Date - Chapter 7

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"H-Huh??" the blue hair girl asked with her face flared up. 

"What? Don't wanna go? That's fine then, I just thought-" she quickly cut him off.

"N-No! I would love to.. I just didn't expect to hear that from.. you.."

"Huh?!?! Did Saiki just ask out Teruhashi!??!" the boys from the crowd rioted. "Teruhashi, how could you betray our trust and get a man?!?!"

Ah crap, they heard..

"Uhh.." she needed to find an excuse. she also needed to say something in a lowkey way. There's no way a perfect pretty girl like me would hear what these guys are saying. "You're my friend, Saiki! Of course I would hang out with you because we are friends!" 

Sorry, Saiki. I'll have to friendzone you for now..

He gave his typically blank face. "Alright, cool." Jeez. Could he show emotions for once?

"No way am I buying that! Why would you go out on a date with him, he's fucking average!" one of the boys point at Saiki. Apparently, her excuse didn't work.

"Huh? I thought Saiki was fucking Teruhashi?" Nendo says bluntly while picking his nose. Her face immediately turns red, there's no way she would do something like that.

"No way.. They've already gone that far?!?" Another yells out in disbelief. He clenches his fists in agony.

"No! We're just friends.. Why can't you guys just believe that.." she whips out her ultimate beautiful girl technique, Angel Tears. "Was I really that untrustworthy?

"Ah, we're so sorry, Teruhashi! We did not mean to doubt you!" they all bowed and apologized with all their heart. She wipes away her crocodile tears.

"O-Okay.. As long as you guys understand.. It's way too early for me to get a boyfriend anyways. I want to focus on schoolwork before all of that!" she shine brightly. 

"Teruhashi.. We were blind, you are truly a goddess! There's no way you would date somebody, how could we be so foolish?!"

"This is stupid." Saiki sighed.

Suddenly, the bell rings. It's time for class to begin so her followers all went back to their classes. They all sat down in her seats, and Teruhashi was happy sitting next to the pink haired psychic. As much as she appreciate being treated as a goddess, spending time with her crush was pretty cool too.

Lecture is boring as usual, but a perfect girl like her wouldn't laze around during class! However, she'll make an exception this time...

She thought about our cuddling session a day ago and smiled widely.

 I want that to happen again..

Suddenly, he looks at her with a weird look.

 I suppose he caught me staring, oops. Whatever, of course he wouldn't mind if a pretty girl like me was caught staring at him!

She winked at him to ease his teenage heart.

He cringed and turned away. She gasped in pain as she fell on her desk, defeated.


The rest of class passed and Saiki was about to get up from his seat to walk to Cafe Mami. "Let's get some ramen, pal!" Nendo says with a grin.

"Tch! Nendo, you can't!" Kaido stops him. "He's surpassed even me, heh, impressive.. To.. S-S-Smooch a g-g-g-g-" he couldn't even finish his sentence, he was blushing like a teenage girl.

Risking It All For You (old ver.) (READ DESC) (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi)Where stories live. Discover now