Fixing Plotholes (NOT A CHAPTER)

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When I first made this story, I was pretty trash at writing. I still kind of am, but hey, I've improved a bit. I kinda forgot to explain things and some things don't make sense. When I was writing chapter 4, I realized I seriously didn't explain anything and I need to clear some things up before I post this chapter. So here ya go


•Why could Saiki turn invisible but can't use any of his powers? 

          This one was the most obvious one but kinda confusing. This was because he can't control his powers currently

•Why is Saiki acting so awkward in front of Terhashi when he usually doesn't?

          Well, in reality it's to add cute moments to the story. But, storywise, I actually have a real reason. It's because he can finally see how she actually looks, and is getting flustered of how she looks on the outside. Saiki used to see her muscles only, but now he can finally see her true beauty. I explain it more on the next chapter.

•How did Saiki walk home after turning invisible if it's only a 5 - 10 minute interval? (i forgot how long it is)?

          I literally don't have a good explanation for this one. I should've just had him teleport now that I think about it. I don't even remember why I didn't have him do this. You can imagine this in two ways, Saiki ran home as fast as he can with Teruhashi in his arms (I mean the school isn't that far away from his house), or he teleported home eventually after trying a bunch of times. 

•Finally, the most important one I need to clear up. Why did Teruhashi go through so much mood swings in chapter 3, why did she overreact so much? 

          This is my biggest mistake of the story. Chapter 3. I could've wrote that so much better. I wish I could rewrite it but I can't now that people have seen it. I mean, Saiki only revealed his powers once canonly and she didn't really care that much, she thought it was sweet he stuck with him even knowing how she truly was. If I could rewrite it, I would just have her be happy that he stayed with her and they would develop a better relationship together of trust. BUT I DIDN'T AND NOW I CAN'T REWRITE THAT. I do have a solution though. Teruhashi was just so startled of how Saiki was acting, like he genuinely enjoyed her company. He had never acted like that so her emotions were going wild. Also the fact that he had psychic powers added to that shock.


Okay that's all I really needed to explain I think. The next chapter is coming out soon, don't worry. It should be out soon. Sorry for the delay, and I'll hope you enjoy it :)

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