~F i f t e e n~

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3rd Person POV
Hudson took control of the situation by talking first. "So I guess we should start off with who we are and why we are here."

Greyson was sitting at his desk while the other two were leaning against it, keeping their distance for her sake.

But no matter how far away they were, it wasn't going to change the fact that Amara felt extremely uncomfortable with them.

"I don't know if you remember me or not but I was the guy you met at the park...and if you can't remember, my name is Doctor Hudson Shaw" he told her, gauging her reaction by her facial reactions.

She remembered him alright, he was the one she had lied to about her identity. And now he knows exactly who she is. The guilt was eating her up inside as she bit on the inside of her cheek.

"And I, as you may know already, am Doctor Hayden Shaw, this idiot's older brother" Hayden said, gesturing to Hudson and smirking.

"I think you know me well enough" Greyson added, trying to get her to feel slightly comfortable.

Amara nodded, still keeping her head down, remembering each and every one of them. Despite her nervousness and uncomfortable feeling around them, at least two of them had helped her out at some point. But her mind was still overwhelmed with the fact that they were all in the same room with her.

"Amara you need to tell us if it's okay if we keep going. If you need a break just tell us and we can pause for a minute or two. We don't want to cause another attack and the last thing we want to do is cause you to be nervous" Hudson admitted, gesturing to how the anxious girl was scratching her arms with her nails.

She hadn't even realized she was doing it. Seeing that her arms were red and raw, Amara covered them up from view and muttered an apology, never meeting any of their eyes.

"I promise you there is nothing to be worried about; no one is angry with you and we just want to talk about some things. You are not in trouble at all, we are just concerned and would like to ask you some questions" Greyson reassured.

With another meek nod from her, they continued. "First we wanted to discuss the most prevalent--your anxiety" Hayden noted, seeing her body tense.

"I'm a pediatrician Amara, and Hudson is a pediatric psychologist, which means that we treat children and teens everyday. We know anxiety when we see it" Hayden continued.

"When did you start getting anxiety and or the panic attacks?" Hudson asked bluntly.

Silence filled the room. Amara stayed tense and her breathing became uneven again.

After a few moments, the small girl spoke quietly. "I-I've had i-it for a long t-time, I d-don't know w-when it s-started." She was embarrassed about her stutter, they probably thought she was stupid.

They looked at her sympathetically as their hearts clenched in pain. This small girl in front of them was terrified, and all they wanted to do was give her comfort and reassurance.

"That's okay, no matter when it started, it can always be helped. Do you have any specific triggers that you know of?" Hudson added.

"I-I don't k-know"

"That's alright, I can always help you identify the triggers with some counseling" Hudson suggested.

However, that was the wrong thing to say because her breathing immediately picked up, the thought of therapy scaring Amara to death.

She hated talking about her feelings and she didn't want therapy, there was nothing wrong, she wasn't crazy.

"Hey, hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. We don't have to talk about therapy yet and we wouldn't even do it without your okay. There is no need to worry about that now" Hudson tried to reassure, cursing at himself for bringing it up so soon.

"Okay let's move on. What about your family? What are they like?" Hayden asked, attempting to redirect and save the conversation.

The boys' reassuring did little to calm Amara, but she forced herself to take deep breaths so that she wouldn't have another attack. She was so uncomfortable it was painful. but as long as they couldn't do anything without her consent, she was safe.

Snapping back into the conversation, Amara paused. What was she supposed to say about her family? That they neglected her and were the reason she had anxiety?

"I...um..t-they a-are n-nice" she stuttered, unsure what to say.

"Nice? That's it?" Greyson chuckled, unaware it made her more nervous.

"Uh y-yeah?" Amara answered, glancing at the door incase she had to make a quick exit.

"Okay, well we have an important question for you. Hudson and I were wondering if you would be willing to come to our clinic with us. Your principal has excused you from class already and we noticed that you have no medical record that is current" Hayden paused, taking a breath when he realized she was starting to panic.

"We don't want to overwhelm you but we would need to do an examination, both physical and mental. The school requires updated exams for every student and because you haven't had one done in a while, the school is requesting one done soon. Because it has been so long, it will have to be done at a clinic, where medical equipment is accessible" Hayden finished. He may have lied about the school requesting an updated medical record, but her file did show that she was due for an extensive head to toe examination.

"Of course we would get parental consent, but this is something that really should be done, and soon." Hudson added, voice laced with sympathy for the girl.

There was only one thing running through Amara's head: there is no way in hell...

Ahhh guys! Are you enjoying this as much as I am??

Also I am aware this is horribly inaccurate. No school would do this and allow it. But for the sake of the story and my sanity, just use your imagination :)

Next update will be next week at some point!

Next update will be next week at some point!

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