✧ 20 MINUTES ✧

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"Alright, let them in" he told the nurse. The door slid open and it revealed:
Deku, uraraka, todoroki, jiro and hagakure.
"Kacchan!" Deku rushed in and hugged him. Bakugo hugged back and everyone was smiling and telling him to get better soon.
"Why didn't Chuki come?" He asked
"They've been in shock. They only come out for food and water, after school they lock themselves in their dorm.." Uraraka said sadly
Bakugo stayed there for a couple of seconds before saying "I want them right here. They can't just lock themselves up like that, send them regards from their little brother too" Bakugo told them. A few more hours passed and it was 6 PM now. They'd stayed quite a long time and decided to leave the hospital back to the dorms.
"Uraraka-chan, are you not coming?" Hagakure asked

"Ah I think I'll stay with bakugo-kun a bit more if he doesn't mind" she looked over at the sleeping bakugo and blushed.
Jiro noticed why and kicked everyone out of the room.
"Alright uraraka, have fun" jiro told her, emphasizing on fun.
"JIRO-SAN" Uraraka told her angrily, with a face more pink than it already is. Jiro chuckled and left the room, leaving both of them alone. Uraraka looked at bakugo once again and slept on the couch near him.
Bakugo woke up and spotted nobody but uraraka in her drool and called out for her
"Round face? Wake up!"
She was startled by the sudden noise and looked around
"Ah- bakugo-kun! Sorry, I wanted to stay here with you and talk to you I guess- but I mean I'd you want me to leave I'll leave!" She started packing up and stood up.
"I'm- pink cheeks I never told you to leave I was just waking you up" Bakugo chuckled, uraraka sat back down on sofa and laughed at herself.
"Today you're discharged, right bakugo-san?" She asked
"That's how it's supposed to be" he replied
"Today's Saturday, so I was thinking we could have a little class outing in celebration of you coming back!" She told him enthusiastically, he looked at her with wide eyes, he liked the idea
"mmm.. sure, why not?" He shrugged
She smiled, her smile could light up anybody's world. Even Bakugo's dark, closed, and hurt one
"You're such a baby Uraraka" he told her before a knock on the door was present.
"Mr. bakugo! Your father is here to pick you up, he's already signed the papers and is waiting for you outside" she told him through the door, he stood up from his bed and with the help of uraraka made it to the bathroom in his room. He changed into a change of clothes Deku got him when he arrived. As he was rummaging through the back looking for the shirt he found a note, a note from Chuki. It read:

"Hey there little brother I hope you're doing good. Sorry I couldn't visit you in person, I really don't know how I'll do it.. but when you come back please come and see me. I missed you so so much."

-Your older (and way better) sibling

He laughed at the note and thought to himself
"I have a bone to pick with you bakugo." He walked out of the room and saw uraraka staring at the stars outside through the big windows, he came up behind her and scared her
She was startled and turned around floating bakugo to the ceiling, bakugo laughed even harder than he was before and stopped after a while. He saw uraraka pull a string out of her little backpack and she took his hand
Both of them blushed at the interaction but uraraka continued anyways. She took his ring finger and tied the string around it
"The fuck are you doing pink cheeks?" He asked
She finished and laughed
"Now you're my Baku-balloon!" She took the string and dragged him away like a balloon
"OI- LET ME DOWN" he screamed
"mmmm- nope." She snickered. They were being shushed by the nurses there because of their fighting until uraraka made it outside. Masaru looked up in laughed at his son
"Oh katsuki." He sighed
"I'm driving katsuki to campus, you can come with Uraraka!" Masaru offered
"Ah if I'm not too much trouble I'd be grateful" she bowed down a bit
"You aren't any trouble, hop in!" The father told her

"So. Are you going to keep me here?" Bakugo looked down at uraraka with a scowl.
"OH I ALMOST FORGOT- Release!" She touched her padded fingers together and bakugo fell down.
They made it to campus, uraraka asleep on Bakugo's shoulder. It was 8 PM by then. Bakugo woke uraraka up and she rubbed her eyes like a baby, bakugo felt his face heat up so he directly turned around to open the door
"My god you are such a baby" he told her
"I am NOT a baby" she crossed her arms together and turned around
"I mean I'm not sure how you'll convince me when you're acting like that" he shrugged
"Fuck it- you win this one mr ticking time bomb" she laughed
"Oh my gosh did you just curse?" He said sarcastically
"Oh shut up everybody curses every now and then! I even heard koda-kun curse once!" She hopped out of the car and walked with him. They waved their goodbyes to Masaru and they walked into Heights Alliance: 1-A
"Koda? You mean that one who talks to animals?" Be looked at her with furrowed eyebrows
"Yeah yeah him!" She exclaimed, pointing to him as he was sitting next to Shoji through the window.
"Oh." He said blankly, the moment he walked in the whole class rushed towards him and uraraka making bakugo tumble down to the floor
"OUCH- THE HELL?" Bakugo exclaimed at them. They all chuckled and todoroki reached his hands out to help him up. Bakugo hesitated in putting his hand in his but then he thought
"Getting help isn't wrong. That's what Aizawa sensei told me" so he accepted todoroki's offer and used his hand to get back up. Todoroki was surprised but was actually very happy, he just didn't know how to show it. He smiled at bakugo but without anybody noticing.
'You're changing bakugo' todoroki thought to himself.
A few minutes later bakugo remembered Chuki's letter and stood up from the couch where he was talking to his classmates (by talking he means aggressively screaming) and directly went to Chuki's room and barged in.

"Chuki bakugo. We need to have a talk" he smiled at them devilishly and dragged them out of bed
"Shut up Chuki you brought this onto yourself" when they were downstairs, Hagakure came up and told them
"Our wonder siblings!" She exclaimed. The whole class looked at them in shock.
"Siblings?-" Koda asked
"Aha um- yeah." Chuki rubbed the back of their neck.
After explaining Denki came up and said
"So you are twins!" He spun around in his chair.
Chuki told bakugo "so you'll have to do what I say"
"Nope. In your dreams loser"
"BY 20 MINUTES ONLY" Bakugo stood up an ran away

"So this'll be what we'll have to deal with?" Tokoyami asked
"It's 2 kacchans!" Deku exclaimed as the pair were still running around each other and then Chuki jumped over bakugo and tackled him to the ground.

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