✧ Back to square one ✧

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Deku POV:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm, ringing. I open my eyes to check the time and see it was 4:30 in the morning. I remembered why I had it set on that time, and woke up with excitement, I walked out of my room and saw Kacchan walking out of it too

"Kacchan!" I screamed
He looked at me and answered back "I mean I would scream hi back but I am considerate of the fact that there are people sleeping here so I'm not going to say it" with the uttermost sarcasm

"Yeah but you and I know both know if we were alone you would've screamed hi back" I replied, emphasizing on the word screamed. He glared at me "maybe" he muttered. "Kacchan I know you too well" I said, with confidence
"Well yeah no shit Sherlock I've been stuck with you for the past 15 years of my life of course you'd know me well." he said, as we were walking to the boys bathrooms
"Hey by the way, where's Chuki-San? I haven't seen them" I asked Kacchan
"They're on the girls side of the dorms, they requested to be put there so we can't really do anything, and plus it's 4:40 so we gotta go quick because you know Aizawa." He said
"Everyone's asleep though Kacchan.." I smirked at him
He returned the smirk "okay. Let's go break down their door"
I was not-so-surprised about his answer "that isn't exactly what I was thinking of but hey, it works" I shrugged as we walked to the opposing gender's side. As we were walking, I wanted to ask Kacchan a question but didn't know if he would answer. I've been thinking about it and had to ask him, since our relationship was getting a bit better.. so I took a deep breath

"Kacchan, wanna go see my mom? Since today's a Saturday and we can go see her after training" I asked, not looking at him. After a while, I hadn't received an answer so I looked at him and he was looking at me straight in the eyes
"I mean you don't have to I was just suggesting that's all-" I was cut off but him saying
"Sure, I have nothing to do since my parents are out" he said, a sadness hinting in his voice

"Hey uh- Kacchan.." I looked at him
"The other day in the hospital with recovery girl, Chuki-San told me what happened to auntie Mitsuki."
"..." no response
"I'm sorry for bringing it up Kacchan, I just- I'm sorry for your loss" I answered back, nervous of what might happen
"No, it's alright. Don't worry about it. I can't really change anything" he looked at me, voice cracking. I notice we were in the girls side of the dorms and asked
"Kacchan- why are we here" I asked jokingly, trying to lighten up the mood. Only to be met by smack to the back of the head
"to wake bakugo up you dumbass, get your shit together" he rolled his eyes at me "we made it by the way" he fired off little explosions in his hand
"Kacchan I didn't think you actually meant it! Don't blow up their doors for god sake!" I knocked on the door before he continued
"Deku you're boring" he scoffed, rolling his eyes at me. A couple minutes a door opened and a sleep deprived Chuki came out.
"Oh my actual fucking god copy cat it's 4:43 get your shit together and meet us downstairs." He whisper-yelled at his twin, causing a little laugh to come out
"OH MY GOD I FORGOT-" Chuki screamed in panic
"Chuki-San calm down, everybody's sleeping-" I laughed at their reaction. They looked really funny, they turned their head to me
"Deku-kun! I'm sorry-" they looked at me.
"Yeah yeah love birds we're going to be fucking late because of you two tryna make out and Aizawa sensei will scold us." Kacchan said, a smug smirk creeping up on his face
"KACCHAN!" I whisper-yelled
"SHIT HEAD WHAT THE FUCK" Chuki followed after me, also whisper yelling at kacchan.
"Cmon already"

At gym gamma, 3rd person POV:
All three students made it on time exactly. It was exactly 5 A.M the moment they got in.
"mm perfect timing kids" Aizawa looked at them, with a couple other teachers around him. All might being one of them
"Both the young bakugos and young midoriya! I'm glad you could make it!" All might said enthusiastically.
"Thank you, all might sensei" all three of them bowed.
"Let's start TRAININGGGGGGG" present mic screamed, hurting all three of the students ears.

"We'll be putting Chuki against Midoriya." Aizawa said. Chuki was at an extremely big disadvantage, their quirk relied on fire and they couldn't get that anywhere, which why they have a fire shooter in their costume. But they were very good at hand to hand combat, especially knife combat. So they walked in the middle confidently, in front of Midoriya, they got into a fighting stance and Deku started one for all at 5%. He ran towards Chuki but they did something surprising, from under their sleeve they pulled out a
"Knife?" Aizawa said
"Well always gotta be prepared" they smirked at Deku, he was surprised by this but continued running towards them. They also started running and as Deku jumped at them, they sled to the bottom and scraped his leg, causing Deku to lose balance and fall. Chuki took advantage of this opening and ran at him, tackling him to the floor and punching him, making him unconscious. (Deku's at the hospital- not a surprise lmfao right)
"Okay, Chuki that's enough. Bakugo your turn." Aizawa commanded, and recovery girl was taking care of Deku.
As bakugo was going to walk up he heard a door open on the back.

Small figure
Brown hair
Brown eyes
"Pink cheeks what the hell are you doing here?" Bakugo looked to his back and asked. She looked around and came to her senses
"B-bakugo-kun!-" she looked around and saw the Deku and Chuki, along with Deku next to recovery girl, now awake and watching.
"Uraraka-san! Hi!" Chuki walked up to her, putting the knife back where it belonged.
"b-bakugo-san? Deku-kun? Can someone please explain what's going on here- I heard noise and came to see" she cried
"Young Uraraka! come here" all might told her, and she obliged
"Let me explain to you what's going on here." and the retired hero explained to her what was happening
"I understand now! That's so cool bakugo-kun!" She replied—skipping over to bakugo, and gave him a hug. He was surprised by the hug, after she pulled away he ruffled her head and said "that's the closest you're ever going to get to hug, pink-cheeks. Anyways I've got an ass to kick" he glared at Chuki and they got to the middle of the gym.
"No knives Chuki. The last one caught us by surprise, understood?" Ectoplasm told them
"Yes sensei Ectoplasm" they replied





Chuki made the first move, running to punch him right in the stomach and they'd succeeded—kinda. They punched bakugo to the stomach but bakugo held their hand and flipped them to the back, causing the back of their head to bleed. They stood up and bakugo fired an explosion, but Chuki held the explosion in their hand -and shot it right back at bakugo, tumbling him to the back, and he was rolling until he gained balance back, more pissed than ever. They saw the flame in his eyes and were taken aback by the intensity but nonetheless continued charging at him. They expected bakugo to not shoot fire anymore, but he did, he shot explosions that were too fast for them to control or get a hold of, but they dodged all his hits until he unexpectedly shot an explosion in their stomach, burning their shirt off to reveal their stomach, Deku saw this and blushed at the back, unnoticed by anybody. Bakugo tackled Chuki to the ground, and they started laughing, everybody laughed because of each other. Even uraraka was still there, also laughing her heart out.

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