✧ Bakugo? ✧

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"Katsuki Bakugo." The voice said from behind the door.

"What the fuck do you want from me?" Bakugo replied, attempting to move his hands out of his restraints, but to no avail.
"Don't try to escape those. You won't be able to. Don't try to escape this place, because nobody's going to come and save you. Nobody knows about this place thanks to my quirk!" The voice, which seemed to have belonged to a female bakugo thought, said from behind the door.
"Just come and show yourself you pussy!" Katsuki screamed
"Aw don't get too fired up, just wait. I'll show myself in the right time" the woman said.
"For now I'll blindfold you! Please blindfold him." She commanded.
Through the door Dabi came in
"Long time no see bakugo" he smiled at Bakugo. Toga followed
"Bakugo-kun! I missed you lots!" She clapped her hands

"Toga, would you like to blindfold him?" Dabi held the blindfold out to her
"oo! Yes please Dabi!" She took the blindfold on bakugo, as soon as she did bakugo felt light headed and dizzy.

"Night night bakugo-kun! We'll..." toga's voice trailed off as bakugo lost consciousness.

{} {} {} {}
Deku, uraraka, chuki, kirishima, momo, Denki, and todoroki were on FaceTime.
"I miss bakugo, I wish we could do something about him.." Denki said, doodling something down on his paper.
"Kaminari-kun, we can't do anything about it and you know that" momo sipped tea as she told him.
"Yeah but 'mo you did it the first time can't you do it again?" Denki told her
"Kirishima-kun, Yao-momo had made a tracker last time and had given us a lead. This time it was unexpected and we don't have any leads as to where kacchan could be" Deku interjected
"Ah uraraka-san didn't you go with katsuki-kun to get Aizawa sensei?" Chuki asked
"Yeah I did, why?" Uraraka looked towards her camera as she was eating the ramen the robot brought a few minutes ago.
"Did you have a glimpse of who kidnapped him?" Todoroki asked
"Nope.. I was going to ask him if he had any idea who'd do that but he didn't respond, so I turned around and he just disappeared" she looked down and started twisting her ramen with her chopsticks sadly.
"So there really is no choice but to rely on the pros to find him huh" kirishima told the rest and they agreed.
A few minutes passed and they talked about random stuff then they closed the phones

{} {} {}
Meanwhile bakugo was now regaining his consciousness and woke up in a different room than before. He looked around and saw that he was tied to a metal chair with all different kinds of devices and knives etc. he was horrified. He didn't want to die yet. At least not like this

"Is the katsuki bakugo afraid?" The woman said from outside the door?
"SHUT UP" Bakugo screamed back, crying. The door opened and it revealed a woman.
Blonde hair, skin tight black bodysuit
Camie Utsushimi
"Camie? What the fuck!?" Bakugo's eyes widened with shock.

"You remember me! Yay!" She smiled. "Now, you may wonder why I kidnapped you and all that stuff and I'll explain in a moment, now you'll be living here in this room." She walked over and took a large knife.
"Everyday you get cut! Fun right?"
She proceeded to cut him a bit too much and blood gushed out of his hand.
"That's all. Now why I kidnapped you, I'll keep that a secret for now. I just need you to sweat! It sounds weird but do it" she then left the room

"Sweat?" Bakugo thought, it took his him a few seconds to find it out but it clicked,
"My sweat is flammable. Meaning if she sets it on fire it'll explode against my will. Fuck, my hands are also getting pretty sweaty in these metal things and she's planning on hurting my hands until I can't move them. She's smart I'll give her that"

Few months pass by (3 months)

The class feels gloomy and out of energy.
"I've gotta say, passing a day without bakugo screaming at my face is just weird." Denki said.
"Bakugo-kun's screaming is something we all miss don't we" Uraraka remarked. Deku felt down the most, just as he thought he was going to rebuild his relationship with his childhood friend he got kidnapped, he lost him and he could be dead now.
"Deku-kun, I know katsuki's important to you but we trust the heroes" Chuki told him. The signs of lying were on their face
"Agh fuck it. Who am I kidding, I've lost hope, all of it. I miss him so damn much" Chuki put their hands on their face and started crying.
"A day without being called ponytail by him is weird. I don't like it, I even miss all his vulgar conversations with the class" momo said.
"I miss kacchan." Deku said, sobbing. The class just wasn't the same anymore, they missed bakugo and they hoped he missed them too.
"Do you think bakugo misses us.." Mina said
"I'm positive kacchan misses us all, he may seem mean but he cares for us all." Deku reassured Mina. He wasn't lying too. Bakugo missed screaming at his classmates, he missed their stupidity and how much of idiots they could be, fuck he even missed Deku and how he always threatened him with a secret or two. That's how the class had been for those past 3 months, nothing at all, not the class 1-A that you've known. The sports festival was postponed until they could find bakugo, it was supposed to be months ago but they're losing hope.

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