~F i v e~

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Hopefully better than the last one.

Amara POV
Waking up wasn't very fun, my head was throbbing and there was the familiar burning in my stomach from the lack of food.

But, I knew I had to get up and get to school so I forced my body to move and walk to my closet. Deciding to be lazy today, I picked black jeans and a soft grey sweater, the comfiest outfit I could find and still be able to go out in public. I didn't have very many nice clothes but I did have comfy ones.

Using the restroom and doing my very short daily routine, I was finally presentable enough to go to school. Looking nice, no, but presentable, debatable. Taking a glance at my alarm clock, it read 11:34 am. Oh. 



I shouldn't.


I guess I'm skipping today. I must have forgotten to set my alarm when I passed out last night, my body desperately and obviously needing the rest. I know I promised that doctor but I wasn't planning on going to see him anyways. Lord knows he would try to ask questions I didn't want to answer. 

Overall my body felt weak but I ignored it, pushing myself to walk downstairs where my phone was resting.

 I couldn't hear anyone else, which was weird because I thought my mom was planning on staying home with Kimi today. Usually I never get an ounce of peace. But it was too quiet.

"Mom? Kimi?" I shouted, waiting to see if I heard anything.

Hmm. That's weird.

Deciding to just call them, I pulled out my phone and dialed my moms number, hearing the familiar ring. She always said that I was lucky enough to even have a phone with their numbers on it.

After about three more rings, it ended, putting me through to her voicemail. Furrowing my eyebrows, I dialed again, wondering if she was just ignoring me, which could have been the case.

After another try, I decided to call my dad and Kimi, both getting the same result, voicemail.

Shrugging to myself, I put my phone away, realizing I had the house to myself for a while. Might as well use it while I can.

I clutched my abdomen as the pain in my stomach brought me out of my thoughts, making me realize I needed food, and fast.

For once in my life, I wanted to go out and do something without my parents judgement, so that's what I did. I grabbed the house key and walked out of the house, making my way to the cafe near our house.

It was a cute little cafe that was always my cozy home, a place where I was hidden from the world. Kate's Cafe.

I heard the familiar ding as I entered through the cafe door, feeling the warm air rush through me as I walked to the counter.

"Hello! How can I help you today?" The girl behind the counter greeted enthusiastically.

"Hi. Can I please get a small hot chocolate and a blueberry muffin?" I whispered out, not liking talking in public.

"Of course. That will be $5.27 and it will be right out."


Waiting not even two full minutes, she called my order and handed me my treats. Grateful, I smiled, taking the small cup from her.

The hot chocolate immediately warmed up my cold hands as I made my way out of the cafe.

On my way there, I had spotted an old park that I used to pass by as a kid, but was never allowed to go. I decided I wanted to relax there, wanting to feel the fresh air.

I walked through the gate and sat down on the wooden bench for parents that were watching their children. However there weren't very many kids here due to the cold weather, which was good because I didn't want to be around people today.

After devouring my delicious muffin, I sat and people-watched as I sipped my hot coco.

Oddly enough there was another man walking with a cup of something towards me. He was dressed in black pants and a blue sweater most likely because of the chilly air. He looked like he was in his late twenties and had short dark brown hair. He was kind of intimidating because of his height but he had a gentle smile on his face, almost fatherly. Not that I would really know what that looks like.

"It alright if I sit here?" He looked at me in question.

Is this too short? I might be aiming for like 800 words now.

Part 1. Next update will be within the week or next week.

 Next update will be within the week or next week

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