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"Who will tell me, the time of 'the day of utter peace' and how it occured" Saraya was wearing a light shirt and pants, talking with the kids close to the palace, she was discussing with them the importance of the history of the day the humans gained their peace from a thousand year ago. She was walking back and forth her raven short length hair swaying along the breeze. She was smiling and moving from one place to the other interacting with the kids and giving them advice. Saraya was ignorant to the eyes that watched her as a hawk.

"Isn't she just breathtaking?" He was inside the castle looking at her from above. Sighing as he had his head leaning on his hand.

"Look at her getting taken from you..." once Eliase heard Darkon'z voice, he buffed his cheeks and folded his arms together sitting Indian style. " what's with that pose?" Darkon sat next to him with no care glancing at Saraya who played and ran around with kids.

" I am cross with you." He was still buffing his cheeks.

"Don't worry, my love. I will get you Roses" Eliase felt a nerve poking at his head, but he played along.

"Really, my love. I want white tulips." He flattened his voice like a girl's.

"Should I hand it with a kiss on top?" He continued.

"Why not now, my love?" Eliase was irritated that he got hold of Darkon's collar and pulled him, buckling his lips for a kiss. Darkon resisted and pushed at his face.

"No! No! You monster." Darkon faltered his voice to a girl. And closed his eyes tight then opened them when he opened them, he saw Saraya looking at them with a raised eyebrow, Eliase was still buckling his lips acting as if he was kissing someone. Darkon cleared his throat. Making Eliase open his eyes to see Saraya staring at him. With a speed of a lightning he shot up to stand leaning on a wall.

"Hey. How are you, Saraya." He folded his arm and made a hard face. Darkon was sitting laughing himself off at how Eliase is making a fool of himself.

"Don't laugh Darkon, you looked as stupid as that idiot when you acted as a girl." When she finished she knocked both of them on their heads.

"What are you both doing for all that's good and mighty?" They were sitting on their knees looking like puppies. "Nothing." They said in unison. Any maids or butlers passed by them would chuckle at their daily tactics and moved away from them. They were used to their Pickering all the time.

"Darkon, I need you to come with me there is an important information I  need to tell you and you have been disappearing lately, and..." she stopped talking when she noticed only one of the two idiots were still kneeling.

"Where is Darkon?" Saraya was clasping the documents she had in her hand an imaginary steam rising from her head. Eliase was freezed up in the position sweating at the intense gaze she was gracing him. He cleared his throat, "once you started talking about the important things he--"

"He bloody ran away!?" She was actually fuming when she was screaming at Eliase. he put his fingers in his ears to block her scream. "Look, Saraya..." before he could continue, he felt his collars being held and pulled up.

"You and me are going to see where this son of an arse go to..." he was like a deer caught and was fearing his life, "right now!" She spat at him.

"Yes, m'am" she walked away and Eliase walked behind her feeling dejected like an abandoned puppy.

She is scary...

After a moment Eliase remembered the conversation he had with Darkon two days before. That made his eyes turn from playful to a focused serious eyes.

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