of his man boobs." Santana says to Finn.

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