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Disclaimer!: most of this story in in 3rd person POV I will state when it is switched to a student's POV.

3rd Person POV:
"Bakugo!" a voice called
"Which one-" answered Chuki

"What is it sensei?" Katsuki answered back
"Come here, I need to talk to you privately" said Aizawa
He walked to over to the teacher and when he went back to Chuki he was crying. A lot
"I can't train today, we'll do it some day later.." he told them
"Bakugo? W-what's wrong?" Chuki looked at him worried
"Nothing goddamit just leave me alone. Tsk" he pushed them away and walked to his dorm and locked himself in. A worried kirishima approached Chuki and asked
"What's up with bakubro? I tried asking but he just pushed me away."
"Not sure, Aizawa sensei told him something and he same back crying.." answered Chuki
Kirishima replied with "let's go ask the sensei, maybe he'll tell us?"
"A-alright! I like that idea! Let's go kirishima"

Staff room, 3rd person POV:
"I feel so bad for the child.. I can't believe that happened to him so suddenly"
All might heard and asked "what happened Aizawa? Which child?"
"Bakugo katsuki.." answered Aizawa
"Young bakugo? What happened"
"His mother.. she uh- passed away." The black haired teacher said
"Oh poor bakugo! I feel so bad for him. He doesn't deserve it.." all might said, in his true form now (this was after his retirement btw)
A knock was present on the door "Come in!" Aizawa commanded, kirishima followed by Chuki came in

"Sensei sorry for disturbing but we had a question" Chuki said
"Go on" Aizawa said
"What happened to bakubro- I mean bakugo?" Said kirishima
"Oh, I can't tell you that, sorry kids"
"Ah I see sensei, that's all right" the ash blonde person replied, but they overheard a conversation with all might and midnight:

"Poor young bakugo" all might thought loudly, he thought the kids already left at this point
"All might? What happened to bakugo?" Answered midnight curiously
"His mother passed away.."
"Oh my god the poor child! It must be really hard for him" she said sadly

"His mother.. passed- away?" Kirishima looked at Chuki
"Sensei..is that true?" Chuki looked at Aizawa, worried for her partner
"Unfortunately, yes.. there's no point hiding it from you now, right?" The teacher said
All might interrupted "I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were still here, please don't tell anybody about this, it was meant to be kept a secret!"

"A-all right sensei, we will don't worry" said kirishima "let's go Chuki" continued the red-head
"Okay" they answered. When they were at a distance where nobody could hear they asked kirishima "let's go check on him, I've only known him for 1 day now but I'm not sure, I feel this connection to him."
"He probably won't budge but it doesn't hurt to try, huh?" The spiky haired boy commented

At the dorms, Chuki and kirishima were at bakugo's dorm:

Kirishima knocked at the dorm "hey bakubro, you in there? Me and Chuki wanna come in.."
"Go away motherfuckers, I don't wanna talk to anybody" said bakugo, his voice cracking
"Katsuki please let us come in! We know what happened and we want to check up on you!" Screamed Chuki

"THEN KEEP DOWN YOUR GODDAMN VOICE, I DON'T NEED EVERYBODY KNOWING." He screamed at them. He felt a strange feeling, he felt safe when Chuki called him out by his first name, loved too.

Bakugo unlocked the door and was greeted by a big hug from Chuki and a pat on the back from Kirishima, kirishima proceeded to lock the door

"Katsuki.. I'm so sorry!" Said Chuki, Bakugo then broke out and started sobbing

"Bakubro, we're here for you alright you can talk to us" Kirishima looked at bakugo

"I never told her I loved her, I feel like such a dumbass, I feel like I'm not good enough" he said in between his sobs "I didn't expect this would happen to her! I love her so fucking much.." Bakugo continued

"Katsuki, I've also lost my parents at a really young age! I know your feeling. I was depressed for days but that stood in my way of becoming a hero, my parents wouldn't be proud of me if I did that and I think yours wouldn't be either, they embraced him in a hug crying with him. He was so desperate he hugged them back, kirishima sat on the bed and kept his hand on bakugo's back
"I really need to go complete training, I'm so sorry for your loss bakubro, I really hope you get better. Come talk to me if you ever want to alright?" Kirishima said as he was leaving the room

"Katsuki do you want me to go too? Or do you want me to stay?" Chuki said
"Please.. stay" said bakugo as he laid down in the bed
"Okay" they said and sat beside bakugo stroking his hair "what was your mother like katsuki?"

"She was- she was really nice actually but I think I got my anger issues from her honestly" he chuckled "we always got into to fights over the stupidest of things but I honestly enjoyed them.." he said sulkily
"How'd she look like?" Chuki continued
Bakugo answered "she had hair that looks like mine, just longer exactly like your hair color too by the way.." he chuckled "you remind me of her a lot. Her body looked just like yours, but not in the wrong way don't think about it like that" Chuki let out a chuckle "your mother reminds me of mine too, a lot actually" she said still stroking his hair. "Thanks Chuki.. really" he said with a low voice "thanks? That's a new one"
"Literally I'm being nice for once and you make fun of me?" He says "No! It's not like that haha- your welcome, katsuki" they said, a smile forming on their face.

"Why do you call me katsuki?" He asked
"Huh- I don't really know, it's just fun I guess?" She let out a nervous laugh, bakugo stood up and so did they. He hugged them, they were quite surprised but they hugged him back, they both liked it, a lot.

Bakugo's POV:
Chuki's like a sibling to me, they helped me through this time in my life and couldn't thank them enough. I just hope my mother knows I love her so damn much, and I couldn't wish for a better, more fun and loving mother. I love you mom, and I love you too Chuki..

Chuki's POV:
I've only known katsuki for a day now, but he's like a brother to me, I've never seen this soft side of him, the news say that he's a jerk and loves nobody but himself but I think differently.

3rd person POV:
They both pulled away from the hug and bakugo said "wanna train?"
"Hell yeah I do! Let's go shit head!" And they dragged bakugo out of the room and led him to the backyard. Aizawa wanted to go check up on bakugo but he was him just fine, training with Chuki
"I'm not sure what they did to bakugo. But it damn well worked" he thought to himself and continued walking away. All might later came and saw them training, unexpectedly he came up to them and said "young bakugo and young Chuki, you both pass!"
Chuki interrupted and said "this was just training though-"
"It was still good enough for me young students! Great job!" All might said back.
"All right!" Chuki said giving bakugo a high five "let's be friends, shit head"
"I'll do it if you stop calling me that" he said "you're no fun, fine" they said sarcastically.

Hi! It's me again, I'll probably be leaving these notes on most of the chapters but I wanted to check up on everyone! And happy Valentine's Day <3 (for me it's the 14th lol) please tell me any suggestions in the comments and vote for this fanfic if you can! I'd really appreciate it, thanks and stay safe everyone. Ilysm

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