Chapter 2- Ravaged Souls

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Thank you so much guys for reading! It means so much to me that you're reading this and I appreciate every single one of you. Feel free to critique, I haven't written anything in over 4 years and still am a bit rusty. Anyways back to the story, I hope to put out at least 2 chapters each week. I'm a senior in hs and need to be focusing on that, but this story is still a huge priority to me. Hope you all enjoy the second chapter.

Still at the seat of the piano, Kousei remains

It was happening again, Kousei broke down as he sat in the piano chair, sobs staining his blue suit. His cries of anguish pierced the air, leaving the audience wondering what had just happened. They had just experienced one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever performed and were now transfixed on the painful scene before them.

"Kousei" whispered Tsubaki under her breath. Next to her Watari was twiddling with his fingers nervously, tears forming in his eyes.

'Damn it Kousei, get it together,' Watari was no fool, he understood what was happening between Kousei and Kaori the last few weeks. He may have been a playboy, but he was also capable of understanding feelings. If Kousei breaking down again meant what he thought it meant, then he knew what happened. He stood up, confusing those around him, Tsubaki looked up at him, pain and tears in her eyes. He walked out of the auditorium to go backstage, running as soon as he exited. Tsubaki understood the cue and chased after him.

'Please don't let this mean what I think it means' Tsubaki thought to herself. Kousei had been utterly destroyed by the trauma of his mom and her death, and with Kaori gone, who knew what would happen. Sure when Kousei looked at the world now it was full of colors, but now with his source of light gone, who knew. Tsubaki heard of stories where people had fallen deeply in love, their lives completely transformed by it, but when they lost it, it destroyed them, some taking their lives in the process. After everything that had happened in the last couple weeks, Tsubaki now understood partly what love meant. Love was more than that feeling of looking at someone and getting butterflies in your stomach, it was more than caring about someone and be willing to give up everything for them. It involved loss and pain, it involved being able to let go of someone. With love came loss, it was the cycle of life after all.

Kousei couldn't control the feelings he was currently experiencing. He knew what loosing someone felt like, he was no stranger to those feelings, not fond of them either. He held his head in his hands, attempting to muffle his sobs, but to no avail. 'I have to get up, I can't stay here forever, especially with this crowd here.' It was true, the crowd was still too transfixed on the events of the last 5 minutes. The judges normally wouldn't tolerate this type of behavior, having had no mercy on Kousei the last time he broke down during his performance, after all it was their job to be emotionless, only there to judge. This time it was different however, they too had experienced the feelings of the piano through Kousei. The main judge, the one seen many times before, sat there in awe, mouth agape, tears in his eyes. The auditorium was deathly silent, the only sound was the muffled cries of a downcast pianist.

'I need to go...' he thought to himself. He stood up, attempting to wipe his tears, but even so, they continued to rain down.

'He shouldn't have to go through this. He lost his mom, now he's losing someone else.' Hiroko had no idea about Kaori, nor about any of Kousei's friends. 'He of all people doesn't deserve this. He's brought color to so many peoples' lives, but none to himself. I'm so sorry Kousei, I never should've convinced your mom to teach you to play the piano." Hiroko quickly hid her tears, Kousei had managed to captivate the feelings of everyone there, a feat rare to occur, a feat that any musician would hope to accomplish.

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