Chapter 1 - Promise

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Teruhashi POV

"S-S-S-Saiki??? What's going on??" Teruhashi yelled out. The boy he expected to be inside the classroom and confess his love was standing right next to glass shards. She was quite dazed of what she was witnessing in front of her. But Saiki looked even more dazed "Saiki, why are there floating shards next to you?"

Saiki POV

Saiki stared at the dazed girl for a moment, and then turned away. He had to strategize.. *Oh god, the one who brings the most attention just saw my psychic powers.. I'll have to pull out the nanana object to make her forg-* Saiki thought to himself before he got hit by the realization his psychic powers are gone. *Wait, If my psychic powers are gone, then how did the window break in the first place.. Ah yes, must've been a rock, probably hit the window and the wind pushed up against the shards to make it seem they were floating in place! Mhmm, makes sense, my psychic powers could not possibly be bac-* 

"Saiki, what's going on? You still haven't explained to me why there are floating shards right next to you!" Teruhashi had exclaimed, making him lose his train of thought and the glass shards finally falling. Saiki then debated if he should tell her or not. I mean, he was about to anyways, but now that there's a chance his psychic powers are back, he can't tell them. How bad would it be if the girl that drags the most attention, knew about his powers? It wouldn't be good, but how could he hide it now? It'd been wishful thinking of what he thought before and she's not dense enough to believe what he had to say. Saiki contemplated and finally reached a conclusion. He wasn't sure if it was the right decision, but for some reason, it did feel right in his gut.

Teruhashi POV

*Saiki has been silent for like 40 seconds now! Why hasn't he said anything yet?* she thought to herself. "Saikiii? Helloo?" Those words had finally made Saiki say something. "Good grief, alright.. I'll tell you. Come with me" Saiki motioned for her to follow. Under normal circumstances, Teruhashi would be overjoyed for Saiki to invite her somewhere, even if it was a few meters away. Instead, she had an intrigued expression, kind of scared, wondering what had happened? *Maybe Saiki was a psychic or something?* She laughed to herself at that thought. Ha, no way, those don't exist. Could they?

They finally had made it to the roof after a couple of seconds of awkward silence and walking. When they had finally arrived, they kinda just stared at each other, waiting for one to say something. *God, this is so awkward, why isn't he saying anything?* Teruhashi thought while staring into his eyes. The silence finally broke when Saiki decided to talk. "I'll just make this quick and easy," *Oh yea, quick and easy leaving me in silence for so long.* Teruhashi thought to herself with a pout. "I used to be a psychic, I used to have psychic powers. Or, I thought I used to but it could be that I still have them. With the flying glass incident and all. I probably can't control them though." he said with a his usual face. "E-Ehhhh??!?!?!?" Teruhashi had yelled out. 

Not only had he said that with the most bland expression on his face, he's treating it like a totally normal thing! She was too shocked to think rationally right now, so she mistakenly yelled that out. Realizing that she wasn't acting very perfect, she composed herself again. "O-oh, what type of abilities do you have, Saiki?" she said trying to keep a relaxed smile on her face. Her smile was more like a squiggly line and here eyes like spirals. Saiki had noticed and gave out a laugh. "Oh, to list a few I had ---" Saiki had begun to list all of his abilities and Teruhashi's mind could not keep up. "Mmm okay I see" she kept on saying randomly knowing full well she could not comprehend. Teruhashi had to sit down. Her legs were getting a bit weak so she had to sit down. I mean, if your crush just told you that he's basically a superhero, usually you wouldn't believe that but enough proof had just happened right in front of her. Enough for her to believe him. He knows Saiki wouldn't lie to her.  Saiki had let out a laugh noticing her fumble down, but then immediately went back to his blank face. It was cute in a way, for her, even though she was still shocked of what she had just heard. Teruhashi gave herself a moment to calm down before saying anything else. "I was gonna tell everyone before the window exploded and almost stabbed me." he let out while shaking his head. 

"Oh, if you were gonna tell us anyways , then why didn't you bring everyone else with us?" Teruhashi had asked. "Now that my psychic powers are coming back, I can't tell anyone else." Saiki responded with a sigh. "Then why did you tell me?" After a couple of seconds of silence, Saiki coughed and finally responded. "I don't know. It's because I uh.. trust you.. the most. I guess." Saiki finally let out with the slightest tint of pink on his cheeks and a semi smile. Teruhashi immediately flared up and her face turned beet red. *E-Ehhh???, did he really just say that? The emotionless Saiki Kusuo that had avoided me and not really cared for me that much just said he trusts me? The most?? Isn't that basically a confession? And that face he's making, he's actually blushing, it's so cutee!!* Teruhashi said with her face on fire.

Saiki POV

Saiki himself could not believe what he had just said. It had kind of slipped out, he didn't really mean to say it. He had been thinking about it, but he didn't mean to say it out loud. *She better had not thought of that in another way..* he grumbled to himself. But probably not, because looking at her you could tell she was obviously flustered. Red as a tomato. Saiki felt his stomach jump a bit over her appearance. *Maybe an after affect of using my powers again* he tried to reassure himself with. He did NOT like Teruhashi Kokomi. He would NOT be influenced by how she looked. He was sure of it. Maybe. 

After Teruhashi looked like she calmed down a bit, Saiki broke the silence. "Anyways.. This should be obvious but, don't tell anyone. Or else." He told her with his sinister look. Teruhashi just giggled at this and responded back with "Yea yea, I know." She had a smug look, that he strangely enjoyed. 

 "Promise me?"

"Yea, I promise."

A/N: Yeaa I feel like this isn't as good as it could've been. I'll heat things up more in the next chapter ;)) if I don't get lazy. Anyways, thanks for reading! 

Risking It All For You (old ver.) (READ DESC) (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi)Where stories live. Discover now