Chapter 9: A Burrito to the Face

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      A/N: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I hope all of you have a stellar day with your S/Os, friends, and/or family members! And if you're spending Valentine's Day alone, be sure to treat yourself with with lots and lots of chocolate and take long romantic walks to the fridge! (at least, that's what I'll be doing) :) 💜

      Also I had so many ideas for the zodiacs on Valentine's Day but the timeline was completely off. This chapter is kinda short since I decided to split it into two. Sooo yeah. Enjoy!!

      Aries sat down at the lunch table and let out a loud sigh. The mostly all of the other zodiacs were already there. Libra brightened up as soon as she caught sight of him. 

      "Hey Aries!" she exclaimed, scooting closer to him. 

      He gave her his signature lopsided grin. "Heya Libra! How are you doing today?"

      Libra smiled back at him shyly, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. She tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Before she could say anything, Aquarius squeezed in between the two and sat down. 

      "Dang," he said, leaning back a bit, spreading the two out even more. "Those tests were brain racking."

      "Huh," Virgo said, tilting her head. "I thought they were pretty easy."

      "Oh quit bragging, Virgo," Pisces sighed. "We all know you're like, super smart."

      Virgo just gave the black-haired girl a smug smile. 

      "Please," Aries interrupted. "We all know that I'm the smartest."


      "Anyways," Leo started. 

      "Hey!" Aries complained. 

      "Gem! What did you get for question number 7 on the math test?" Leo asked. 

      "Huh?" Gemini scratched his head. "Number 7? What was the question?"

      "Y'know," Leo waved her hands around. "The one where the guy bought 768 flowers for his girlfriend."

      "Riight. What were the answer choices again?"

      Gemini was saved from answering when Cancer and Scorpio arrived and sat down next to each other. 

      "Heyy girl," Leo said, leaning closer to Cancer. She wiggled her eyebrows. 

      Cancer rolled her eyes and shoved her away. Scorpio just gave them a confused look. 

      "Hey Sag," Aries suddenly said, leaning forward. "How'd you think you did on the test?"

      "Oh, I mostly definitely failed." he answered bluntly. 

      What?! Don't just say that!" Aries exclaimed. 

      "Just telling the truth here," Sag said nonchalantly. He shrugged like "What can you do?", but there was a dark look in his eyes. 

      Aries sighed and gave him a worried look from across the table. "We'll talk about this later."

      "I think I did okay," Capricorn said thoughtfully. "If I added up the points correctly, I should've gotten nothing lower than a 90%."

      Taurus slapped him hard on the back. Capricorn almost choked on his food. "I'm sure you did fine."


      The zodiacs started up their own little conversations amongst themselves. Aqua had excitedly brought out his Supernaturals magazine and was gushing about the new theories about aliens to Libra. Libra was the only other zodiac who was actually intrigued by supernatural beings, so Aqua did his best to take advantage. She had a look of awe in her eyes and a bright smile as Aqua talked. 

      Huh, Aries thought to himself, with a smile. They would make a cute couple. 

      Cancer and Leo had pulled Taurus and Pisces into their "secret" conversation. They were all whispering and giggling about something. Virgo and Capricorn were both chatting about some book series they've read. Meanwhile, Cancer and Scorpio were bickering like an old married couple. Nothing unusual about that. 

      Aries noticed that Sag was staring glumly down at his plate with a frown on his face. Aries had a feeling that it wasn't just about the test. He made a mental note to mention it to Sag later. 

      Suddenly there was a startled yelp. Cancer had smashed her burrito into Scorpio's face. 

      "Oops," Cancer said, smushing it further onto his face. She glanced the other way hiding a smile. "My hand must've slipped."

      Gemini and Leo were suppressing snickers. Scorpio glared at Cancer and a piece of ground beef fell off his face. Sag was hiding an amused smile behind his hand. Gemini snickered even harder. Even Capricorn's lips twitched up in a smile. Scorpio grabbed his enchilada and threw it hard at Cancer's face. She easily dodged it, and it hit Leo on the back of her head instead. Gemini's face was turning red from suppressing his laughter for so long.  


      The other kids in the cafeteria exchanged glances before all hell broke loose. Burritos are a dangerous flying projectile especially when traveling at high speeds. Now imagine a whole cafeteria full of these projectiles along with other food. Yeah, it was pretty intense. 


      "WOOOOO!" a girl screamed, snatching a burrito from a nearby kid's hands. 

      "Hey!" the kid complained. "I was gonna eat that!"

      "HEY EVERYONE! Calm down!" a teacher desperately yelled. She got hit in the back of the head with a bean and cheese burrito. 

      Gemini was dying of laughter on the ground. 

      Within 5 minutes almost one third of the kids in the cafeteria were down. 

      "T-taurus," Pisces whispered, lying down. There was ground beef and grease marks all over her white shirt. Truly a gruesome scene. 

      Taurus gasped and rushed over. "P-pisces! N-no! Hold on! Y-you'll be okay-" She tried to pick off some of the beef bits. 

      "Taurie," Pisces placed a hand on her arm. "I-it's okay. I'm not g-gonna make it."

     "No! D-don't say that! Y-you're m-my best friend," Taurus whispered, wiping a tear off her face. 

      "A-avenge me, Taurie."

      "I-I will. I promise."

      Taurus left Pisces's beef covered body laying there and stood up. She armed herself with two burritos and a salad. Just as she was about to throw it, a booming voice yelled at them. 


      Everyone immediately froze. It was the principal, Mr. Onion. At least, that was what Taurus thought his name was. He wore a crisp white shirt that beautifully complimented his caramel skin and dark brown hair. He adjusted the glasses resting on his face before folding his arms. 

      He glanced around with a look of disbelief in his eyes. "And just who started all this?"

      Everyone in the room turned their gazes on the table the zodiacs usually sit at. A few even pointed in their general direction. Snitches. Mr. Onion's gaze turned cold as he glared at all the zodiacs. Libra quickly hid the cream pie(Taurus had no idea where she got that from) behind her back and averted her gaze. 

      Welp, we're screwed. 

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