✧ Competition ✧

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3rd person POV:
Bakugo woke up, only to found out he was hooked up to many different devices, and his teacher sitting next to him
"S-sensei?-" He'd say, slurred
"Bakugo! Please rest, your explosion really hurt you" the teacher answered back
"It was that strong?.." the hot-head said, lying down
"Yes it was." The black haired hero answered
"I just have one request sensei, could you do it?" Bakugo asked
"What is it"
"Could you- could you go check up on Uraraka.. and Chuki.." he said, not facing the teacher because he was embarrassed
"Huh? Alright. Wait here" the teacher walked out of the room where bakugo was in and moved to the room next door, where the rest of the students were being held and peeped his head in, just to see Midoriya next to Chuki, Chuki laying down and Midoriya sitting beside them sleeping, his hand on them's, he then checked on uraraka and she also seemed to be doing fine, then he walked back to bakugo to deliver the news "both of them are just fine katsuki. Don't worry" he smiled at the blonde.
"Mk.. I'll go to sleep now." He laid down and closed his eyes.

"Look! She's so pretty" Mitsuki said
"She has just your eyes, Masaru!"
Masaru said "and the boy has your eyes Mitsuki, the children look amazing don't they?"
"Yes!" The blonde woman cried

Katsuki walked over and looked
"Me and.. Chuki? What-" he was cut of by the sound of a window breaking, he looked over quickly and someone in black came in and took Chuki "CHUKI!" Masaru cried "MY BABY!" Mitsuki said, sobbing

"WAIT-" katsuki ran after the thief, but it was too late. The child was taken.. Mitsuki looked at the boy in her hands and cried, Masaru joining
"I promise. I'll protect you with everything I have."

Katsuki shot up out of his bed in tears
"Bakugo, are you okay?" Aizawa asked
"Yes, yes I am" he said with a puffy face "I just- I just miss my mom that's all" he said, remembering the nightmare he just had.
"Oh katsuki, it's alright, you'll be out in a few, all the rest of the students are out"
"Whatever.." he scoffed

A few hours later
"Bakugo, it's time for you to go, wear your clothes and head to the dorms, school's over" recovery girl came in and said
"Okay" he took off his shirt and found a scar on his chest "that happened?- it was that strong?" Be continued changing and then when ha was done he walked over to the dorms and nobody was there, except for two people, he looked around and walked closer
"What are you two doing here?" He asked, the two people looked around and saw bakugo, they ran up and hugged him, he was surprised but found it comforting nonetheless
He looked to the two people hugging him "Chuki and- Uraraka?" He said "what are you two doing this late? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" He asked, still hugging them both
"Shut up and let us hug you" Uraraka blushed "yes." Chuki continued, he didn't really mind the hug and found it very comforting, so he continued hugging them
"I missed you shit head" Chuki said
"Mhm. Me too copy-cat" he said
"I missed you too, katsuki" Uraraka blurted out
He looked down at her and blushed "I missed you too round face, go to sleep guys, you shouldn't be up this late."
"Alright, good night katsuki" both of them said, walking to their rooms. Shortly after he followed to his room and slept

"Brother! Don't leave me.. please!" someone cried out "Chuki? What- what do you mean? Brother?"

 please!" someone cried out "Chuki? What- what do you mean? Brother?"

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(Yes I just edited a picture of baby uraraka)
He woke up, terrified. "It can't be true. I'm an only child, that's what my parents always tell me. I'm an only child, I've never had siblings and never will, right?.." he went back to sleep after hours and hours of thinking.

The next day
Bakugo woke up, shivering from the thought of his dream last night
"Good morning class" Aizawa came in and said
After the lesson
"Before I leave, there will be a sports festival sequel, featuring the winners of each year. So bakugo will be participating and you will be there to watch, and bakugo meet me in the office after school"
"Yes sensei.." he said shakily, Aizawa noticed this and found it as an opportunity to talk with him  about it in his office. School ended and he was walking to Aizawa's office only to feel a tug on his sleeves
"Bakugo-kun?" The girl said "are you okay? You seemed kinda off in class today.."
the boy looked around and found that it was none other than Uraraka
"round face?" He asked, confused "yeah I'm fine, just tired from yesterday.." he mumbled
"Okay bakugo-kun! Bye!" She waved and walked over to her friends
"Damn Deku.. why does she always have to hang out with him.." he scoffed under his breath, but continued walking over to Aizawa's office and knocked
"Come in" a deep voice said from the inside and bakugo obliged, he walked in and saw Aizawa, but with All might?
"What is it." He expected it to be about the competition but it wasn't

"We've noticed your grades have been dropping, we know you've been stressed from yesterday but they've dropped about 60%. Is there anything bothering you?"
All might asked

"Well no shit, my mother just died and I haven't told her that I love her once, I've been having weird nightmares and I've literally just left the hospital a day ago, how do you expect me to be so focused?" The boy said in their faces, annoyed but also sad

Aizawa then said "nightmares? What kind?"
"None of your business." The boy said back to him
"No bakugo, we are your teachers you need to talk to us, please, we care about you"
The boy then looked at them and looked like he wanted to cry, he couldn't hold it back and started crying. He wiped his tears quickly and said "it's just- I'm not sure, I've been getting dreams about having a sibling or whatever. It's nothing though because I know I'm an only child.." he said shakily

"Young bakugo. Have you ever considered young Chuki?" All might said
"No goddamit will people stop asking me about them. We aren't related just friends that's all" he said angrily
"If you say so" Aizawa said "and if you ever need to talk about something come to us, we are your teachers" he continued
"Yeah yeah whatever" the blonde hot head scoffed
"Oh and young bakugo, the sports festival is a week from now, so you'll be getting less classes to train, understand?" All might said
"Yes." Bakugo answered and walked out and went to the training room to start training.

After training
Aizawa walked in on the hot head, to find the gym completely demolished and him sitting in the middle
"What- bakugo what the fuck happened here? Care to explain" the teacher asked
"I just trained hard that's it" Bakugo said in between his heaving panting
"Whatever. We'll fix it, but you can choose two people to accompany you in your competition" Aizawa walked over to bakugo "do you have anybody in mind?"

Bakugo instantly had two people in his mind
"I choose.."

Cliffhanger! I'm really excited for this aaaa I don't think it'll be who you guys expect- sorry for not updating btw I had writer's block and just got over it! So yay <3 I'll try to update more now though, so stay tuned!

Cliffhanger! I'm really excited for this aaaa I don't think it'll be who you guys expect- sorry for not updating btw I had writer's block and just got over it! So yay <3 I'll try to update more now though, so stay tuned!                           ...

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