✧ We'll talk later ✧

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Bakugo walked out of his room to the common room for a cup of water. The bunny was still in his neck.
"Bakubro, is that Koda's bunny?" Kirishima asked
Bakugo set the cup of water down "yeah, got a problem?"
"Nono calm down, I was just asking, I never knew you liked animals" kirishima defended himself. The bunny made its way to up to Bakugo's head and slept there. 
Uraraka came down the stair accompanied by Jiro and Kaminari holding hands.
"They're just adorable aren't they" Mina said coming beside bakugo
"Our work paid off Mina." Bakugo smirked and started walking away.
"Bakugo-kun! Is that koda-kun's bunny in your head? Is it asleep" Uraraka came up to him, extremely close to his face
"Eh?- oh. Yeah, it's asleep" Bakugo was startled. Bakugo blushes on his neck and ears only, he doesn't know why but he just does, his ears started heating up and his neck also heated up.
"Bakugo-kun? Are you alright? Your ears and neck are-"
Uraraka noticed how close she was to his face and assumed that was why he was so red.
"Red.." she stepped away and started apologizing for being so close.
"Why do you apologize for everything? You did nothing wrong you know" he told her
"It's just a habit of mine I guess- anyways I'll go now, bye! And sorr"
"I'll stop you right there. Bye."
Bakugo said and put a hand to her mouth to shut her up, he then started walking away, he picked the bunny up from his head and carried it in his hand, leaving Uraraka completely flustered
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygidhbsuxufh" was the only thing she could think of.
'My new targets' a certain pink alien was watching from afar.
"Mina! Are you ready to go?"
"Oh yeah ocha! I'm just waiting for Chuki"
A few minutes later, Chuki came down. Saying bye to someone.
"Hey girls! Sorry for the wait" they apologized
"Bakugo-chan! It's alright"

Chuki sported a black skirt, with a belt accompanied with a white shirt.
Mina wore black shorts and pink shirt, with a black bag and choker
Uraraka wore denim shorts, and pastel blue, pink and white shirt

 Mina wore black shorts and pink shirt, with a black bag and chokerUraraka wore denim shorts, and pastel blue, pink and white shirt

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Bakugo was still studying math, flipping through the pages ectoplasm gave them

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Bakugo was still studying math, flipping through the pages ectoplasm gave them. Few hours pass by and he was finally done. He went to submit his homework and checked the time
"It's only 6:17, might as well go down" he picked the bunny up from his bed and walked downstairs, meeting koda
"A-ah bakugo-kun! I was looking for you. Can I take the bunny now?" Koda asked
"mm yeah sure."
As koda was taking the awake bunny, the bunny got angry and moved up to Bakugo's neck and slept there. This took both the boys by surprise, bakugo smirked
"Oh- the bunny must really like you then.." koda chuckled
"Yeah I'll give it to you when it sleeps"
"Okay, b-bye bakugo-kun" koda walked to his room.
"Call me Asui one more time. I dare you." Tsu was threatening Deku.
"S-sorry As- tsu-chan!" Deku apologized.
"Hey Deku. Tsu." Bakugo greeted
"Oh my god thank you bakugo-chan"
"Hi kacchan"
"Why are you thanking me"
"You called me Tsu. Not Asui." Tsu glared at Deku
"I'm done. I am done with class 1-A today. I will go swim. Good day."
"Deku you're stupid" Bakugo came up to him. "You've called her Asui so many times to the point where she has to threaten you?"
"Tsu. You are supposed to call her Tsu."
"Anyways Deku. Bye."
"Bye kacchan" Deku cried
"Thank the lords for bakugo-chan" Tsu thought to herself, she heard their conversation as she was coming down the stairs with her swimsuit
"Hey kat could you come over?"
"Sure Chuki give me a sec I'm just submitting my homework" Bakugo said through the phone.

Five minutes later there was a knock on their door. Chuki went up to the door and opened it, it traveled her twin brother bakugo.
"So. What do you wanna talk about?"
"Just come katsuki, sit down on the bed. I need to go out with the girls so I need to be quick" 
"Okay fucking say it. Why were you so off today?"
"It's just- why would they want to kidnap you? For the second time? Are toga and Dabi traitors? I have so many questions on my head and it's leaving me so stressed"
"Stop thinking about that Chuki. I'm here, we're here, we're bound to get answers too. It's also been keeping me up all night, and I have a few questions of my own for you. So for now, go have fun with the girls and when you come back we could talk about it, sounds fine with you?"
This reassured chuki, a lot. Their face lit up and a huge weight was lifted off their chest knowing they can talk to someone.
"Thanks brother, I'll be going now."
"The tan shoes don't match. Red ones work better. Unless you want to stick to the theme you can wear black or white shoes, preferably white."
Chuki stopped moving and looked back.
"What? My parents are literal fashion designers of course I'll be the best looking one out of you losers." Bakugo smirked at him twin
"Damn. Okay then." Chuki made their way to their closet and took out red shoes to replace their original ones. They left their room and went down the stairs
"Bye!" They said, leaving katsuki in their room
"Hey girls! Sorry for the wait"
"Bakugo-chan! It's alright!"
The three left the dorms together and went to the mall to have fun.

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