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I'm sorry in advance for all the POV switches in this chapter, i'm just trying to include Enderboi a bit more ❤️💚

Ranboo's POV (yaay !)

I slowly raise my head from the uncomfortable couch, squinting my eyes to get used to the sudden brightness. Why the hell am i sleeping on the couch ?

I difficulty get up and look around the room. Everything seems normal... Wait. WHY THE HELL IS THERE SOMEONE IN MY BED.

I rush to my desk and open one of the drawers, quickly grabbing my memory book and flipping through the pages. Ah, right, it's that human i saved yesterday. Their name's (Y/N), if i didn't misspell it in my book. Now that i read about them, i can remember them a bit.

I put my memory book back in it's place, before standing up and streching my arms. I open my mouth and hiss a little, as i always do when i wake up.

I check that (Y/N) is still asleep, before carefully walking out of the room.

Back to narrator writing
Or whatever the frickity frick it's called in english

Your head hurts like hell. You don't quite remember what happened yesterday. You just remember a demon... Ranboo was his name, you were pretty sure. He saved you from some other demon, then it was a blur.
You also remember a bit of a conversation, it was him talking about his origins and his family's horrible habits.

You suddenly hear panicked footsteps. You open your eyes just a tad bit, you can now see Ranboo speed walking over to his desk. Is he ok ? You hear him open a drawer, to then grab something. You don't hear much after that, except a sigh of relief.

The room stays silent for a bit, before you hear something that sounds like a hiss, but a bit more aggressive. You try and ignore the noise when you hear footsteps coming towards you.

You manage to slow down your breathing to fake being asleep. The footsteps stop for a second, before goung away. Good, he thought you were asleep.

Well now that you were like that, you might as well sleep some more. You relax a bit and manage to fall asleep again.

Ranboo's POV

I start to hum a tune as i walk into my kitchen. I look through my cupboards, sighing as i saw i only had enough left to make (insert your favorite breakfast here). I grab what i need, and continue to hum.


I look proudly at the breakfast i've prepared, it's the first time i've made anything myself in a while. I hope it's as good as it looks.

I set two plates down on my kitchen counter, on which i serve some of the food i've made. I also grab some table cutlery, we aren't gonna eat with our hands, come on.

I grab the plates and head out of the kitchen, gently placing them and the cutlery on the little table in front of my couch.

I then walk over to (Y/N), i gently shake their shoulder.
"Hey, (Y/N), wake up. I've made some breakfast for us." i whisper.

"MNGHGMGHN, fivE more minuUuUuutessssSs..." (Y/N) groans, burying their face in the covers.
They really look tired, they probably didn't get a lot of sleep before i brought them here.

I smiled a bit and pulled on the covers, saying "Come on, i made (insert your favorite breakfast here). I heard humans really li-" i got cut in the middle of sentence by (Y/N) suddently sitting up.

"You said (insert your favorite breakfast here)? I heard that right ?" they asked, looking at me straight in the eyes.

I smiled, laughing a little.
"I suppose that you like it, judging by your reaction." i said, tilting my head to the side a bit.

(Y/N) started to stand up.
"You bet your ass i like it." they said, with a smirk.
"Now, where is it?" they asked, looking around the room, letting a little "Ah hah !" when they saw the food on the table.
They immediatly went to sit on the couch, grabbing a plate, a fork and a knife (or whatever cutlery your fav breakfast requires to eat).

I followed them, sitting besides them, grabbing a plate and cutlery too.
We ate in comfortable silence. I was actually quite surprised at how well i managed to make this breakfast, considering i hadn't made anything in a while.

I heard (Y/N) shove some more food in their mouth, chewing vigorously, before saying "Man, this is so good. You're a professional cook or what ?".

I laughed a bit, shaking my head.
"No, i'm not." i said, giggling as i saw their face change into a surprised expression.
"I'm glad you think i'm good enough to be one though." i smiled, seeing them smile back.

Back to narrator writing

You continuedb to happily eat your food, occasionally stealing glances at the man besides you.

You put your plate down ont the table and laid back on the couch, closing your eyes, enjoying the peaceful silence.

You sigh a little, stretching your arms. You were about to ask what you were gonna do today when you felt Ranboo jump a bit.

You open your eyes to a panicked Ranboo.
"What's the matter ?" you ask, looking slightly worried.
"Do you know what time it is ?" he simply questionned.

You stood up and grabbed your backpack, pulling out your phone. You turned it on and read out the time.
"It's 10am in like 5 minutes or so." you answered, walking back to the couch, plopping back down next to Ranboo.

"Oh no." he muttered. He quickly stood up and started to look through his closet, picking out a white button shirt, a red tie and a suit.

"Is everything ok...?" you asked, now extremely worried and very curious as to why he'd be in such a rush.

"No. Nothing is ok. I'm gonna be so late..." he answered, turning around to look at you.
"Listen, i just remembered i have something very important at 10am. Which means you'll have to stay alone here for a bit. I know you'll be able to protect yourself, just don't open the door to anyone, okay ?" he quickly explained, walking out of the room.

You just said a small "Okay..." before watching him dissapear behind the now closed door.
He walked back in seconds later, now dressed up. He quickly grabbed his crown and set it on his head.

He looked at you, and said "Take care of you, okay ? I'll be back soon.". He smiled, and walked out the door. You then heard a faint 'poof' noise, a'd when you went to look at him walking away, he had dissapeared.

You tried to open the door the check around, but it was firmly locked.
You didn't try to force it open. You just went back to the couch and sat down, staring at the ceiling, thinking about what the hell just happened.



word count : 1154 (without a/ns)

I'm sorry for not updating for a bit !
I really don't have an excuse, i just was lazy and didn't have motivation to write hA-

I'll try to write a new chapter tomorrow ! I can't promise anything though-
But i'll try !!

Anyways, tysm for reading, luv u 💖



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