~F o r t y~

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I would just like to apologize to everyone for taking so long to update. I have been extremely busy these last few weeks and I finally got a chance to sit down and update. I can't promise it will be on a regular schedule from her on out, but I will do my best. Thanks to everyone who comments or likes! It makes my day!!

Lets get on with it,

Chapter 40!!!!!!!!!

Amara POV

I woke up, feeling extremely disoriented. I was in a bed, but it wasn't mine. The room was darker and I assumed it was Hayden's since I doubt Hudson or Greyson would put me in their bed.

My stomach growled and my ribs slightly throbbed. All of the food I had eaten was now down the drain and I desperately needed something in my stomach. The room was blurring and my body felt weak. The medicine I had taken for my ribs was also gone, being the reason for the throbbing.

I crawled out of the bed slowly in search of my dad. He would let me eat something without forcing it down my throat.

I felt comfortable enough with calling him my dad since he's done so much for me lately, I feel bad that its taken this long for me to realize that.

I didn't want to talk to Hudson at the moment and I don't know where Greyson would be.

Walking out into the living room, I found Him sitting in the couch doing what looked like paperwork. I felt bad that I had caused them to miss work just to take care of me, they were probably so behind with their patients and the clinic. Everything is always my fault.

"Dad?" I called out weakly, his head turning at the sound of my voice.

He smiled in response, standing up with arms outstretched for a hug. I gladly accepted it as I was brought into his warm arms. It seems like he enjoyed our hugs just as much as I did.

"I love it when you call me Dad" he mumbled into my hair. My heart filled with joy. At least I was doing something right.

We separated and I sat down on the couch near where he was sitting, him following me after. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, folding his hands as he sat on the edge of the couch.

"Not...not right now. Can I maybe um..have s-something to eat?" I bravely asked, pushing myself way out of my comfort zone. I hated being a burden, especially to people who have done so much for me.

A smile lit up his face. He seemed way to excited for something so small. "Of course, what would you like?"

I shrugged my shoulders, picking at the skin on my nails. I had honestly felt like an apple but I knew he wasn't going to accept only that.

"How about I give you a couple options and you can pick. Sound good?"

I nodded.

"Alright so its about three-thirty, so how about a sandwich, a soup of your choice, or grilled cheese? We can cut up some fruit too, how does that sound? I don't want to give you something too heavy for your stomach especially after what just happened" He suggested, giving me some pretty good options.

"C-Can I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with an apple please?" I asked polietly, hoping that fell under the sandwich category.

"Of course Princess, wanna come to the kitchen with me?"

I nodded and followed after him as he left the living room.

Their house never ceased to amaze me. They had pretty good taste for being all guys.

I sat at the island as Dad starting grabbing things from the cabinets.

I worked up the courage to ask for what I needed. They won't hurt you. "D-Dad?"

"Hmm?" he hummed, not looking to me while grabbing different ingredients from the cabinets.

"Can I....um....maybe have some more medicine?" I asked, picking my nails and avoiding his gaze. I could almost feel his frown on me from where he was standing. I hated when people stared at me but it's always worse when they don't say anything.

I knew this was coming. I didn't deserve it, but I didn't want him to tell me that. I don't think I could hear it after getting so attached.

"Are your ribs still hurting you?" The concern in his tone made me glance up to see that he had paused what he was doing and there was a frown on his face.

"I think I threw up the medicine I took earlier" I admitted, feeling guilty for absolutely no reason. It's not like I could have controlled my puking my guts out.

"I didn't think about that. Do you want a heating pad too? It might help with the throbbing" He answered, making me sigh in relief.

"Yes please. Thank you" I stammered, making sure he saw the grateful smile on my face. Don't ask for too much Amara.

"Of course Angel, we can set you up on the couch so you can rest."

He had finished my PB and J along with my cut up apple and had left the room to grab my medicine and heating pad.

My mouth watered at the sight of food since I hadn't eaten in so long. I almost reached out to grab it but I didn't know if he would want me to or not. I knew deep down Dad would want me to start eating but my mind told me I could be punished if I didn't wait for him to tell me to eat.

He returned with said items in his hands and frowned in confusion when he saw me just sitting there.

Stupid Mara. You should've just picked up the food.

"It's okay sweet girl, you can eat, you don't have to wait for me" he said, coming close to me and placing a kiss on my forehead, a pity smile on his face.

I mumbled an 'okay' and grabbed the plate, sliding it towards me. I began eating as I watched Dad pull out his phone, typing, probably texting someone.

"You can take these pills as soon as your done eating, they are stronger so they need to be taken with food. After that you can lay down on the couch with the heating pad" he told me, sliding two white pills over to me.

"Thank you"

"Of course Angel. Is it okay if Greyson hangs out with us on the couch? He has something for you I'm pretty sure." He asked, gesturing to his phone. I'm assuming he was texting Greyson.

I nodded and finished the last few bites on my plate. It was a lot easier to eat when I wasn't being pressured to eat my whole plate or watched like some child.

"Do you want anything more?" Dad asked, grabbing a cup of water for me to take the pills.

"No, is it okay that I...be done?" I asked hesitantly, still worried about the last time I didn't eat what they wanted me to.

Dad sent me a weak smile. "Of course it is babygirl, if you want to be done then you can be done. I don't want you to worry about what happened with Hudson, its been handled and it won't happen again. We will go at your pace and what you're comfortable with from now on, okay?"

I nodded, almost fully believing his words.

"Now, let's set you up on the couch and watch a movie yeah?"


Some more fluff for yall and a longer chapter!!

Some more fluff for yall and a longer chapter!!

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