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"Oh... Oh my..." you said, looking away.
"Is... Are you really...?" you were at a loss for words. Was all of that... Real ? Was he really... Like that ? This was way, way far off than what you expected.

"I don't know what to do about it." Ranboo sighed. He looked up at the sky, a small frown on his face.
"The only real, permanent solution, would be turning you into a demon. But i don't think that's possible." he turned his head towards you.

You looked back at him, staying silent. You were afraid, and you didn't like that. You didn't want to be afraid of him, yet you were, and you couldn't do anything about it.

"M-maybe... Maybe there is a way ?" you asked, hopeful. You wanted to get rid of this disgusting fear, you wanted to be able to be with him without fearing for your life.

"Maybe. We just don't know it." he answered, looking down at the ground, his tail curling up around his legs again.
He looked really sad and guilty for this, and you wanted to tell him it was okay, but really, it wasn't okay.

You wanted to tell him it didn't change anything, that you weren't scared, but that would just be lies. And you didn't want to lie to him.

You were scared, you were so goddamn scared. What if he just... Snapped, right here ? He wouldn't hurt you, right...?
You were scared of him, and you hated it so much.

"Maybe some kind of blood transfer would work..." he suggested, not very convinced.
You didn't even hear his words, you just couldn't stop yourself from thinking about what he'd do.

You were shaking, tears filling up your eyes. You squeezed your knees close to your chest, resting your head on them.
Ranboo seemed to notice, as he directed his attention towards you.

He put a hand on your shoulder, but before he got a chance to say anything, you pushed his hand away. This time, you started sobbing, disgusted by your actions.

Ranboo eyes widened, he frowned. His ears were facing down, his tail was curled up tight around his legs.

"I-I'm s-sorry, i c-can't-" you managed to choke out between sobs, your vision blurred by the tears.

Apparently, Ranboo didn't know what to do, as he remained silent.
You kept repeating 'I'm sorry' while sobbing, thinking this might've just ended what you had with Ranboo.

"(Y/N), it-it's gonna be o-ok, a-alright ? I-i won't hurt y-you." he tried to reassure you, but his shaky voice showed he was unsure of himself, and that he was scared too.

Even though, you still calmed down, just a little. Your sobbing stopped, but tears still ran down your cheeks often.
"I'm so sorry, i'm so sorry..." you said, voice craking multiple times in that sentence.

"It's ok..." Ranboo said, with the ghost of a smile on his face. He seemed happy that he managed to calm you down.

"N-no, it's not... I d-don't want t-to be scared..." your voice was shaky, it cracked again at multiple occasions.
Tears started to flow again, as you covered your eyes.

"Y-yes it is, w-we're gonna try and find a solution f-for this, ok ?" he seemed to panic, seeing you were getting stressed out again.

You let out a shaky sigh, wiping your eyes.
"ok" you whispered, it was barely audible. You took deep breaths, trying to calm down.

"If you're still scared, we don't have to touch that much, o-ok ? I-i can wait until you're ready for physical touch." he said, a small smile curving up his lips.

You nodded, trying to smile back. You weren't ready for touch, not yet. For now, it's going to be just talking.

Tw : discussion of blood and gore

"As i said earlier, maybe blood transfer would work ?" Ranboo said, one ear flickering, tail wagging slowly.
He had sheet of paper laying on the table in front of you, ready to note down any options.

You shrug, looking at him. You were sitting quite far apart, and usually that would have bothered you, but right now you felt comfortable with it.

"Maybe, i guess ? As you said, it has never been done before so..." you sigh, looking at the ceiling.

Turning you into a demon huh ? Well, you did agree to it, but still... How would that be possible ? It just seems way too unrealisable.

"Another option is you somehow getting possessed by a weak demon that you could easily overpower." he suggested, ear flickering again.

"Yeah, but how would that ever happen..." you answered, tilting your head to the side, giving him an unconvinced look.

"True... Really, when you look at it, the only thing we can do is somehow give you demon DNA." he said, noting down a few words.

"Oh, yeah, that's true." you were a bit surprised, you hadn't noticed that before.
"How's that gonna work though ?" you asked, curious. You couldn't think of a way, especially for the blood transfer, since there weren't any syringes anywhere around here.

"Well, the way that'd work the most, in my opinion, would be the blood transfer." you nodded, it's true, it did seem like the one that'd work better.
"I'd say, maybe like, if you had a wound, and the demon had one too, and it'd just, yknow, let the blood drip into your wound ?" he didn't seem bothered by this suggestion.

However, you were. Wouldn't that hurt ? Wouldn't it be kinda weird to just do this ? And also... Well, you could really only do that with Ranboo, since he was the only demon you could trust. And you clearly weren't ready for that yet.

"I know this must be kinda weird, but i'm pretty sure that's the only way to do it." he said with a shrug, looking at you.

You shrugged back, not knowing what to say. When you thought about it, it just seemed wrong to you. But after a bit, it really looked like it was the only solution. And it involves little to none physical contact, right ?

"I guess... I could do it..."


word count : 1030 (w/out a/n and tw)

Ah, the sweet sweet angst.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, i honestly surprised myself with the length of this one lmfao

Tysm for reading, love u 💖


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