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Ranboo's POV ❤️💚

Tw : blood and very slight gore

My breath was shaky as i grabbed my memory book. I grabbed the nearest pen, trying to calm myself so my hands weren't shaking anymore.

I looked at the previous pages, a nostalgic smile growing on my lips as i read the following words.

(Y/N) agreed. They're not ready yet.

I sighed as i remembered the conversation that happened before i wrote those few words. Oddly enough, it was one of the only moments i remembered vividly.

"You sure ? 100% ?" I asked, a worried look on my face. I'm sure it was obvious i wanted to smile, i wanted to smile so bad. I was happy, so happy because of (Y/N)'s decision. But i couldn't show it, not yet.

"I... Think i am." (Y/N) murmured, a small frown making a way on their face. I knew they were scared, but i really didn't know how to reassure them. Honestly, i probably needed to reassure myself, before reassuring them. I was scared i'd hurt them, as much as they were. But i hid it, to not worry them.

"We don't have to do it right now. As i said, i can wait." I said, giving them a patient smile. I tried to seem as passive, as harmless as i could, to not scare them.

"Ok... I'll.. I'll tell you when i'm ready." they answered, trying to put on a smile as well. I could see their shaky hands, i could hear their voice slightly cracking. As much as they tried to hide it, i knew they were still scared of me.

A shaky laugh escaped my lips, as i turned the page. If only, if only we just both were of the same specie.

I looked at the next string of words, written a few days later.

(Y/N) is ready. I'm scared that it'll go wrong.

Another memory following these two sentences. Another moment i could remember well.

I hiss as i cut deeply a spot in my wrist. Purple blood immediatly started flowing out, running along all the pre-existing scars.

(Y/N) looked more scared to do it, they must not be used to it.

"Take your time, it's ok." I said, quickly giving them a small smile.
They took the small sharp blade, quickly cutting their wrist, inhaling sharply as that would numb the pain.

I looked at them, waiting for their approval. They nodded, wanting to get this over with. I put my wrist over theirs, and watched as purple blood mixed with crimson red one.

I looked at my wrist at this memory, seeing the newly added scar. It seemed at it's place, buried in a bunch of other cuts and wounds, except this one wasn't as painful to see as the others.

I turn the page, to see only 5 words written in an extremely shaking writing.

(Y/N)'s body isn't reacting well.

This one message, by itself, made me want to curl up in a ball and cry.
I wanted to forget the screams of pain, the loud cries i heard.

I shivered as heard another scream coming from the bathroom. (Y/N) had locked themselves in there a few minutes after the blood transfer.

My ears faced down as i heard a loud sob, followed by another screech of pain. I brought my knees close to my chest, burying my face in them.

I didn't want to hear the cries again, not again.

I quickly turned the page, to get away from this painful memory.

This page was the last one i wrote, written a day after the previous one.

The blood transfer worked, (Y/N) has changed. They're not doing well.

This moment was the one i remembered the most. The one that hurt the less, too.

I opened my eyes as i heard a door click. I looked up, seeing (Y/N) carefully walking out of the bathroom. They were slow with their movements, as they were still getting used to their new appearance.

(Y/N)'s looks had changed a lot, it surprised me. Their (H/C) hair now had a few black and white strands in it, their cheeks had a few freckles dusting them, black on right, white on the left.
Their eyes changed too. Their left eye now was red, their right eye was still (E/C) though.
Their ears had grew, and were pointy at the end. They seemed to get used to them too, as they flickered often.
A small black horn was poking out of the right side of their forehead, they now also had small claws at the end of their fingers.
(Y/N) had also grew a tail, the same as mine, except the tuft of fur at the end was pure white.

"Are you ok ?" I asked, standing up and walking towards them slowly.
They looked a bit sick, to not say weaker than usual. Really, they looked like they were just about to break at the slighest touch.

"I think." they answered, looking at their hands. I saw they now also had fangs, shorter than your usual demon fangs, but still fangs.

They looked like they were still impressed by the amounts of change that had happened to their body. Their ears still flickered every one in a while, their tail was swaying slowly.

"I-I think i'm gonna go take a nap." they said, slowly walking over to my bed.
"Sure, sleep well." I smiled, giving them a small wave.

If only i had helped them.
I turned the page, being faced with a blank one.

I sighed as i looked up at the figure still laying in my bed, not moving.
If only, if only i knew how to help.

I pressed the pen to the paper, and wrote.

(Y/N) hasn't moved for three days. I don't know what to do.


word count : 984 (w/out a/n and tw)

I'm sorry for not updating much aa-
I legit had no idea how to write this chapter, so i just went for the flashback kinda style ?

Idk, i thought it was cool


Tysm for reading, love u 💖


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