✧ Who!? ✧

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"Chuki and...." Bakugo said
"And?" Aizawa looked at him
"As much as I don't want to say this he'll be pretty useful.." Bakugo said, looking down at the floor

"Deku." The blonde said

Aizawa looked at him with surprise in his eyes "Midoriya?"
"Yes fucking Deku. Now let me continue training goddamit" he stood up and shot explosions, covering the gym with even more soot from the explosions.
"Bakugo, enough training for today. You need to go talk to your teammates" Aizawa locked eyes with bakugo, disabling his quirk.
Bakugo desperately tried shooting more but to his dismay, nothing came out.
"FINE" he screamed at the teacher
"Wait for me in the classroom, everybody's studying English with present mic but it just started so get there quick" Aizawa commanded. Bakugo walked outside, with his black tank top and training joggers, he walked in the classroom with the training jacket in his hand, as he just rinsed off from all the sweat.
"Bakugo! There you are, have a seat we were just about to start" present mic screamed enthusiastically at the blonde. Katsuki eyed uraraka and she stared back at him with a "welcome back!" Smile. He looked away and blushed. Nobody noticed though as he was wearing his jacket at his seat. After class Chuki came up to him
"Bakugoooo! Hi" they stared at him
"What do you want" he looked at his twin (that's what they were called at school) 
"Just checking up on you! And I kinda wanted to talk to you about something since it's only me, you and Midoriya" they blushed saying the last name.
"Oh shit- Don't tell me you like him" he smirked at them, Chuki looked at bakugo with a red face and held up a hand to his mouth
"SHUT UP KATSUKI-" bakugo laughed in between chuki's hand. Midoriya looked at them and walked over, trying to avoid eye contact with bakugo.
"What's- what's wrong-" he asked looking at them both, bakugo removed Chuki's hand from his mouth
"Copy-cat here was telling me about how-" and he was cut off again "nothing Midoriya-kun! We were just waiting for Aizawa sensei since he told us to stay here" they blushed looking at the green haired boy
"Oh- uh o-okay then!" He walked away back to his seat and Aizawa walked in
"Alright you three, come here and stand in front of me" the teacher commanded, and they walked up in front of them, so he started to explain
"Bakugo was allowed to choose two people as teammates for the sports festival, and he chose you two" he glared at bakugo, bakugo his eyes, not wanting to see their reactions, especially Deku's.
"Alright, nice!" Chuki screamed "I looked forward to working with you, shit head"
"Mhm." Bakugo said, still with closed eyes
"K-kacchan? You chose me-" deku said, eyes wide open with happiness.
"Yes you damn nerd, do you want to or not." He eyes Deku with his red eyes

" He eyes Deku with his red eyes

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"I'd love to! Thanks kacchan.." Deku smiled at him. Bakugo answered back with a scoff.
"You three will meet me at 5 A.M sharp in Gym Gamma. No negotiations" Aizawa said as he walked out, the three followed, making quite a good looking trio. Murmurs were heard, as everyone in the school knew about the festival and the hatred between Deku and bakugo. All of them ignored the murmurs and talked about the festival, bakugo was enjoying it since he hadn't had a conversation with Deku for a long time, he missed it. He really really did.
"But why 5 A.M" Chuki groaned
Deku looked at Chuki and started talking "Because if we go to the dorms and sleep early, we could wake up early for 5 A.M that would give us enough time to train, afterwards we could change and rinse off for school!" He smiled, Chuki blushed at his smile
"That makes sense Deku-kun!" They said, bakugo looked over and saw that they both liked each other. He knew Deku was especially good at hiding his feelings when he liked someone but he wasn't going to let it pass, he was determined to get them together
"This is so unlike me- damn it" he thought but still smirked at the thought. Chuki was walking in the middle with Deku on their right and bakugo next to the windows.
He nudged Chuki, pushing them towards Deku. He left them above each other.

"Oops." He laughed at them walking away, but still looking at them through the reflection of the window. Chuki stood up, with a face redder than kirishima's hair

"Are you fuckers coming or do I keep walking" he stood there looking at them both. Deku was already up, still flustered. Chuki gave him a "we'll have a talk about this" look
"We're coming kacchan-" Deku said and walked up next to him, Chuki followed and they continued walking
"Kacchan what was that for?" Deku asked the blonde
"Nothing." He smirked at him "it was a mistake anyways" he walked with his hands in his pockets.

