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Darkon stood in his study room, he was looking at the files some villagers said they saw have a weird phenomena, some villagers said that they saw some weird looking woman going for men and each men she would get from inside a tavern or a street would disappear. Some even would say that a lot of herbs would be stolen and everyday from the same place, with the merchant sleeping and walking everyday suddenly to see that his face held small scratches all over.

Darkon heard a knock on his door. "Come in." He gave permission to see Saraya coming in with a gentle look, her face flushed "you are still looking it up?" She moved inside his place and stared at the disheveled look he had.

"Ofcourse I am still at it, witches are not letting it go. They disappear as they wish, thinking that I would not get a hold of them, they better dream on." He mumbled the last part to himself as if he didn't notice that Saraya was there.

Saraya felt sad for Darkon, he always worked if not working he would be training the kids, if not he would be in his own mind looking for an unkown person. Even when he was sleeping, when she passed his door, she could her groans of pain and mumbling of incoherent words.

With pity in her eyes she tried to make him stop even for a minute, "witches and dragons are vicious Darkon, but you need to cut yourself some slack." She stood in front of his desk trying to convince him, but she felt herself swung as she stood there.

"Cut myself some slack,.."he chuckled in annoyance. She is taking it easy as if she learned that they were vicious from her books, no one have been under the torture of both Dragons and witches to know what the word vicious meant in these creatures dictionary.

"What do you know?" He stood up and walked to the pastry table.

"I know that even if they killed and made every one we know disappear, you can't torture yourself over that, live a bit, Darkon." She followed him standing right behind him, wanting to get to the subject she already came for in the first place, but she couldn't remember what she wanted to say.

"Live a bit? You don't even have the face to say that, you think you are all hail and mighty because you were once a princess, you are so privileged, you know nothing about how desperate I am, have you ever been desperate once in your whole life, have you?" His words were said gently as a breeze but their weight held poison as they reached Saraya's ear.

She couldn't disagree with him, but why would he think that because she was a princess she could do whatever she wants, was that his idea of her? "I have been desperate, yes. Do you think training was T-that easy?"

Darkon couldn't help but roll his eyes, he didn't even turn to look at her as he took a cup of tea, and gave it to her, she took the tea silently and sipped on it, but she felt that it was calming so, she finished it quickly.

"You think training with us was the most desperate thing you have been through?" He just chuckled.

"You know nothing about me!" She shouted at him putting the empty tea cup on the table near her, feeling more refreshed.

Darkon got annoyed that he turned to face Saraya with a frown in his face he shouted at Saraya making her take a step back stumbling,  "you know what? I tried, I tried to understand you and Eliase. I tried to keep up with the both of you, do you know how hard it is to be with people who have something to be proud of? You two were always the high and mighty people, while I struggled to get to where I am right now, and you think you get it hard, take it easy, you take it so easy, but I can't say anything, so you might think that it's okay for me to rest when people out there are eating themselves alive because of these bitches. So, I don't want you to tell me to take it easy! You, you be serious. Both you and Eliase."

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