CH. 12

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Argentina was walking the streets after collecting daisies stepping with a jumpy gait as she hummed a lullaby. She slowed down when she saw people gathering around an ally. Wondering, Argentina glanced to see something liquidy red near someone's leg. Once she saw it she turned her head away her steps quickening as she caught a glance at a man who was trembling and screaming "monster! Monster!" He was screaming too much that his voice was close to a faint choking sound. Argentina was moving quickly and once she passed that scene safely, She sighed. Her grip on the daisies loosening not noticing how tight she was grasping the roots.

She stopped walking in front of the castle gates, today I will agree to be a guardian. She was glancing at the blue dress Darkon gave her yesterday as a gift, slowly a smile flavoured her face, her body turning slightly left and right subconsciously as she stood there holding the daisies. She remembered the scene as if it was happening in front of her eyes.

"This is my gift for you as a friend, consider it a welcoming gift if you agreed to be a guardian, and a parting one if you don't." He smiled at her when he asked a maid to take her in for a warm shower ordering the maid to pamper the little girl.

Argentina smile broadened, her cheeks turning crimson red as she remembered his smile. Never had anyone been kind to her before. That's why today she was holding a group of violet daisies to gift it to Darkon. And to tell him finally about her decisions to join and be a guardian like him. Her train of thoughts was cut when she saw Darkon's friend whose name was Saraya walking quickly with a troubled face towards the castle, guards bowing down before opening the gates for her to enter.

Argentina went to the kind guard who she talked with before and courtsed at him. "Hello, little lady. Are you here for The head guardian, Master Darkon?" She nodded at the guard's smiling face gaining her access to enter the castle. She moved slowly looking at the interiors and beautiful flowers and fountains everywhere. Argentina was walking with a smiling face when she felt like comparing her daisies with the enormous flowers with different sizes,colors and smell.

Her smiling face fell down, but soon she remembered Darkon's smiling face making her smile yet again, knowing that he will like her gift whatever it was.

Once she reached the main hall did she feel the gloomy atmosphere as guards and maids running around with startled expressions and bowls of water moving from one place to the other. Her curiosity took the best of her and she moved towards the room that had many maids and butlers, some running back and forth while others standing clasping their hands with worried eyes and anxious demeanour.

She took a peak inside the room to see the silhouette of Saraya's back and forth gait. She was screaming something at a man who was leaning on a bed with a comfortable stance void of any tension to the dark atmosphere in the room. She couldn't see his face as a maid was blocking her view.

"Hi there, Argentina. Right?" Argentina was startled when she heard the voice of a similar girl talking to her. It's Kera. The maid who brought her sweets, bathed and dressed her.

Argentina bowed and looked at the sweet smile of the young maid. "Hi, Kera." Argentina said with a gentle voice.

"You remember my name?" Kera's smile brightened. Before she glanced at the open door of the room Argentina was looking at. Subtly she closed the door making the scream of Saraya become a faint noise to their ears.

"You came here to meet Master Darkon?" Kera asked offering Argentina a hand, she took it without hesitation and moved with Kera who was moving her away to a nearby garden.

"Where is Darkon?" Argentina soon asked the maid who stood next to her watching Argentina eat. Argentina offered her many times to eat with her but she refused, saying that it was rude of her to sit on the same table as Master Darkon's guest. Making Argentina give up on making her eat, and she started eating herself.

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