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Tw : blood and gore

You huffed as the demon you were fighting landed another hit on you.
It was clear this monster wasn't new to fighting, it seemed to know every weak spot of the manufactured armor the government had handed out.

You swung your (Y/M/W), hoping to atleast touch your opponent. You knew your attempt was un-successful when you felt a sharp pain at the back of your knees.

That beast had hit you there, knowing it'd make you fall. And you, indeed, fell. You let out a little yelp, you weren't expecting the ground to be so hard. Your (Y/M/W) fell besides you with a thud.

You difficultly wiped the blood, mud and tears out of your eyes, only to see the demon doing figures in the air while laughing. It was most definetly mocking you.

You tried to stand up, as anger took over you, but didn't even manage to move.

The demon must've hit a nerve or something, because your legs weren't moving at all.

You looked down at the ground in defeat, before looking back up, seeing the monster doing weird circles with its hands, while speaking a language you didn't recognize.

You didn't know what it was doing, but oh boy did you learn quick what these movements meant.

Soon enough, a light began to appear between the demon's hands. The light got bigger and bigger, turning slowly into a fireball.

You knew exactly what was coming. You shut your eyes, preparing yourself for your, well, death. There was no way you would survive that.

You shielded your face with your arms, in a last act of defense, before hearing a detonation. You were now hearing all the screams of the other people fighting, the screams of all the people you couldn't save.

You just managed to say "I'm sorry", before fully embracing the fact that you were going to die.

You felt a burning heat in front of you, and... Wait what ? You... You didn't feel any pain.

You opened your eyes, seeing the head of the demon you were fighting chopped off. There was purple blood splattered everywhere around it. Even it's body was teared apart, limbs laying not far from its damaged torso.

You gagged, almost throwing up at the sight of this gore scene. You breathed deeply, trying to calm yourself down.

You grabbed your (Y/M/W) and put it away, instead grabbing your (Y/G).
You looked around the best you could, pointing your gun forward. It was quite hard, considering you couldn't move a lot.

You sighed, and put your (Y/G) down. You layed down, and... saw a tall figure, who was apparently standing behing you.

"Boo" the figure simply said.

You were way too tired to fight, but this person didn't seem to want to hurt you. You could tell that the figure was a man, and well, if it wasn't, it had a guy-sounding voice.

"Aw come on, did i at least scare you ?" the mistery man asked.

He crouched down, you could now see his face. Yup, he was most definetly a man. Maybe even a teenager, maybe your age.

He had a half and half kind of skin. One side was black, and the other was a greyish white. His eyes were two different colors, too. The one on his black side was green, and the one on his white side was red. His hair was also half and half, the same as his face. He had a little horn poking out of his forehead on the black side.

You knew it was him who killed the other demon, because he had a little bit of blood smudged on his cheek.

He obviously was a demon, an enemy, so why would he kill one of his allies ?

"You got hit in the throat or sum' ? Because it's kinda worrying me that you're not responding." he asked, a small frown appearing on his face.

"No no ! I'm fine, don't worry." you quickly answered, trying to smile a bit to show you were ok.

"I can see you got a bunch of other injuries though. Can you stand ?" he stood up again, but this time he had his hand on his knees, so you could still see his face.

He was wearing a white button-up shirt, and had a tie loosely hanging around his neck. His sleeves were rolled up, and you could see all the scars scattered on his forearms.
There was absolutely nothing wrong with what he was wearing, but something was bugging you...
He had a big burn mark on his chest, a bit of his skin was exposed because of it. Did he block the fireball for you ?

"I don't think i can, sorry..." you didn't even know why you were apologizing.

"Oh no no, no need to apologize !" he said, looking a bit embarassed.
"I'm just going to have to carry you to help you." he put his hand behind his neck, an akward smile appearing on his face.

"Oh." you simply said.
"I guess... You can carry me." you avoided eye contact. You quickly picked up your (Y/G) and put it away, in your backpack.

Without answering, he kneeled down and put an arm under your shoulders and another under your knees. He then stood up, holding you bridal-style. You were kinda thankful he was holding you like this, because your injuries would have hurt if he had picked you up in any other way.

You only now noticed that everyone around you had dissapeared. You looked around, a bit panicked. You two were just in an open field, with no one else around. Well, there was the dead body of that other demon, but it didn't count.

The black and white demon noticed you panicking a bit, and said with a giggle "Oh, don't worry about that. I can teleport.".

Ah, well that made more sense then. You were about to say something when he started walking, so you remained silent. You didn't speak a word for the whole walk, you just studied his features. He looked quite good from this close.

You continued to stare at him, until he stopped walking.

You heard a door open, you feel him moving forward a bit, and then you hear a door closing.

"Welcome to my 'den', or however you humans call a demon's house." he said with a smile.


Why did this take so long to write waaaa
Anyways, first Ranboo encouter, woooo!

I'll try and write the second chapter soon :D

Word count : 1075 (without a/n and tw)

Thank you for reading, love you 💖


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