Chapter 3 - Mood Swings

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Annoying A/N real quick (PLS READ BUT U DONT HAVE TO): Sorry for the delay ppl! I just had a lot of things to do this week, and barely had enough time to write. I'm probably gonna add a chapter every week, and a minimum of every month. I don't want you guys waiting for too long ;p. I intend to write far more, maybe until chapter 20 if I don't get unmotivated. However, I'm gonna change some stuff. I don't really like the aspect of telling which perspective it is. Like, I'm still gonna change perspectives but I'll do it by spacing it out a bit (Maybe with 5 lines)  Also, I noticed that my chapters are much shorter than other fanfics, so I'll try to make them longer, at least 1500 words. Speaking of reading other fanfics, I've noticed mine are a bit weak. The other stories have much better language and have better ways of showing expression while mine does not. I'll try to be more descriptive so I can give you guys the best experience of reading this, I don't want you to waste your time reading trash (I hope it hasn't been too trash so far).

Anyways I'll stop rambling, I just wanted to say those things before getting into the story. Alright thanks for stopping to read this.


Teruhashi had slowly opened her eyes. She let out a yawn, she barely remembered what happened before she fell asleep.

*What happened?*

She then noticed a ceiling that wasn't familiar to her. "Ehh? Where am I??" She yelled out when tearing the sheets off of her. She shot up and looked around her surroundings.

*..Where am I??* she thought before locking eyes with the boy who she was walking with previously.

"O-oh, you're awake. That's good, you were uh, out for a while." the boy said with a soft voice.

"EHHH?? Saiki!!?" she had yelled out. Her face flared up again, red as a tomato. A pattern was going on with her going red today. She was shocked of what she was doing here. She has been here a couple times but almost never into his room. And even resting in his bed!

"S-Sorry, you passed out during school. I couldn't really , uh, take you to your house because your brother could've caused a stir. Sorry that I couldn't take you anywhere else." Saiki had a slight tint of pink on his cheeks.

*Offu.. He's totally blushing. It's so cute whenever he blushes..*

"How long have I been here?" asked Teruhashi, still having a sweet smile from Saiki's blush.

"Maybe about 2 hours. Not enough to worry anyone, probably. Except maybe your brother."

She had laughed with that remark. Who knew Saiki could be so expressive? He usually doesn't say that much at all, and when he does he tries to limit how much he talks.

"D-Did you carry me?" she had said finally after a few seconds of silence.

"Yea, sorry, I just had to catch you before you fell on the floor." Saiki replied with a chuckle.

In her head, she thought that was really sweet of him. She wanted to give him a big hug but that would be really awkward right now, and she didn't want to embarrass herself doing that.

"Aww, t-thank you Saiki!" she let out with a cheerful expression on her face. She couldn't even hide how happy she was. The boy of her dreams had protected her again! It had happened before and it still made her really happy. She lied back down and pulled the sheets back onto her. It smelled awfully good, just like flowers. God, she wanted to stay there all day if she could. I mean, it was Saiki's bed after all, she had to take the chance when she could.

Saiki just sighed when he noticed what she was doing, "Anyways, how are you feeling?"

"Oh, I'm feeling okay. T-Thanks for worrying about me.." Teruhashi replied, still engrossed into Saiki's bedsheets.

Risking It All For You (old ver.) (READ DESC) (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi)Where stories live. Discover now