Deku POV:
"Kacchan chose me!" I was so happy when he chose me, I missed being friends with him, I missed it a lot. I never knew what caused him to grow so distant from me, but him choosing me gave me hope. Hope to build up our friendship to where we were back then.

3rd person POV:
The three students walked in the dorms, all eyes shot at them, surprised that bakugo isn't killing Deku.
"I AM CORRECT YOU DIPSHIT, WANNA BET DEKU?" He snarled at the green haired boy
"Yeah, yeah I do kacchan." He laughed at the angry blonde "let's
Go to Aizawa sensei and see who's correct" he continued
"FINE." He went up to him and whispered "race ya." And ran out, firing explosions to the sky. Deku followed, channeling one for all and jumping into the sky. The rest were looking at them, surprised by what just happened. Kirishima looked at the rest and said
"Uh- where's bakugo-" Chuki looked over and answered
"What do you mean, he just left, you didn't see him?" They looked at him with furrowed eyebrows
Mina continued "Nono- he wasn't trying to murder Deku? Like they were having a normal fight?" She was just as surprised as kirishima

"Oh- I'm not sure why they're acting so normally now but it's better than before, right?" They rubbed the back of their neck, Uraraka came and said
"Yes! I'm really happy their relationship is beginning to grow!" She said happily. A few minutes later everyone was inside in their pajamas, talking about whatever and then Deku and bakugo stepped in, with bakugo carrying Deku on his shoulders
"Bakugo-kun! What happened to Deku-kun? Is he okay?!" Uraraka looked worried and so did the other students
"Calm your cheeks round face, I just have some trash to throw" he laughed
"Kacchan- put me down" Deku groaned
"It's talking trash, that's why I'm planning to throw it out the window" he snickered, the class still looking at him
"Bakugo, are you okay? This isn't like you." Kaminari looked at him
"Yes now shut up dunce face" he said. Not screaming at him
Jiro stepped up saying "Where's the bakugo we know" she looked at him
"Do you want him" he looked at her, staring right in the middle of her soul
"Uh- well I kinda have mixed feelings" she answered, all the whole Deku kitting bakugo's back
"SHUT THE FUCK UP DEKU" he walked up the stairs "if you're scared of someone throwing you out of a window I'm not sure how you'll become a pro hero" he made his way to window
"KacchanwhathaveIdonehowcanifixitpleasetellmeimscaredformylifeandwellbeingrightnowpleadkfkjvjnfjffn" after Deku said this bakugo cousnlt hold it in anymore, he started laughing his heart out. "YOU LOOKED SO FUNNY I- DEKU IM NOT SURE IF YOU'VE GOTTEN MORE OR LESS WIMPY SINCE THE LAST TIME I'VE TALKED TO YOU-" Bakugo sat on the floor, everybody heard and went upstairs to check-
"Yeah at this point I'm not sure if this is bakugo. I like him though" the class started laughing, Deku joining in, laughing at himself.

Bakugo POV:
I started bursting out laughing, deku's face was too funny to not laugh at. After a few seconds the rest of the class joined in laughing, even half n half gave out a little laugh. Deku joined in soon.

I felt.. loved
I felt appreciated
I wasn't seen as some monster who's always angry. I hope my mom's proud of me..

I stood up and nudged deku's shoulder, holding out my hand for him to stand up, he took it.. he took my hand and I helped him up.
It was an amazing feeling, I missed it.

3rd person POV:
"Alright you fuckers I'm sleeping now-" Bakugo wiped his face from his tears
"I recommend sleeping too, Deku and Chuki" he said as he walked away to his room.

Bakugo POV again:
I loved the feeling, I loved it all, being able to laugh with the rest of the class felt amazing, I wanted it more. Even with Deku, I missed him. I missed that wimp so fucking much and I don't regret a single damn second of that laugh with the class.

I went to my room and slept, it was an amazing sleep, one I haven't had in a while.

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