Power Leaks - Chapter 5

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Saiki could not believe what had just happened. Both were really crucial.

1. Saiki said 'offu'

2. Saiki had read Teruhashi's mind.

Teruhashi however was really happy. She had been chasing after that 'offu' him for far too long. After all this time, he finally did it. Even she couldn't believe that she had heard it. She didn't even stop to think why he had said it even though he had said it out of the blue. She was so happy, she could literally die.

He recalled that he had heard Teruhashi's thoughts for a few seconds. He remembered it was something about her being able to conquer him and getting him to say 'offu'. The way how she was so confident was really cute to him.

Well, you got your wish..

He could no longer hear her thoughts. It had only been for a split second, had he imagined it?

Nah, it couldn't be. I refuse to believe I said it just because of my stupid imagination.

Teruhashi was really happy, she could hardly keep her composure.

*Omgomgomgomg, what is happening today?!!* she thought to herself. Multiple unexpected occurrences were happening today, and all of those things she absolutely did NOT expect from Saiki. She has grown to understand that Saiki wasn't really interested, but because of today she wondered if that was actually true. So far, he had been flustered multiple times, said sweet things to her, cuddled with her, and now said 'offu' to her.

Maybe he's finally falling for me..

Oh, learning that he was a psychic was pretty surprising too. I mean, it was really shocking at first to learn about his abilities. It still was, but her thoughts were focused on the way Saiki was acting. Why was he acting that way around her?  Wouldn't he have been more flustered knowing that the most pretty and perfect girl likes you and was thinking about you with his telepathy?? Why now?

She couldn't understand him. But that didn't matter right now. She had finally got him to say it. And it had been the ultimate victory for her.

She was shaking so much, it wouldn't be a surprise if she were to faint right now. *Actually, it was a surprise she hadn't. *I'm so happy!!!* Teruhashi had a look of accomplishment and happiness on her face. In fact, she was so happy that she was tempted to go for a round 2 of cuddling. And she would've if she hadn't been interrupted by a "Ring!" from her phone. She flinched because she was so entranced in her thoughts. She pulled out her phone and scowled when she saw who had texted her. 

Tch, It was her brother, repeatedly asking her where she was and why she's not home yet.

She sighed and looked up at Saiki. He was trying to cover his blush, he looked both annoyed and flustered at the same time. It was really cute..

That definitely boosted her mood a bit. 

Teruhashi didn't want to leave just yet. It would be nice if they could do this everyday. Or at least be able to hang out and talk with him more often. She felt closer to him, nothing to hide. It truly did feel like they had a closer relationship together now. 

Maybe let's start with a way to contact him..

"Oh hey, before I forget, can I get your number? It would be really nice to talk to you more often." she asked cheerfully. 

Saiki looked at her for a second. Yea, there was no reasonable reason why he should agree to that. He had to get away from her again, before he gains more interest with her. Things could get out of hand. But ugh, how could he decline.

Risking It All For You (old ver.) (READ DESC) (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi)Where stories live. Discover now