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Ranboo's POV

They're driving me crazy. I can't stay near them any longer, i just can't. I can't be that close to a human. I can't, i phisically can't.

I looked at the ground under me, saddened. It was absolutely destroyed, claw marks everywhere. Patches of grass ripped off, holes scattered around me.

I sat down, looking at the sky. It was cloudy, it was probably gonna rain soon.
I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down.

A few tears started to run along my face as i remembered an old tale, a story my mother told me. The reason why i can't love (Y/N).

"Everyone knows the tale of Akus, Ranboo ! How can you not know that ?"

Huh, Akus... Who's he ?

"Let me tell you the story !
Akus was a normal demon. He wasn't the richest, but wans't the poorest either. He lived a good life, until he met Lucy.
Lucy was a human, she was the prettiest person Akus had ever seen. He fell in love with her, and did his best to spend the most time he could with her.
Akus wanted to spend his life with her, and Lucy wanted to spend her life with him too.
They loved eachother. And they never wanted it to end.
But humans and demons can't live together, there's a reason why there are two different kingdoms.
Lucy's human scent was driving Akus crazy, after all, demons are supposed to kill humans. Even after centuries of cohabiting, a demon's instinct will always come back, one way or another.
One day, Akus snapped. He killed Lucy, her smell had took over him. He felt so guilty and sad when he came back to his senses that he took his life.

See, Ranboo, that's why we don't see humans a lot."

I let out a small laugh, opening my eyes.
'I'm sorry Mom, guess i'll be the next Akus..' i thought, smiling.
Now, i had managed to keep my aggresivity away from (Y/N), but i'm not sure how long i'll be able to do it.

I stood up as i started feeling a few raindrops hit my face, making my skin burn slightly. I ran inside and took an umbrella, trying to open it without making too much noise.

Turns out the umbrella couldn't open properly, oh well. I put the half opened umbrella over my head, my shoulders not fully protected from the rain.

I walked to the same spot where i was sitting before. I couldn't sit down again though, the ground was a bit muddy now.

Water went through the fabric of my shirt, burning my skin a bit. But i didn't care, all i cared about right now was (Y/N).

How would i protect them ? How would i stop myself from hurting them ? There wasn't many options...

It's either i redirect my aggresivity on other things, or i somehow turn them into a demon.
And turning a human into a demon had never been done before. So, i really only could redirect my aggresivity, somehow.

I apparently was thinking for a while, because i heard a soft voice call my name.
"Are you ok ?" the voice asked.

"Oh, it's you." i said as i turned to face (Y/N). They were peeking out the door, they looked worried, i could see their eyes flickering between my face, my shoulders and the ground.

"Hello (Y/N)." i smiled, closing my eyes and tilting my head to the side, trying to act like nothing had happened.

"W-what happened here ?" they asked, opening the door a bit more.

"I... Got a bit carried away." i answered, looking down to the ground.

It stayed silent for a bit.
"... Come inside, you idiot. You're gonna get hurt." (Y/N) said, gesturing for me to get in.


2nd person POV

"You know, you made me super worried." you said, as you helped Ranboo bandage his arms.

"How so ?" he asked with a small smile, one of his ears flickering. You noticed he got more and more demon traits recently.

"Well, i woke up, and you just weren't there ! And when i looked around for you, i couldn't find you !" you answered, flailing your arms in the air.

"You were really that worried...?" he tilted his head to side, ear flickering again.

"Yeah..." you looked down at your lap, balling your hands into fists for a moment.

"Aw, i'm sorry. I already explained to you, i had to think and i didn't want to wake you u-" you cut him off before he finished his sentence.

"Yeah, yeah, i know. Just... Don't scare me like that again, ok?" you said, softly setting your head on his shoulder.

"Okay." he said with a smile. You reaised your head from his shoulder, looking into his eyes.

"Promise ?" you asked, giving him that puppy dog look. He smiled.
"Promise." he answered as he cupped your face with his hands, making sure to not scratch you with his claws.

He brought your face close to his, and gave you a kiss on the forehead.
You quickly hugged him, trying to hide your blushing face.

He laughed a little, hugging you back. He set his head on top of yours, sighing softly.


word count : 876

y'all i'm sorry but this is a short boi chapter 😭

At least it's fluffy 😌💕

I'm gon try to write a bit more today, and i excuse myself in advance for the inactivity that will happen soon.

Yeah, i'll probably not write a lot, cuz i'm starting school again tomorrow, so i'll be kinda busy.
Sorry ! 😔

n e ways uhhh

Tysm for reading !! Love you 💖


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