You owe me! - Chapter 6

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Saiki looked at the girl that was in front of him, standing in the sunlight. They were standing right outside of his house. The light shining against her blue hair just enhanced her beauty. They were both at a park and they had been staring into each other's eyes, ignoring everything else.

He could no longer control himself, like he literally could not, his body was controlling everything for him. He wrapped her around his arms and she yelped in surprise but then melted into him. He could see her face flare up and turn red. He went in for that kiss and closed his eyes, and she willingly followed him. He tried to stop himself before something out of hand happened but there was no use. She grabbed his cheek and pulled him closer and finally, their lips had connected-


Saiki shot up from bed. Saiki had woken up in a cold sweat and his face felt on fire. His heart was beating too fast for comfort. 

What a horrible nightmare..

It was strange, it was almost felt real. He was annoyed at himself for having a dream like that. He's becoming one of the people that has fallen into her grasp. And he REALLY did not want to become one of those people. She really is dangerous. Whatever, it's not like Saiki would let that dream happen in real life. He just has to reset his emotions. It was so much easier when he couldn't see her face.

Saiki got up from bed and started to get ready for school with his heart still beating. That dream really caught him off guard. Habits took over him though and he tried to use telekinesis to pick up his clothes. Didn't work of course. It was gonna be hard getting through the day without psychic powers, especially that he can't read minds anymore and couldn't avoid her.


(Hey quick author's note, this is where I left off 1 year ago! I have changed writing styles since then so from now on I'm going to write in the character's POV. Like instead of "he walked into the mall", it'll be "I walked into the mall". Okay back to the story, sorry to bother!)

To keep my mind off that dream, I walked into the bathroom to prepare for the day. After walking into the kitchen and seeing the daily scene of my lovely dovey parents flirting, I rushed to the fridge to enjoy the one good thing about living here. Endless cups of coffee jelly. I remember I saw a mountain of them so maybe that'll relieve me from the stress of that dream-



It's gone. 

"Ah hey Kusuo! What's up?" a familiar voice exclaimed

Shocked by hearing his voice, I jumped to see my obnoxious brother, Kusuke standing there.

"What are you doing here?"

My mom stopped flirting with my dad for a second to answer that question "Ah! Big Ku dropped by last night saying he's staying here! He said something about wanting to see you again! Isn't that nice!"

"Yup, did'ja miss me?"

I mean, not really considering that we saw each other not so long ago when you removed my psychic powers. Except for the fact that you actually didn't remove my powers.

"Come on, ignoring me now?"

"Be quiet for a second, I'm trying to figure out where my breakfast is.. Maybe it dropped dropped down here or-"

"Oh yea that reminds me! I just finished my latest invention that INSTANTLY lets me teleport any object. Of course I started working on it as soon as I got home and whipped it up in 30 minutes or so and luckily had a bunch of test subjects to see if it worked and it did!" Kusuke cut me off

Risking It All For You (old ver.) (READ DESC) (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi)Where stories live. Discover now