Chapter 2 - The Perfect Pretty Girl Falls

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Teruhashi POV

"Yeah, I promise."

After a few seconds of silence, Saiki had the slightest smile on his face. "Alright, thank you." he had finally responded. Saiki's smile was really rare, and somehow she got to see it twice today! It made her blush a little and turned her head to the side to avoid Saiki looking at her. It'd be embarrassing letting him see her like this.

*Thank you, God! I got to see his smile twice!* She silently celebrated in her head. 

After a couple of seconds of her smiling to herself, she had realized that school was long over. She did not realize they had been talking for so long, she had lost complete track of time. She looked over the roof to see that everyone, including the group Saiki told to meet in the classroom, had left. 

"What are you going to tell everyone tomorrow?" Asked Teruhashi. 

"Oh yea, I have to think of an excuse, I'll think of one later, it doesn't matter that much right now." Saiki had responded. 

*How about telling everyone that we are dating?* Teruhashi mischievously thought in her head, but of course she wasn't going to say that out loud. It'd be out of character for her but god, she wanted to ask that so bad. Even if it wasn't official, she'd be happy for people to think that her and Saiki were dating. 

"Anyways, uh, I'm gonna head home now. See you tomorrow." Saiki had said because Teruhashi was just staring out into space. Those words immediately popped her thought bubble.

"Saiki waitttt! Can I walk with you? I still have some questions about your psychic powers."

Of course, that had been an excuse for her to walk with him, but he didn't need to know that. 

Saiki POV

Saiki really did not want her to walk with him. That could attract the attention of the godawful Kokomins. Also for the fact he had to deal with the occurrence of his psychic powers coming back. All Saiki had to do was say 'No.'

"...Sure. Why not." Saiki had said with no hesitation. *wait no I didn't mean to say tha-*

Teruhashi's face instantly grew a large smile, shades of pink tinting her cheeks. Her golden aura around her grew even larger causing Saiki to flinch from the light. 

"Yayy, okay, I'm looking forward to it! Learning more about your psychic powers, I mean. Yea."

*Good grief. Now I can't back out of this. Why did I even say that in the first place? Stupid mistake of me.* Saiki thought with a sigh.

~~Few minutes later

Saiki was quite angry at himself for agreeing to this. *Why did I even say yes again? Then again, Teruhashi seemed overjoyed and was skipping down the halls, so maybe this isn't all that bad. Wait no, I don't care about how she feels, why did I do this??* 

Saiki argued with himself back and forth while the perfect pretty girl was hopping along the halls with her luckiness. 

Teruhashi POV

*Hehe, I get to walk with Saikii~ I mean, he gets to walk with me, how lucky of him!* Teruhashi giggled to herself. It had been really amazing to learn about his psychic powers, and just as amazing to walk with him. She had done it a couple of times before, but it still made her happy. 

*Just thinking about his powers astonishes me! So many cool abilities like telekinesis, restoration, pyrokinesis, teleportation, transformation, mind control, telepathy, X-Ray visio-*

*Wait. T-T-T-T-T-TELEPATHY??* Teruhashi was thrown into a shock. She looked at Saiki who was calmly walking past her. She didn't realize he had told her this earlier, she was still surprised of learning about his abilities at the time and kinda just grazed over it.

"SAIKI!!" Teruhashi began until composing herself again. "Y-Y-You have telepathy?? The ability to read minds??"

3rd Person

Saiki was shocked about the sudden yell out. He still wasn't used to being talked to without expecting them with his telepathy. After calming himself down after the sudden scare, he responded

"Yea, I had the ability to read minds."

Teruhashi immediately covered her face to hide her embarrassment "S-S-So wait, did you know that uhh, you know, umm-"

"Yea, I've known. For a while now. It had been real interesting to see your fantasies and all." Saiki interrupted. It was c̶u̶t̶e̶  funny to see her shaking and hiding in embarrassment. 

"E-ehh?!?!?!" she cried out

Teruhashi wanted to run. His crush knew about her feelings all this time and didn't even do anything about it. It's like he wanted to avoid it. She wanted to bundle up into a ball and roll under her blankets in bed. She had many thoughts like *UGHHH, SO EMBARRASSINGGG* and *IF SAIKI KNEW, WHY DIDN'T HE CONFESS ALREADYY??* 

Eventually, the thoughts overwhelmed her making her begin to fall on the floor.

"Wait crap cr-" Saiki yelled out while running out to her so she doesn't hit the fall. He didn't expect it to happen because he couldn't read thoughts. He should've expected that earlier, how could he be that careless? Saiki barely caught her in his arms. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing lightly. Saiki couldn't help but notice that..

*She's kind of cute..*

Saiki POV

With her passed out, Saiki needed to bring her somewhere safe. The nurse's office was a no-go, school was over and the nurse probably wasn't there. In fact, Saiki realized that the nurse barely has screen time at all. He couldn't just walk out with her normally or else the Kokomins might jump him and kidnap him again, which isn't an ideal situation. He also didn't want to wait for everyone to leave first, he didn't want to get called out by Matsuzaki for staying at school past hours. He also expected that some creepy kids would wait outside for her anyways, just to see her.

*If only I had my teleportation.. NO! I don't need those powers, they were a burden anyways.*

Saiki needed a plan. He closed his eyes to think. *I have to leave school, without being seen carrying Teruhashi. That was a poor choice of words, I'm not a pervert. Think..* Saiki opened his eyes to discover Teruhashi looked a bit transparent. Him too. 

*Ah. I'm invisible.*

A/N: Sorryy, this chapter really wasn't that good tbh :/ . I don't like it how she fainted but heyy, someone might. I'll try to shape it up in a way so that it'll be acceptable for you guys. Thanks for reading, again

Risking It All For You (old ver.) (READ DESC) (Saiki Kusuo x Teruhashi Kokomi)Where stories live. Discover now