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Ranboo's POV

I really, really hated my parents palace. But i had to go there, unfortunately.
I suddently remembered my parents had asked me a report of my first hunt, in the middle of breakfast.

I feel kind of guilty for leaving (Y/N) like that, but i didn't have the time to explain.
It was 10:01am, and i was late.

My tail brushed against the pillars, my shoes clicked as they hit the cold, marble floor. I walked through the halls of this oppressing cage i once called "home", leading me to the throne room.

I was never allowed in it as a kid. I only learnt what it looked like when i got 14, which is the required age for the prince to start defying the king.

I never tried to fight Father though. I didn't want this place in hierarchy, i was good with being prince. King was way too much responsability, and even i were to become king, the people would not accept me. What kind of demons would want a pacifist to reign ?

I raise my head, stopping in front of the immense wooden closed doors.
I take a deep breath, before entering the throne room.

"Son, you are late." said my mother with a cold, emotionless tone. My father didn't speak, he just looked down at me.

"I know, Mother. Please excuse me." i spoke, bowing down slightly.

"You are excused. Now please, get out of this ridiculous humanoid form, will you ?" she demanded. I didn't even dare disobey, changing back into my demon form.

That's something only the royals can do. As all demons, we have an animal like appearance. However, the royals, have a second "form", a more humanoid looking one. This second appearance gives us a human body, with only slight bits of demon traits.
I never really liked my demon form. It was too vulnerable, too obnoxious, too tall.

But there was also another reason why i hated my demon form. It exposed me, it made all the scars i've got throughout the years visible to all.
I hated that. I hated the fact that everyone, every single demon, could now see that i was a disobediant prince.

My parents stayed silent, observing me. They seemed to look at a certain spot on my chest.
It took a bit long for me to realize that they were staring at the burn scar i had got from the fireball.

"Son, may you explain where does this come from ?" my father asked, a slight bit of anger taking over his usual emotionless face.
He looked exactly like he did on that day, he had the exact same look on his face. It sent shivers down my spine.

"This is from a battle, Father." i answer. I'm scared of what he'll do to me if he finds out i saved a human.

"From a battle with who ? I reckon only demons may cast fireballs.". Ah, he was suspicious now.

"Father, this demon was a traitor, he was fighting alongside humans." i lied.
I looked at my father, he seemed convinced. My mother, however, seemed to have something bothering her.

"Mother ? Is everething alri-" i got cut in the middle of my sentence.

"Care to explain why you have a human's scent on you, son ?" she looked furious. Her tail was flicking the air rapidly, her eyes showed nothing but anger.

I was at a loss of words, i didn't know what to answer.

"Have you commited treason, son ?" she asked, her eyes now veiling with disappointment.

I finally came up with a believable lie.
"No, Mother. It's simply the scent of the human i had taken hostage for that traitor to give up." i lied again, studying my mother emotions to see if she believed it or not.

Apparently, she did, she seemed convinced.
"Ah, perfect perfect. I was scared for a moment there. Care to accompany us for lunch, son ?" she asked with a smile.

I really wanted to decline that offer, since (Y/N) was alone at home, but if i said no, they'd be suspicious.
So i agreed, hoping (Y/N) would be ok.

2nd person POV
(ty to Lemon_Beee for telling me what it was ! ❤️💚)

Ranboo had been gone for hours. It was dark out, you were scared.
He told you he'd be back soon, so why isn't he back yet ?
Lunch had passed, diner had passed, and he still wasn't back.

Right now, you were curled up in a corner of the bedroom/living room, your head buried in your knees.

You were afraid to raise your head, every noise you heard made you jump a bit.

Your paranoïa only worsened when you heard a 'fwoop'. You didn't know that noise, what it if wasn't Ranboo ?

You started crying silently, hearing footsteps coming towards you. The footsteps stopped in front of you, it stayed silent after that.

You were about to ask who was here when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You raised your head from your knees, seeing that it was none other than Ranboo.

"Hey, it's okay..." he said in a soft voice, like he was afraid to hurt you.
That just made you sob even more. Why was he so kind with you ? Why were humans so fragile ? You always found the differences between the two species weren't fair.

You were cut in your thoughts by a pair of arms wrapping around your back. His head was resting on yours.
"It's okay..." he cooed, hugging you close.

You buried your head in his chest, squeezing him with your arms.
You both stayed on the floor, hugging in comfortable silence.


word count : 949 (w/out a/n)

Wew, this chapter was hard to write ! I know it's shorter than the others, but damn, it was hard.

I personally think i'm better at writing angst than fluff, but oh boy angst is so hard to write *cri*

Anyways !
I hope you enjoyed !

Tysm for reading, love you 💖


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