Chapter 1: Dorms (Fire Signs Meet)

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      It was a bright and sunshiny day. The fabulous Leo Noir and her annoying sidekick (and close childhood friend), Aries Ramel, were on a great journey into the unknown. The birds were chirping, as though they were welcoming their arrival. Leo glanced out the window and sighed to herself.  She could tell Aries was nervous as well. But tis was only just the beginning of an exciting quest-

      "Could you shut up?"

      Leo glared angrily at her sidekick before kicking him in the ankle and-

      "Ow! Leo! Quit doing your dramatic monologue and help me get our luggage down!"

      "Ugh. You're no fun Aries." Leo pouted as she stood by watching Aries haul their luggage off the rack.

      Aries just rolled his eyes and tossed Leo's luggage towards her. He then grabbed his own suitcase and dragged it off the bus. 

      "Hey! Wait up!" 


      "Woah! It's huge!" Aries exclaimed.

      They had both lugged their suitcases up towards the entrance of their new high school. Many of the older students were running around, busy reuniting with friends or rushing to get their new dorm numbers. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a couple other newbies staring in shock as well.

      Leo snorted, "Of course it is dummy! It's one of the world's number one schools."

      "I know that! I'm not an idiot!" Aries snapped defensively. 

      "Well you act like one."

      "Well I wasn't the one narrating herself on the bus!" 

      "It's called a monologue! Every epic quest needs one!"

      Aries playfully shoved her. "Whatever. Let's go get our dorm numbers."

      "Ay, lil' bro! Every great quest starts with dorm numbers!" Leo shouted gleefully before grabbing him and pulled him towards the growing line of people waiting to receive their dorms. 


      "Here ya go!" the woman at the table exclaimed shoving a brochure and map along with a piece of paper and a set of keys into Sagittarius's hands.  "The paper has your schedule and dorm number on it! You'll be living with 11 other people but don't worry! You'll each have your own room! You only share a common room and kitchen!"

      "Oh. Um, thanks I guess." Sag said glancing down at his paper before turning around and heading towards the dorm towers. 

      Hmm... Dorm tower 12, Sag thought, looking down at his map. Just around the corner. 

      He took a deep breath before entering the building. 

      Please don't let anyone be there, he silently pleaded opening the door. 

      Just his luck. Two people were already there. The girl caught sight of him and waved frantically at him before grabbing the boy beside her and dragged him along. 

      "Hi! I'm Leo!" the girl practically shouted at him.

      "Quit yelling, he can hear you perfectly fine." the boy stated with a roll of his eyes. 

      The girl was wearing a a coral pink hoodie tucked into a black leather skirt. She was wearing a pair of black combat boots. Her bubblegum pink hair was pulled into a messy ponytail and her sky blue eyes twinkled with excitement. She also had a few Cheeto crumbs on her face for some reason. The boy had messy red hair and bright green eyes. He sort of looked like what Sag envisioned would be the main character in a book or movie. He was wearing a plain orange hoodie and jeans. 

      "Anyways, sorry about her. I'm Aries." the boy said pushing her aside with a lopsided grin. 

      Leo shoved him and exclaimed, "Screw off Aries! He's my friend! I can already tell we're gonna be besties!"

      Sag blinked a couple times. Friends? What? They don't even know my name! 

      Then he realized that they were both waiting for him to say something.


      "You have Cheeto crumbs on your face." Sag finally said in a monotone voice before turning away to drag his suitcase towards his room. 

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